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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. Sugar free jello and cookies are my dh favorites. He was diagnosed at 18, now 40, so we have live with this for many years.


    My hubby and a few of his diabetic friends were told that it is not so important that he avoid sugar, like a type 2 diabetic, he just needs to consume it in moderation and then compensate with insulin. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are very different in nature.


    Down the road, I would definitely look into the insulin pump for her. It was a God send!


    You also might want to seek out a pediatric nutritionist with diabetes experience. I find drs offices are not much help in that area. (but maybe yours will be!)

  2. Right now dh and I have 21 chickens (3 roosters) and we would like our flock to be self perpetuating. We have 10 Rhode Island Reds and 8 of the sex linked reds. I have been told that the RRR should be broody but ours are not.

    None of our chickens will sit on eggs.


    Does anyone have a type of chicken that will always sit on eggs? I have been told bantam chickens are broody and the buff orpingtons are also. We are going to order in May and are trying to figure out what to purchase.


    Any recommendations? I would also appreciate any experience you can share.

  3. We always make fried potatoes with bacon and garlic.


    I dice bacon, whatever amount I have, and cook until fat is rendered. I drain off excess fat. Add cubes potatoes and saute until potatoes are brown. (add olive oil if it becomes dry) When done, I turn off the pan but while it is still hot, add about 1 or ? cloves of garlic depending on taste and salt and pepper to taste. Toss together and serve with a salad or veggies.


    This is a family favorite!



  4. I am famous around here for saying "this is not a diner."



    LOL! Sometimes I feel like a broken record saying, this is not a restaurant!


    My ds5 just last week refused to eat broccoli. He said he did not like it. Up until now it was one of his favorite veggies! Last night he had some for dinner. Just a phase I guess!


    If your son normally would eat these things, then maybe something else is going on. A new baby sister would give him a reason to want control.


    Even at 3, if they do not eat a meal then nothing until the next meal. I have always done this and even my ds9 still refuses food sometimes. But overall they eat pretty well.


    Don't feel bad though, I have a few friends who do what you are trying. It works for them.


    Good luck!


  5. The Adventures in Odyssey radio dramas (focus on the family)

    The Indian in the Cupboard series

    Magic Tree House

    Tales of Uncle Remus

    The Mouse and Motorcycle series

    Hardy Boys series


    The Wind and The Willows

    Battle for The Castle series

    Castle Corona

    Any Jim Weiss CD (Greathall productions)

    SOTW CDs




  6. Now, how often do you guys RINSE your sprouts, and where do you keep them?


    We love sprouts and usually grow them all summer long.

    We use a quart canning jar with a green sprout lid. We rinse them once a day leaving them on the counter top on a downward angle in a bowl for drainage. The seeds should not sit in standing water. We also cover the jar with a towel. After about 4 or 5 days, when the sprouts are done, we rinse and store them in the fridge in a plastic container. They only keep few a short time maybe a couple of days.


    My seeds are stored with all my other garden seeds which I keep for years sometimes. Usually in an envelope in a coffee can. (sometimes a glass jar). I do not like putting seeds in airtight containers as this can encourage mold growth.



  7. As a biology/chemistry major, some problems I have found with the "kid science books" by companies like Usborne etc is that they do not explain the difficult concepts that fully explain the experiments or they use. They approach science with kid gloves and do not approach or explain necessary subjects.


    For example, when my ds was in 2nd grade, I had a very hard time trying to find a definition of density for him. Density is a pretty important topic for learning chemistry. All the kid science books in my library either did not explain it or did not deal with the concept at all.


    The above mentioned books deal with these harder concepts, I feel, the way SOTW addressed historical facts with younger children. It does not avoid harder material, it puts the facts on their level.


    In the same vein, I also like the Rookie Read About Science Series. Again, it deals effectively with atoms, molecules and density on a child's level.


    When I teach science classes in our co-op, I usually refer to these two books for chemistry. As a plus, not only are these books very educational, they use things that you either have at home or can find very easily at your local discount or drug store.


    This year for physics, we are using the Knex Simple machines, which is costly but my boys LOVE it. It is really great for hands on kids.



  8. Is it about sharing God's word or just teaching the younger ones to sit through a lesson?


    During our bible time, my goal is sharing God's word therefore, I read primarily to my older one. His younger brother ds5, when unable to sit would just sit nearby with a toy or a board book and be around when I read. You would be amazed at what he picked up by just being around the story and the bible time.


    If you are trying to teach sitting through a lesson then I would focus on that. But I think asking anyone younger than 5 to sit and focus longer than a few minutes is very hard. They really will learn to sit and listen as they are able and they do listen to the story.


    Right now, I usually bring out the story bible when they are a captive audience - while eating breakfast or right after while seated at the table! Then we read, and answer questions, and pray. Then they are dismissed. Of course syrup or coffee on the story bible is a hazard but acceptable in my book. Even at 5, ds still gets up sometimes to move around. But believe it or not he can answer the questions from the story!




  9. I think the first few lessons of FLL3 are review, verbs, nouns, pronouns et cetera but then it gets more complicated. I am using FLL3 right now with my ds9 in 3rd grade. We are diagramming sentences and learning about predicate nominatives, direct objects et cetera. FLL3 has more complicated grammar, longer poems, and two sentence dictations.


    I would put the 7yo in FLL2. My ds9 has gone through since OPGTR and I feel FLL2 is appropriate for 2nd grade in length of lessons and ease. A lot of the definitions are reviewed many times helping them to memorize linking verbs, definitions, pronouns, and prepositions. FLL3 does not spend as much time in review of these things.


    It is a great program. We love it here. I am so excited that they came out with a FLL 4.


    Good Luck!


  10. HSing Pros: Your kids are growing at home. Even if they have to do without their special lessons for a while, your artist can learn about Renoir, Monet etc. Many libraries have art books especially if you can access the ILL system. The others can express themselves also at home in their special areas and will continue to explore their life passions.


    PS only offers an education based on averages. Your singer will be average, your artists average, et cetera. At home they will flourish and be successful even without lessons etc.


    Yes financially it seems tempting but God is good and will provide for you. You will be amazed at how He will provide if you trust in Him. If money is your only reason for putting them in PS then I say DON'T DO IT!


    Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.



  11. having the older two take lessons and then (if they have an aptitude)have them teach the younger ones in a few years. Most piano teachers I have talked to recommend not to start the kids before about 4th grade, when they can sit through an entire 30 minute lesson and pay attention.



  12. If you touch it and it feels like it is bruised (but no black and blue marks) then it is probably tendonitis.


    RICE is good and ibuprofen. I have had tendonitis many times in my wrists and they usually say take ibuprofen and RICE and come back if there is no improvement in about 4 weeks. Tendonitis can take a long time to heal.


    If this gets worse not better over the next few weeks, it is usually a clue that some is wrong and you should see your doc.


    Of course, I am not doctor......



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