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Posts posted by babysparkler

  1. DH wants DS to go to preschool for "socialization" and learning how to be away from us.


    We sent our ds to public school for that sole reason... "socialization"... so I wanted to comment on that.


    He already knew everything that he was to learn in K, so the whole academic side of ps was lost, but we thought that he needed to be around other kids and learn to socialize, etc. Here are the two major things I learned:


    1) Church, city sport leagues and homeschool associations offer just as much structured socialization than ps can offer, with an added degree of "parental control" in selecting the peer group. There are plenty of opportunities for your children to be away from you.


    2) Being in an un-stimulating academic environment for 6 hours everyday can be dreadfully boring and damaging to their general well-being. My fun-loving, happy son became borderline depressed as a Kindergartener.


    PSing for the sole-purpose of "socialization" is not worth it in my eyes.

  2. Does anyone have a set "lunch schedule" for your home that you use or do you just take it one week at a time? How do you vary up your lunch schedule so that the kids aren't bored of the "same old thing"?


    ETA: I meant to type "Lunches..." LOL! Can a mod fix that?

  3. The Shurley Grammar jingles CD might have what you're looking for. I know they cover other topics, like linking verbs, but I can't remember if it had prepositions. I'm sure someone on here that has used it would know. It was used at a school I worked at years ago, and I can't remember . . . .


    LOL... when I read the thread title my mind started saying "A prep-prep-preposition is a special group of words..." and I haven't heard those jingles since 1997 when I was teaching ps. :) Yes, it has the preposition jingle. (I think I need to get that CD for my kids - they would love it! :))

  4. Yes :) Luck is akin to words like stupid, fart, and cr@p in our house. We don't say it.


    The reason? A couple times in the scriptures, there is a reference to "good luck." And each time, it is either in reference to satan (or false worship) or leaving the true God.


    So instead, we say things like, "best to you" or "I know you'll do well" or whatever. It kinda depends on the situation.


    ETA: There are VERY few people in this world I would ask to not say it to me though. Like rockermom, I understand the sentiment behind it and take that over the words. So yes, it makes me cringe a little, but I wouldn't have told you.


    :iagree: Exactly what I was going to say :)

  5. It is nice to see that less than 1% of posters here don't support NIP and that that 99.3% do support women who nurse in public in some form or fashion. I think that that figure speaks loudly :) Though we all may not agree on how it is to be done, we can all (except 3 nay-sayers) agree that nursing mothers should feel welcome to nurse where ever they are when their babies need it. It is nice to be so supported :grouphug:.

  6. I would suggest talking with a first (& second) grade team member at the school your child will attend to get a good picture of the scope and sequence of the curriculum materials covered. The second grade teacher should have a pretty good picture of "where" your child needs to be. From there, you can make a better assessment of how much time needs to be set aside for hsing. I imagine you will be surprised at how quickly your child will master the "basic" level required for entering 2nd grade, and you will be able to focus more on depth of material for your child's curiosity's sake. This should be a great year for going deeper (enrichment) since you won't want to focus on accelerating.

  7. DD 8 gets 3 tickets at the beginning of each school day. She will lose tickets for bad attitude (which is usually what she loses tickets for), disobedience, etc. What she has at the end of the day she puts into a jar. We have a prize list that she can "shop" from on Friday. She can spend her tickets or save them. Now, we school for 4 days, so max is 12 tickets. There are a few candy prizes for 5 tickets, but most of the stuff she wants is from 20 to 100 tickets :). It is good for her to learn to save for what she wants, and motivation for good behavior.


    I have been preparing to start this same system (modeled after what they do at church since the kids respond REALLY WELL to it)... what prizes do you offer and for how many tickets? I'd love to see your list if you have one! :)

  8. I bf two so far and never had anyone comment on it. I would scan the resterant and go for a seat against a wall, not in the middle of a room, then DH would seat himself in a way to make it easier for me to be discreet. I never heard one comment and I have often nursed in public. I think we can keep in mind not to offend and it's easy to do.


    We can do all we can to be discreet and STILL offend. I was asked to bf in a bathroom only after someone wanted to see my "sleeping baby" in my arms and I gently explained that she was actually breastfeeding. I couldn't have been any more discreet, but people are just hyper-sensitive sometimes and just the THOUGHT of bf (even without any skin showing) can bring offense to some.

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