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Posts posted by matrips

  1. On 5/10/2021 at 11:15 AM, Jean in Newcastle said:

    I have switched to more minimalist trail shoes- Merrell. It’s funny because I used to be all about supportive shoes but going the other way has been better for my spine and my feet. I did have to get used to them though because muscles I didn’t know that I had, had to start taking over to provide natural support. It took me over a month but now I won’t go back to other kinds of shoes. 

    What muscles did you find bothered you when you switched from supportive to less supportive shoes?  
    I just started walking in my keens which are fine for my feet, but my it band in my left leg is acting up, plus some other aches/pains.

  2. In our state, they have different rated levels of AL care.  We moved my mom to a level 5, the highest.  You paid by which level you were (how much help you needed). We didn’t want to have to move her again, and this one could continue into memory care or hospice.  At the end, she didn’t meet even the level 5 requirements to be there, but since she was on hospice they let her stay and the staff took extra care of her.  So if you are looking at other places, you may see what level care they can provide should he deteriorate over the next years, and can they/will they handle it.  

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


    Have you tried the brand Altra for running shoes?  They have a super wide natural toe box.  

    I could walk all day in Keen sandals.  




    No, I haven’t tried Altra- I’ll look into them.

    I do have keens ( a pair that my son outgrew before wearing them), but the footbed doesn’t seem to fit my foot well.

  4. I returned another pair of good supportive running shoes today.  These gave me a bunion type thing on the outside of one foot.  So, instead of sneakers or confined shoes, what else can I wear for walking and maybe some easy running.  Walking is maybe 3-4 miles a day, on pavement/streets. I have sandals that I could wear casually walking for a day shopping or touring or such, but don’t think they’d work for a fast paced walk with some running.

    so options?  I live in Florida so spend a good amount of time barefoot or in crocs or such.  maybe my feet don’t take to confined spaces as much anymore.

  5. 9 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

    Your stories about rehab only vs. rehab in nursing homes are helpful. I'm definitely opening some days this week to get the visits done. It sounds like that's where a lot of the battle will be won/lost. And while I can see why a nursing/rehab might make sense, my dad should have a lot of potential with enough care. So I'm with you that the rehab only should make more sense. I think the nursing home mindset would push him over the top. It was hard enough moving into AL at 65. Up until the covid vaccine and this flare up, he was the most active one where he lived and took a lot of pride in it. 

    Is he not allowed back at his AL yet due to his condition? He could have PT done there, either by their in house folks or another agency that would come in. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

    s it ever done to pay for an outside aide to come in and see him daily or some kind of outside accountability

    I lived close by which I realize you don’t, so I was there a lot.  I also hired her a companion for a couple hours a day that was supposed to look out for her, so it can be done.  And maybe you can find an encouraging aide that will keep the place on its toes with your dad.  We went with a basic cna, but a higher qualified aide or nursing student may have provided better results in our case. Only because it tends to be their calling, rather than just a job.

    my experience: 1) my mom didn’t exactly like people hovering and was super fussy, and the one she settled for wasn’t very ambitious.  She used her to go out to Panera and get her better food 🙄. 2) the staff saw a hired hand there and therefore thought that aide would take care of mom and they didn’t need to, so it caused some confusion.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

    Ok, I ordered slippers, so now I need to find these socks. I get the logic, but he's a hard size, lol.

    They may release him from the hospital with a bunch.  Ask them for some extras.  It’s standard hospital footwear.  And if he likes slippers, he may not need them. My mom wasn’t a fan of shoes and the socks were more comfortable

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  8. 6 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    Oh my. I would have naively assumed bathrooming on his own was a goal, mercy. 

    Yes, this is why he has declined so quickly, because he hurt and found it easier to stay in bed.

    Yes, I was greatly dismayed that going to the bathroom on their own was more frowned upon and discouraged, than encouraged.  Both in hospitals and rehabs.

    Yes, and if he’s says he hurts and doesn’t want to get up, they may just leave him in bed.  And if he says he doesn’t want to go to pt because he hurts or is tired, they will not typically force it.  They say it’s because they do not want to force them against their will, but it also makes it easier on the staff.  And this is how some patients get worse in rehab instead of better.  Patients either need to advocate for themselves, or have an advocate.  Again, just my experience with some places; I hope it doesn’t hold true for you, but I wanted to give you a heads up.  

    I hope you and your dad have a terrific experience.

