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Chicken Pox Etiquette?

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Baby has a rash right around his diaper line. It doesn't look like cp, but I'm going to keep him home from church tonight, just in case--I don't want my friend in the hospital to have a toddler w/ cp, esp if her baby ends up being (probably WILL BE) a preemie.


Anyway, are my bigger kids, who are rash-free, ok to send to church?

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You don't have to develop the rash to carry chicken pox and infect others. (As evidenced by me getting them from a friend who transported a patient with it to the hospital, then infected her son, my daughter, and me.)


When it comes to potentially infecting someone with an infant, compromised immune system, etc, I always try to err on the side of caution. I would rather be inconvenienced than responsible for their illness.

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IIRC, they could still transmit the virus, even if they aren't infected. I'd keep them home.


Oh, sad. There are only 3 more nights of Awanas, incl tonight. They had to miss the last 2 (3?) already because Dad was sick. :crying:


That might be enough reason to pay the $15 to the dr to get a yes or a no.

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Baby has a rash right around his diaper line. It doesn't look like cp, but I'm going to keep him home from church tonight, just in case--I don't want my friend in the hospital to have a toddler w/ cp, esp if her baby ends up being (probably WILL BE) a preemie.


Anyway, are my bigger kids, who are rash-free, ok to send to church?


If it's CP, when should Sophie come over? The other two had the vax, but she needs a CP party to attend. ;)

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First, I just want to say that I really err on the side of not giving people stuff. We've been out of church for...3 weeks? because dh had shingles.


I just don't want to keep the big ones home if baby *doesn't* have CP, & I didn't want to have to pay a copay if the bigs were definitely not contagious! I figured I could just keep an eye on him at home for free.


It really doesn't look like CP to me, but w/out having to miss Awanas or hand over a potentially life-threatening virus, I figure I'll take him in.


If it's CP, when should Sophie come over? The other two had the vax, but she needs a CP party to attend. ;)


I'm thinking Friday? :001_smile: Although, I wonder...do you clean house for a viral party, or just let it all hang out? :lol:


Seriously, I think I'll rub the baby all over the others if he is sick. I mean, J's been vaxed, A hasn't, & G I don't remember. But I know G hasn't had a booster, & J may not have. Now that I know a little more about it...maybe they'd all be better off to get it & get it done. :001_huh:

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I wouldn't let any of your kids around your pregnant friend. My kids gave my friend chicken pox when she was pregnant. It can cause serious problems.


Well she's in the hospital, but her 2yo is in the nursery that my 2 littles would be in. Her dh is the yp, so he & their 2yo will be there.


I was only considering sending my 2 big ones, who are in a separate room in Awanas, but...I'm not willing to risk something awful happening to somebody's baby (not to mention the older folks & the chemo patients in the church), kwim? I'd prefer that people think nice thoughts about me! :D

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First, I just want to say that I really err on the side of not giving people stuff. We've been out of church for...3 weeks? because dh had shingles.



The fact that your hd had shingles and your baby has a rash is enough to convince me that you need to keep everyone home. Also, take the baby to the dr. to get a dx. Chicken pox is contagious 5 days BEFORE the first pox appears, so your other kids could already be infectious.


Thanks for being cautious!

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