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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. and it was way too much for my boys 9 and 5. I would keep this in mind. We did LOVE the armor collection though. In retrospect, I would have just done the Renaissance stuff and went home. We did not go to the Cloisters and I wish we would have seen it. Again, it is a long day.


    Of course, it is worth seeing at least once. Its is a beautiful museum. Maybe you could take the Path trains to NY and then the subway to the Met? This would cut down on the driving, although it might cost a little more.


    personally, being lazy and with younger kids, I would have gone to philly art museum. The only reason we went to the Met was b/c my brother lives in NY and we could stay overnight with him.



  2. I do have to say though that it sounds like you are letting him get the best of you. In our house, when the craziness (whining, crying, screaming) starts, up to your room you go. Until you calm down. This is not a punishment just a way for them to regain their thoughts (and me, my thoughts - as to not lose my temper). This really seems to work. When everyone calms down, we then talk about what happened and why - I know this is difficult with a 3yo- and how we should act. This part is usually accompanied by lots of hugs.


    I have also found that once you engage the argument, they feel they can have control. My ds9 will argue with me about everything, even the answers in the teachers manual! Now, a look usually helps stop the behavior but severe attitudes can ensue. My sons have spent quite some time in their rooms until they calm down and their heart has changed.


    Just remember that one day, with the right training, he might be president! It takes a strong man with a strong spirit to lead our country!


    Have you ever read books by Dr. Sears and his wife Martha? I read his book about disciplining the high needs child and this has helped.

  3. My ds9 just had it for the first time and he tested at grade level in everything except reading (he was above average). I feel they are good in that help you to understand what they child needs to work on (or they excel in). It also gives you piece of mind that you are doing well as a teacher.


    Of course the logistics are a royal pain, signing up, taking them, waiting during the testing, and pay the fees (my favorite part). But it made me feel good to know "where he was".


    I do not teach extra subjects or feel I need to do anything for the test. We do not have a formal spelling program or vocab program. My kids read A LOT and our curriculum includes arithmetic, grammar, writing, history (narrations), Bible, Latin, music and Art. Most of these subjects are just done by reading. Otherwise, they just have playtime.


    I feel reading a lot is the best way to achieve good test scores. Worksheets and "busy work" is just not necessary for a real education. Of course you need to take your child's learning style into consideration, some children need worksheets, but you should not feel you need to "work extra hard" to achieve good test scores. Just make sure the time they spend schooling is fully of quality, enriching materials.





    Oh, I should say that we did do Spectrum test booklet for grade 3 ahead of time to help him become familiar with testing b/c we don't really have tests at our house.

  4. My doc usually says Benadryl and time. It is probably just a virus, even if he runs a fever.


    Fifth's disease is a virus and is usually only treated symptomatically and in time it heals. So either way, you are okay.



    Don't worry! Just give him plenty of rest, fluids, and best of all, the day off of school!!!



  5. I bought the cds (read by Jim Weiss and well worth the money) and we play them in the car or while we eat during the week that we read that section. (being careful to not go ahead). Hearing the story several times helps ds9 to remember the info better. Our narration times goes very well this way. I also noticed he remembers some chapters better than others.


    As this is our first time around, we do not worry about remember all the facts and details. This time is just for exposure.


    We saw pictures recently of the Phoenicians and the Indus. These are things we covered 2 years ago when he was 6. I could tell he thought they were familiar although he could not recall who they were. So we did a quick review. We did a picture of the cave drawings from the the beginning, and he recognized those!!:)



  6. My kids are still young so we do not give weekly allowances. What we do instead is if the kids are trying to save for something, i.e. ds9 is saving for a Nintendo DS lite, then I will give him extra things to do like washing my car or helping to clean out the attic. For the car I play about $5 or so. My reasoning is learning to work and save for something extra he wants is more important than the amount we pay him. Because he is only nine, it needs to happen fairly quickly also. (this took him from August to Jan to save the money). But neither child receives money on a regular basis. Normally they are just expected to help out.



