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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. a few posts back you were telling us how imaginative he is. Right?


    I would go with that. The rest will follow. He sounds just like my dss both 9 and 5, both hate to write but their imaginative play is astounding!


    I would feed this play with stories of ancient history (SOTW) and other wonderful topics. He will eventually learn to write even if it is to draw his own maps or write his own historical documents.


    Hang in there!


    Adrianne :)

  2. I hit the "quote" button at the bottom of their post. Then it took me to the screen where we type our message, and I deleted all the response except the part I wanted to quote. I also didn't delete the
    . I left those. Then I arrowed down and typed my message and hit "submit reply" and it worked!:) I hope it works for you, too. :D




    Did it work?

  3. To put is succinctly, that is the way life works. If you cannot take care of something especially if it is destructive, you need to find someone who can.


    The fact that someone is willing to take the dog as opposed to taking it to the pound, or even worse, the neighbor shooting it is a blessing.


    I would talk to her about it in a calm rational way and explained to her what is going on. Hopefully, she can make the right decision on her own. (wouldn't that be a great maturity lesson for her?) It would be great if both of you could come up with a solution together.


    Good luck!


  4. Dh is in the kitchen doing Knex science with the boys. There is no crying. I am finishing up my housework and transcription work on the computer. The chickens are tucked in for the night. The laundry is hanging in the basement.

    The meat is defrosting for tomorrow's dinner. We have no where to go tonight.


    After science is done, we will probably read stories and the kids will go to bed and hubby and I will watch TV reruns until bedtime.


    Ahhhh.... Life is good.


    What is your perfect night like?


    Adrianne :):):):)

  5. Boys can be so difficult at this age. You have the right too feel this way.


    However, sometimes at that age it is hard to focus. He is so young. My ds 9 and I have been working on similar issues and I have found that my expectations were too high and punitive measures do not work well for us.

    Maybe a reward system? Encourage him to get X amount of work done within some time and then he gets the reward. (for every one problem he completes, he gets a chocolate chip)


    I have also found that it gets better with age and positive reinforcement. Of course, letting him not get his work done and miss his activities in the afternoon works well also. Then afterward we talk calmly and without anger about why he missed his activity and what he can do in the future to change it.


    I takes time and patience. We still have those days when it takes 2 hours to do math and boy is it frustrating! GGGRRRR!


    Try to take a few breaths and relax!


  6. When dh and I were looking to buy our first house in NJ, we happened to find our realtor. She stuck with us understanding our situation and helped us buy a place that was best for us. (it really was best for us).


    She was an older lady who had been a realtor all her life. She knew the business and had contacts. She would only take us to see houses that we requested and stuck to our guidelines. She really seemed to understand us and what we were looking for.


    Almost ten years later, we needed to sell the house she helped us buy. We called her and she sold the house for us at over a 100% profit! Again I really felt she knew us and knew the real estate business.


    My advice to you (which was my dear mil advice to me) is to just keep looking until you find a realtor you like. There are many different kinds people out there with many different personalities. Once you find one you like, stick with them!



  7. Sometimes I will play imaginary games like "imagine you are Marco Polo on his trip to China" or a discovery game (treasure hunt). But I have to agree that when it comes to playing army men I am just not interested.


    Now, playing in the snow, rain, board games, puzzles, and video games are a different story. We play those together often as a family. My husband is the one who has to be cajoled into playing. As a matter of fact, I will put off house work to play these things with the kids. We love to have fun together!



  8. I commend you for your attempt to go TV free! It allows time for more creative play. I was just trying to help you deal with the bad attitude issue. (begging being another one). He gets what he wants and you get what you want.


    Is he involved in an outside activity of some sort? Maybe once or twice a week, something regular he could focus on and look forward to?


    We have a Geosafari, it is like a question and answer electronic game. you put in a card and then answer questions on many topics. That is educational and interactive. It keeps my boys busy for quite a while and they are learning in the process.


    Adrianne :)

  9. At 7 time is not a definite concept and it might help him to achieve his better attitude if there was a goal to reach.


    When my ds9 acts up this way, I like to use a positive/negative reward system. For instance, today he got 15 extra minutes TV time (he gets 30 mins daily). Now, for every bad comment, attitude, whine, or complaint he loses one minute. This works very well for helping him to change is bad habit into a good one.


    I have come to the conclusion that the bad attitudes are a result of their inability to communicate in an effective positive way. Whining or negative comments get attention (even negative attention) so therefore they do it. After a while it becomes a bad habit that they do without thinking. If you can change this bad habit into a good one (positive comments) then life is better for them in the long one.


    Taking away the TV indefinitely is punitive but is not teaching him the proper way to behave.


    Good luck, I know frustrated you are!



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