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Posts posted by babysparkler

  1. Oh my!


    I once thought I hit the jackpot in a similar situation, but just as it was my turn at the register a fist-fight broke out (yes, you read that correctly) between two other customers who just checked out. One would think that a manager would call for security, or, you know, DO something... but instead, my cashier just leaned back against her register and enjoyed the show!!! Finally I mentioned that maybe she should call someone, but she just said, "Oh, this happens all the time" and continued to stand there watching :confused: until the fight was moved outside. That was the last time I shopped at that particular store (that has since closed).

  2. Whenever there was interest, we allowed it. Mom has veto power. At 9, there was interest. It was short lived. My daughter (17 soon) would rather die than use it now. LOL


    I really think that parents make it a big issue. On every one of these types of issues, I've been nonchalant and it's worked out beautifully :)


    So far :) LOL


    Thanks for sharing your experience! This is how I feel, but it is nice to know it worked from an experienced Mom!

  3. I don't have daughters (so take my opinions with a grain of salt). I almost wonder if being too strict backfires. I only say this because when I went to school all the girls whose mothers would not allow make up would put make up on when their moms weren't looking. My mother didn't have a rule against it and so I really never got into wearing it until I was in my late teens. And even then it wasn't regularly and it wasn't much. I imagine my mother would have not liked me putting on excessive amounts at any time, but she never really told me I couldn't wear make up.




    I don't wear very much, and when I do, I go for the natural look. I allow my 7 year old to wear her "makeup" (to her that means lipgloss) when we go out on our Mommy/daughter "dates" and to church when she thinks of it. I don't plan on taking the restrictive approach, mainly because she is the kid of girl that I don't think I will need to. I plan to let her to do a natural makeup look similar to what I use when she asks. Of course, this is the little girl who thinks it is horrible when she sees a female with even a teensy bit of stomach showing, let alone a bikini! I don't think I will have a problem with my "prudish" little girl :lol:.

  4. This is one of the reasons I asked. My mother says at their daycare 2s are given scissors. That seems early, but she says it's part of what they are directed to do for some type of certification. (I mean certification for the educational program, not the daycare license).


    My 2-year-old loves to use his siblings' fiskars kid scissors. That is about when my other kids started using them too.

  5. I was home on my first day of bedrest with a threatened miscarriage... talk about not needing stress! Dh took the day off of work to be with me and the toddler. My BIL called to tell us to turn on the news, and we thought he was kidding. We spent the week glued to the TV, praying and grieving for those families (and in particular, the pregnant wives of those who died that day since that hit so close to my heart) and praying for God to keep my baby alive. (She is now a beautifully healthy little 7 year old!)

  6. My kids have done group tennis lessons for a couple of years now. The cost for us is actually quite low (free with a family membership to the tennis association which was only about $50 per year). The kids learned so much and I really feel it was worth it for them even at a young age. The class has ended now, but we are looking into continuing lessons privately for our 7 year old who really has a thing for the game and has progressed beautifully. Her big brother is very good, but didn't fall in love with the game as much as she did. All that said, I wouldn't consider it a waste if it is something your dc have a love and an aptitude for. :)

  7. My 9 year old is, by age, in fourth grade this year. He is really working on 7-9th grade academically depending on the subject. He considers himself "fourth grade" and answers that when he is asked. It keeps things much clearer for us as to when he will be "graduating" highschool and it keeps him in with his social group for co-op. If academics come up, we just explain what academic level he is working on. It works well for us.

  8. Hee hee! I was just about to order some for dinner!! We live in Philly, so I have never dared tried to copy one! :lol:


    Places around here usually use provolone or american cheese. Don't forget the fried onions! :)


    Have fun making them.




    :drool5::drool5::drool5: I grew up in the Philly area and can't get anything nearly similar down here in Texas. I can usually get the insides pretty close (Steak-ums, onions, american cheese and sometimes mushrooms), but the bakeries down here can't even compare to the hoagie rolls up there. :glare:

  9. :thumbup: We're having Cinnamon Apple Dutch Babies! :thumbup:


    ....dare I brag about something so unhealthy? If I use honey instead of brown sugar will that redeem our meal a tad? :blushing:


    So what are you all having?


    I don't know if I've beaten you or tied you.... but tonight is "Cocoa Krispies"!!! :lol::blush: I've been pushing that request off forever, and tonight I just feel like going simple and fun. LOL.

  10. Our favorite thing to visit in Dallas is the Dallas World Aquarium. It is absolutely spectacular and contains much more than just the usual aquarium stuff.


    I second that! There is always the Zoo, Dallas Heritage Village, or The DMA or Nasher Sculpture Center if they are into art.


    Ooohh... what about that place up in North Dallas where they have go-carts/rock climbing/etc? I forget what it was called, but my dh did his best friends bachellor party there. I can find out the name if you are interested. That was super fun.


    ETA: I think this is it:"Mega-Arcade, Go-Karts, Miniature Golf, Laser Tag, and Batting Cages are open every day of the year, including holidays with the exception of Christmas Day!"


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