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  9. It is a lot to take on.  And even if your mom hadn’t divorced him, you might still be doing this.  My mom wasn’t quite capable when it got to this stage and these kinds of things.  I don’t know if it’s because it’s their spouse or themselves, or the age, but it was too much of an effort for her to get it organized and together.

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  10. Sweatpants are the easiest (not the kind you tie but just elastic). I’d go for 8.  They often lose clothes or ‘can’t find’ them to wash 🙄. I took to doing my moms.  Nothing fancy or good for that reason.  T-shirt’s are fine if he can manage them.  And definitely a sweater, sweatshirt, blanket.  Many older folks find it too cold. Put his name on everything if you can. Non slip socks like you wear in the hospital are good.  Plus a pair of sneakers for pt- they need a pair of shoes for pt.

    some people may dress a little nicer if they go to the dining hall, but I wouldn’t worry about that as long as there’s not a dress code at the place for the dining facility.

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  11. One other thing to ask his doctor- how much time should your dad spend up, in a chair, walking with a walker, versus back in bed.  Elderly lose a lot of muscle and ability very fast.  Sitting requires more core muscles and strength than laying in bed.  

    Is he continent now? If so, insist that they get him up to use the bathroom instead of diapering him. Otherwise he will likely come out of rehab incontinent and needing depends full time. The staff generally finds it easier to change depends than get the elderly folks to the bathroom because they change them at a time of their choosing.

    they won’t feed him, so he needs to self feed or you help him.

    give him a cell phone so he can call you, if he doesn’t already have one. Check to make sure he’s been up, dressed and given breakfast by a certain time each morning. The cnas and PT staff don’t always work together well to ensure patients make it to their appointments. 

    there are excellent staff.  It’s just that I’ve seen more bad and ‘meh’ staff than terrific staff. It’s hard, messy, and underpaid work.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 7 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    So I've shared some of my dad's saga in the past. He has a lesion, fractured vertebrae, etc. and declined with the covid/pfizer vaccine to the point of being in a wheelchair and now in bed in pain. The doctors and social worker at the hospital want to put him in a rehab facility. What do you know about this? Are these places pleasant when they're for the 70+ or are they essentially nursing homes? What do I watch out for with placement? Does size or private vs. hospital make a difference? How do you assess quality?

    And if he's having sciatic pain, why are they telling me they'll do PT but not allow chiropractic for inpatient? This makes no sense. Can PT solve the pinched nerve??

    They said the social worker is going to call Monday, so I think I'm going to be put on the spot to make a decision quickly. He's in the hospital now, but they want him out and into a rehab facility instead. 

    His doctor has to be very specific for the PT prescription- if he wants 2x/day, 7 days a week, the doctor has to spell it out on the prescription (and get a copy of it). Many rehabs in my experience are busy and will try to get away with 1x/day and never on weekends or holidays. So check the rehab staff.  Also, if they come to get your dad and he says he doesn’t want to do it or isn’t ready, he may be forgotten for the day.  

    Which brings the issue of the CNA staff into place.  Visit at various times (especially evenings if you can). My mom stayed in one place with some seriously witchy cnas.  I mean NASTY! Sometimes you can hear the way they talk in the hall to each other.  The admin staff was very nice, but it’s the cnas that the patients have the most dealings with - for dressing, toileting, meds, general help. How well staffed is the place (how many vacancies?).  Are people mainly in their beds all day?  In wheelchairs lined up in the hall?  Busy doing things?  What are the interactions the staff has?  Smiling and chatty and friendly?  Or ignore and walk past?

    if you have to pick a place quickly, do your best and then plan to be there, a lot.  

    does he need OT?  Many times the place will give PT and ot and count that as two therapies a day if they’re busy instead of giving two PT sessions.  My mom hated OT and thought it was such a waste. But the place makes Medicare money from it. Ask his doctor to be very clear in prescribing what he needs and doesn’t need.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Dreamergal said:

    2.  Change the temperature setting. You can go from Low to High. I always saute between low and medium, never high.

    How do you do this?  Or is it just on a certain model?  My sauté seems to have only one heat to it- high.

  14. 18 minutes ago, DawnM said:

    Wait, I did?   

    No, it will not be moved.    The space is being made into a full bathroom so we will not be ripping that back out.   This is permanent.

    I must have completely misunderstood something!  😳I deleted my comment to not create further confusion 🙂

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  15. 22 hours ago, DawnM said:



    I take that back.   I was thinking specifically of the white tiles.   I do like some of the other colors, styles, etc....I didn't realize those were considered "subway" as well.

    We are heading to Home Depot this afternoon to get an idea of what we want for the bathroom and the 

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