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Posts posted by babysparkler

  1. I had that same issue many times the past couple of years that dd was in public school. I don't take my dc to the pedi unless they have something that requires attention, and so I would just send them back to school with a signed note from ME saying that they had a virus and were not able to come to school. I figured that if they ever came to me needing a note from a doctor that I would ask them to pay the copay for me;). We never had any problems. I was also always sure to speak directly to her teacher and request all missed assignments to be sent home (or I would pick them up), so they couldn't complain that she was missing anything.


    I hope you all feel better soon!

  2. Do they get points for anything else? I only ask because it would take them 50 school days to earn $1.50. Can't do much these days with $1.50. Just curious.


    Actually, it would be $4.50 after 50 school days b/c they get 3 a day. :) Or if they redeem the over the 150 mark, 153 tickets would be $6.12.

  3. Yes, they earn extra tickets for things like doing extra chores without being asked, sitting through a day long chess tournament that brother is doing, getting ready for church without any "issues", 100% test grades, etc... it will probably end up to be about $50 a school year (which for my kids is a fortune!!!) We are a "clergy family", so we don't do lots of spending, and the kids truly know the value of a dollar :) You should see how excited they get when they find a penny or a nickel!!!


    ETA: The tooth fairy still only brings $0.25 for good teeth around here, if that helps with comparison!

  4. We are starting a new ticket system in our home. I thought I would share how it works :)


    Each school day the kids will earn 3 tickets for working hard and doing their best. If they cry/whine they loose one, or if they disturb others or argue they loose one. If they do superior work they can earn bonus tickets. I have been trying to figure out what items our ticket "store" would keep in stock, but I came up with a different plan. They can redeem their tickets for money (which they typically divide up into spend/save/tithe). I set up our Ticket Value Redemption system to encourage them to delayed gratification and they concept of compound interest:


    1-150 tickets redeemed: $0.03 each

    151-300 tickets redeemed: $0.04 each

    301-450 tickets redeemed: $0.05 each

    450+ tickets redeemed: $0.06


    The longer they wait to redeem their tickets, the greater the value will be. My ds came to me and asked if he could purchase his sisters 50 tickets for $0.04 each (since she is prone to cash in early in the $0.03 value) and cash them in later when they are worth $0.06 each. Though it was an ingenious plan that would benefit both kids, I told them "no buying or selling of tickets" :lol:

  5. I agree with Jenny. I would definitely call the store and calmly inform them of the laws in PA that protect nursing women from harrassment. I would then call Target's corporate office to let them know about the incident and the laws in place in PA and the fact that they need to train their employees to be aware when they are in danger of violating a mother's right to feed her child. I might also mention the many nurse-ins and bad publicity that goes with it that have taken place across the country. No company wants bad publicity or a call from the ACLU.


    Target Corporate Phone:612-304-6073


    :iagree: That's exactly what I would do. There is NO NEED for you to use a blanket if you or your baby prefer not to use one. It makes it no less discrete... in my eyes, it makes it more obvious to the world that you are bf.

  6. Hopefully this time a larger section of students will take this pep talk to heart and feel like they CAN change their circumstances if they work hard. That is a message that is worth class time in many schools where students don't have family support and face difficult obstacles.


    I agree with you. I'm sure it will be good for the kids it is geared towards, but for my kids who love school and naturally strive for their best, it would open their eyes to way more of the negative views of education and personal responsibility than they need to see right now. I will let them live in their ideal world of loving education and naturally being responsible for themselves a little longer without telling them that a different option exists. :) I personally think that my teaching of responsibility to my kids has been/is better than that speech. We won't be watching it.

  7. *If* he was going to say something more problematic before the "kerfluffle," I'm sure they changed it to make it less controversial so that they could say, "See? All that fuss over nothing!"


    My problem with the whole thing was with the lesson plans, not the speech. Bush spoke to school kids on tv and other presidents have done so, as well. But none, to my knowledge, have included DOE-written lesson plans. Curriculum writing is not a job of the DOE. *That* part smacks of the gov't overstepping its responsibilities to me.



    who sincerely believes that a federal DOE is a waste of taxpayer money, and wishes it didn't exist.