  7. says they can keep it tax free as long as it was their primary residence at the time of sale for longer than 5 years and they made less than $250,000 on the sale.


    When we sold our home last year, we did not (and still have not) spent the money on a new home. Hopefully we can next year. I have not paid taxes for last year yet but I was told by the realtor, the fed tax website and the state of NJ website that the above was true.


    I would encourage them to check out or email their state taxation agency and find out what it says. They can also check the IRS website.




  8. Right now they both get 30 minutes a day total of "TV time" 7 days a week. This includes all electronic media, including TV, video games, computer etc.


    There time is taken together so at the end of the day, they had 60 minutes total (two boys times 30 mins each). No TV time until school work and chores are done, and everything is straightened up.


    Right now we are having attitude adjustment problems so TV time is the first to go. My dh says " television is a priviledge, not a right" (he-he. Sounds like his dad).


    On sick days, they may have TV but no video games. And on days off they may get a little more tv time.


    We are contemplating however, only allowing video games on the weekends as we are having attitude problems that I think are linked to an obsession with the video games.



  9. I am looking for advice from all you experienced moms about changing our daily schedule.


    Right now the kids get up about 8am and we work on school off and on all day until the late afternoon. (my boys need lots of play breaks) Then bedtime is at around 8:30 - 9pm.


    I would like to see us get up earlier because on the days that we do, we get sooooo much more accomplished. My dh leaves for work about 7am so I was thinking about getting the boys up at around that time. This way they could see dad before he left.


    Unfortunately, ds9 is not an early riser and I know this would be difficult for him. My thoughts are maybe I could change our schedule slowly over time?


    Has anyone had a late sleeper and was able to accomplish getting them up earlier? It is worth trying or should I forget it?




  10. SOTW 3 Chapter 3 King James, King of Two Countries.


    James did not remember his mother. He wrote a book called The True Law of Free Monarchs. James believed nobody should tell the king what to do. Only God told the king what to do. James made the Catholics and the two groups of Protestants angry. The parliment was also mad with King James because James thought he could do whatever he wanted. He created the King James Version of the Bible.


    I helped with sentence formation, grammar, and spelling. Please excuse any errors. This was not his best narration in the world, but I felt it was adequate. (we were having one of those hard to focus days).


    I would be happy to discuss it with you further it you need to.




  11. dictating his narrations to me. I write them on a white board and he copies to paper. I do help him with sentence formation, grammar, and spelling but the sentences are his creations. He says he does not "like" doing the narrations but on the complaining scale, it is low. I feel they are necessary and every year he shows improvement with them. I found that writing it for him first, helps him focus his thoughts.


    For writing, we use writing strands and, as the program instructs, I only correct one issue per writing project. Spelling and grammar do not count here. He says he does not like this either but again, it is low on the complaining scale. If he has problems with the project, I help him organize his thoughts and this helps him form sentences.


    None of his writing is perfect but it is acceptable and his ability improves every year. My son hates writing and always has, but he is full of good story ideas and is very intelligent. I have always excepted his writing for what it was, making little corrections as we go. (one at a time)


    I would say start out slow and simple with the writing if he does not like it. You will see improvement over time if you are consistent.





  12. Every Sunday we, me, dh, ds9, ds5 and dog, go for a family hike on our farm and "visit" our new additions, whether plants or animals.


    Once a month, we skip our regular services and have "church outside" seeing God in nature. Usually we go hiking at a nearby state park. We bring our bibles and sometimes lunch and appreciate the Lord's work.


    We usually also have family game night or movie night on Friday. Right now, dh and dss got John Wayne movies for xmas so we are watching those.


    I love family time!



  13. Hi Amy,


    I am not sure what part of PA you are in but my phone company (in PA), D and E communications has what is called Privacy Call.


    When someone calls my house, they are given a short message that says something like telemarketing calls will not be accepted. And - here is the key-

    you have to press 1 and the # in order for the call the go through. This kind of throws off some accepted calls but I have NEVER received a telemarketing call since I had it put on my phone. I also believe we were put on the national do not call list.




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