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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. Trying to guess words is quite common and the easy thing to do for them. (kids always want short cuts).


    Just keep at it. My ds 9 HATED learning how to read at 5 but those are the rules of the house. Everyday was a fight. He tried everything, guessing words, crying etc, whatever he needed to do to get through it and not work. Well I kept at it and today he is a fabulous reader. He spends most of his time reading and he comprehends what he reads. It just takes time. ( he still tries to guess words!!!)


    I think it is natural for boys (i do not have girls) to want to take the easiest route with the least amount of work. I see it in everything they do. I just keep correcting and overtime it helps.



  2. My son had this problem but it wasn't due to my faulty teaching or lack of familiarity with the procedure, he is eleven and still hasn't "grown out of it." Slopping his way through procedures of any sort (putting away the laundry, cleaning off the table, math) is part and parcel of his temperament.


    I find my ds9, just is not someone who is concerned with detail. This is part of his personality. If I sat with him and looked over his shoulder for every problem, he would get very frustrated. :mad:


    So I just make sure the amount of problems he has is adequate (maybe 6?) for him and then let him do the problems. If he gets them wrong, he has to correct them usually the next day. I make sure he understands the concepts and then he needs to do a few (2) problems of this type everyday until I am satisfied he knows what he is doing. In our house, giving him too many problems can cause his mind to wander and thus lack of attention to detail. If ds9 can do a few problems correctly, then we move on.


    We also use Saxon which reviews daily. This allows me to assign a one or two "problem" problems until he masters it.


    Paying attention to detail with work, is constant struggle in our house. We work on this all the time. I see carelessness with math just an extension of this.




  3. Philippians 4:13.


    I agree with Judomom, somedays you need to just step back and let them be themselves without an agenda. See the world the way they do. You also need to get away from them sometimes so you can "miss" their messy, loud ways.


    I find a mom's day or night out is the best thing when the going gets rough. Maybe some shopping? or just being with other moms or a friend.


    Just know, we are out here and know how you feel. Hugs to you. You are raising the leaders of tomorrow!


    Just try to picture their wedding day when they will go on to another life with another woman.. (and give her their mess and noise:p)


    Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9


    I would also read Ephesians or Psalms to help encourage me.




  4. may be she can watch the little ones at her home instead? The 2yo might be more comfortable at home. I do not know her but it is doubtful she can control the 2yo in your home. What kind of care can she give all the kids if she is chasing a 2yo around?


    .....Or find other child care. A good co-op that works well for you is hard to find.



  5. My hubby and I have been married for 10 years (in feb) and we have 2 ds 9 and 5 and one on the way due in August. We have homeschooled since the beginning. I pretty much handle all the educational work and dh handles the practical side of life. (more on that later).


    We live on a 24.9 acre farm in PA and we love it! Right now we have 21 chickens, 1 dog, 1 barn cat, and a pond full of yummy fish. We grow all of our own veggies as organically as we can, in the spring/summer so I spend a lot of time, weeding, freezing, and canning. Right now my dh is building new doors for our spring house (where our water comes from) with help :eek: from the boys. (the practical side of life). We are hoping to plant blueberry bushes in the spring as our new addition.


    I knew the WTM was for me when I read it back in 2001 and have never turned back. My favorites are: SOTW, FLL, Latin primer, Writing Strands and OPGTR.


    I am a biologist/chemist by training so science is my favorite subject and I love to do experiments every chance I get. I also love to teach any subject to children and hope to spend the rest of my life teaching in some capacity. When not teaching I enjoy reading, gardening, and cooking. I gave my life to the Lord about three years ago and have enjoyed following His path ever since. Praise be to God!


    We belong to a wonderful but simple Christian co-op that keeps us rather busy. My ds9 enjoys reading, video games, drawing, drama, and eating pizza. ds 5 enjoys experiments of any sort, video games, hot dogs and he is our resident weapons expert.


    My dh loves fixing things, hiking, hockey, and history related things.


    It is nice to meet everyone!



  6. We have used FLL since 1st grade and I cannot sing its praises enough. (we started with OPGTR). The lessons are short but to the point. We find there is enough memorization and dictation work that we do not do additional.


    We use it in addition to Writing Strands 3 and then ds9 has additional copy work with history. He narrates his sotw section, I write to white board and then he copies to paper. This is how all of his narrations go. (science books, biographies etc).


    I hear FLL 4 is supposed to come out this summer. I hope this is true!!:)

  7. I would continue at her pace, if you finish the entire book this year so be it! She be ahead next year. I would be cautious to slow down if it becomes difficult for her and remember to review if needed. FLL is great program!



  8. I have to say our morning consists of doing your chores (getting dressed, make beds, brush teeth, breakfast dishes, etc) but otherwise they are allowed to play but no TV or video games. If the weather is nice, they go outside and play until school time.


    My sons are young yet at 9 and 5. They are only young once and their time will come for responsibility.



  9. I am current pregnant and am looking into my options for bring the baby into this world. My two boys were born in a hospital both without complications. I would say the experience was okay.


    I have known women who have given birth at home and I am curious about this but have no idea where to start or how to go about looking into it.


    If you have some experience in this area would you please share yours with me?




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