  8. :grouphug: I'm sorry, Jill. I had the same childhood.


    I once ran to neighbors on either side, banging on the doors for help, to please call the police & neither one of them answered the door or helped or called the police.


    :grouphug: I'm so sorry for you too. Good for you for running for help! I was never brave enough to do that... I just did by best to stay invisible. I'm sorry that no one was there for you.

  9. Two, I guess I'm worried that the police will come, they'll tell dad to quiet down, they'll leave, and then nothing will change. Or worse, then the dad will be even WORSE when they leave.


    Yes... that also happened to us when my mom would call the police... Honestly, they would take my dad to jail for the night, and when they released him the next morning, it would definitely be worse, much worse. BUT, it was comforting to know, as a kid, that at least someone was doing something and that there was a record of it, and I was thankful for it.

  10. I lived in an apartment and the family on the floor below mine was 2 adults and 2 kids. Their apartment faced the front of the building (5 stories, 3 apartments a floor, so everyone knew everyone else). They would leave open their windows and scream and scream at their kids. All day long.


    All the children would gather in front of the building to play (kinda like a courtyard) and could hear them. Adults would be out front too listening. It never seemed to bother anyone but me.


    It was so sad. The kids were 8 and 9 and my heart just broke for them.


    The mother (when she was not yelling) was quite nice as was the father.


    I still shake my head in amazement whenever I think about it.


    This sounds like my house growing up... all of the neighbors and neighbor kids would stand around outside listening as my Dad screamed and beat my mom and us kids (and this was pretty often), but no one ever did a thing about it. It was so embarrassing for me, and broke my heart that no one cared enough about us to stop it... they just wanted to enjoy the show.


    Please call the police next time. Those poor kids deserve so much better.

  11. I guess I don't mind this. I find it kind of nice, actually. Just today I was checking out when the clerk asked what I do with that many eggs. I told him and he shared a recipe with me. One of the many things I love about living in a small town! Conversation!! I don't find it too informal or nosey, just a way to make polite conversation.


    Same here. I use the same grocery store, same time each week, and know all of the cashiers & baggers by name. My usual bagger actually knows my car and offers to push my cart to the car and unload for me each time I am there. They all ask about the kids when I am there alone, and I ask about theirs. I feel like I am a celebrity each time I shop since they all seem so happy to see me each week :lol: and address me by name. I like the small-town-feel even though we are not in a small town.


    But see, that's NOT the kind of conversations that the others that posted are experiencing.


    At other stores I find similar "talk" that others are describing, but I just tend to see it as an opportunity to minister God's love to those people and pray for them.

  12. Did you look at the original lesson plan? The questions were very leading and very much focused on Barack Obama--how inspiring he is, what a great example he is, setting goals of how we can help him. That caused red flags to go up in my mind...hmm...what is he trying to do? Since when is this all about him? Sure, it's great to have people encouraging our students to work hard & do their best...and asking them to reach out to others to make the world a better place. But man, I gotta tell ya, that's not what the lesson plan led me to believe his speech was going to be about.


    Well said.

  13. are your dc hungry?


    My dc eat breakfast at 7am. Then they are hungry starting around 10am and we eat at 11am. They start complaining about being hungry starting around 3-3:30pm. Honestly I'm hungry too at that time. I try to have dinner around 5, but my dc are wanting to snack from 3:30-till time to eat. I truly think they are hungry at 3:30 and the reason for wanting to "snack" so much is they are trying to eat a meal. I would have no problem having dinner at 4 and then eating a snack at 6pm (they go to bed at 7:30). But...dh thinks it is crazy to eat that early!!! He says most people eat dinner between 6-7pm.


    When are your dc hungry?


    Our kids eat:

    7am Breakfast

    11am Lunch

    3pm Snack/5pm Dinner <or> 4pm Dinner/6pm Snack - depending on the day. We do the "late" dinner when Dh is coming home, and "early" dinner without him the nights he is working late (like until 10pm). Then I have a bowl of cereal while Dh is eating his "leftovers".


    We never do dinner later than 5:30 here :)

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