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Can you explain how the FLASHMASTER works


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I guess it is all a matter of taste and if you use it or not. :001_smile:

You can set it up for timed practice, table practice in order, not timed, table practice not in order. You can put in your own special problems. You can have them work on +, -, x, or division and you can choose the level# or table # 1s, 2s, 3s, etc. My 7 year old really likes using it every day and much prefers it over written drill. I bought mine used here on the sale board, but it would be worth every penny to me to buy it new.



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I should toss out here for anyone interested - DO NOT go to Amazon thinking it's cheaper there. It's $150.00 there - for whoknowswhat reason!!! Sonlight sells them for $50 and you can find them used for less.


We use ours daily with my two sons. As a teacher, I LOVE it. They don't love it, but they don't gripe either. We've seen so much improvement since we've been using it.

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We like ours, much faster than worksheets. (Flashcards never worked for us.)


We bought it from Sonlight.


We get all the drill done that used to take 10 minutes in 75 seconds, you can do it a lot faster when their handwriting is slow at a young age.


It's already been worth the money, and I've only used it for 1 child for addition and subtraction.

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