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Posts posted by babysparkler

  1. 30 weeks here plus 2 weeks of testing. We are really good about staying on schedule, so we don't need to factor in a "cushion." We have our year organized with several week-long breaks throughout the year for Grandparents' visits from out of town and my dh's work schedule, but a solid 30 weeks of instruction. We find that it works perfectly for us and we do take a summer vacation from the beginning of May to the end of July.

  2. Sellers are always concerned about feedback. Demand a full refund plus shipping BOTH ways. If they refuse enter a dispute with PayPal and hammer them with negative feedback.


    I disagree with the "tone" that this sends... I think you should handle it with more dignity and repect than "demands"... everyone makes mistakes, and you shouldn't jump to conclusions in any situation like this. Buyers and sellers can communicate without force or consequences thrown around. Just my 2cents. :)

  3. How does this sound?


    I received the coffee maker yesterday. When I opened it, water ran out of it. You described this item as new.

    I washed it out and tried it, following the instructions. Water runs out over the spout and leaks around my cup.

    At present, I am not satisfied with my purchase.


    Is this assertive enough? Do I need to spell out my expectations? Or see what they'll offer?





    I'm a PowerSeller on eBay (non-active right now). I think that would be perfect (factual and non-emotional), but I would go ahead and kindly ask for a refund or replacement too. An honest seller will be willing to work with you, even if it means a loss on their part. I've taken my share of losses in the name of "customer service".


    Here are my thoughts on the condition of the item:


    (1) It could be that this item was damaged in transit (carriers are less than kind to packages and if it was bumped around one too many times it could have received internal damage).


    (2) It could also be that the seller purchased the item "new" from the store, but didn't know that it was used by a previous customer and returned to the store (stores will just go ahead and resell their returns sometimes without even checking their condition).


    (3) It could be that the seller knew that the item was used... but unless you are seeing poor ratings on the seller's profile, I wouldn't assume it.


    (4) The item may be under manufacturer's warranty and can be replaced by the manufacturer without any cost to you... it is worth calling the number on the item's paperwork in the box so save both you and the seller un-due costs.


    I hope that was a help... let me know if you have any questions regarding dispute filing... I've been through both sides of it :)





    ETA: (5) It could be user-error?

  4. We just got one from samsclub.com and we LOVE it (free ship). I also purchased 2 2-drawer plastic storage containers for underneath the flat sides (on either side of me) for my math manipulatives/science equip/etc.




    The storage carts are similar to this, but 2 drawer & no wheels:


  5. I completely understand how you feel. My husband had a "V" when our 4th child was only 6 weeks old....and it was our 10th anniversary too. He felt that we needed to be "done" having children for financial reasons and because he was afraid of health issues for me. It's now been a little over 2 years. Just in the past two months or so have I started to feel some sense of peace over the permanency of this decision. My heart longs to be pregnant again; to hold a newborn in my arms; to nurture a brand new little soul...etc, etc. But, I know that God reigns supreme and that if He wanted, He would override any man-made decision. Somewhere in there, I felt that God was trying to teach me to be content with the four perfect little gifts He has given me and that I should focus on nurturing these children.


    I pray that you will find peace and contentment.....but know that you are not alone.


    (Wow, Jenn, our lives, and posts, are so similar!)

  6. :grouphug:




    I feel like I could have written that post myself. My dh basically made the decision and took me along for my signature at 6wks pp. He was completely at the end of his rope, so only a heartless person could deny him the signature that would bring him out of the downward spiral. I didn't have any ppd, but it did give me what I call "post-vasectomy depression" whenever I think about it. I still feel like I am in mourning for what (or who) could have been (even 2 years after!). I did what was necessary for my dh's well being... and I deal with it every day by leaving it in God's hands. I know that He knows what is best for us and could very well "overcome" the obstacles if He has another child for us to raise.


    I am very open with my dh about my feelings and regrets, and he is very understanding and an excellent listener. He even mentioned last night (after one of my mentions of it) that even though he really doesn't want another child, if something was to happen and the V didn't work that he would "eventually" (which for him means after a day of panic attacks and depression) come around to the idea and be happy and 100% excited.


    You made a valiant and selfless decision to stand by your husband's side on this hard issue. One that may take years to heal... I pray that God will comfort you along the way... :grouphug:

  7. No, but I do remember the "special health class" in grade.. six? five? one or the other anyway - where they had a health nurse talk to us girls about periods and she brought a tampon - showed us all how it 'worked', by putting it into a glass of water (showing how it..umm...absorbs liquid)...after demonstrating, she turned and tried to hand it to the nearest girl to toss it in the trash... Guess who the nearest girl was?????


    I remember staring at her and wondering if I could just, y'know, jump out the window over there. Hello, already the dorky kid everyone laughs at, didn't need the extra help! :tongue_smilie:


    You poor thing!

  8. I just think that it's not my right, nor the gov'ts, to decide on what another feels is the best choice for them. Even it's it's immoral, I feel in the end it's between that person and their God and God's Judgement.




    So are you saying that if someone kills their born child that they should have no consequences "just because they feel it is the best choice for them"? How is killing an unborn child any different? We don't just kill someone who has the potential to make our lives difficult and leave it up to God as a judgement call.


    Maybe we should go ahead and legalize murder for all ages... then mabe pro-choicers might see the need for Gov't to step in an "make the choice that is best for the people." I know that is an extreme... but it makes my point on how incredibly rediculous abortion is as an option.

  9. I guess the difference is how I'm thinking of approaching it. I don't plan on getting out a cuke and showing them. I don't even plan on saying 'don't do it, but if you do use a condom'. I am hoping to do a public health education segment. During that I will discuss how condoms have helped to decrease the transmission of diseases. We will also talk about a variety of other public health topics during that time.


    Anyone else have to do the banana thing in ps? We did and I was beyond embarrased to even have to touch a condom, let alone fit one on a banana! That was just plain wrong...

  10. I wish I could help... I've only used DIVE. We used it every now and then to review something that I wanted to review, but in a "different format" so he wouldn't be bored of it. The segments are brief and helpful, and refer to the book, but I never really used it as the main lessons, though I guess you could. (My son and I love math, so I prefer to be the teacher and do lots of discussion with him).

  11. I'm new to RS and just bought the full manipulatives set plus manuals since I will be using this for 2 kids starting levels A and C and eventually I will need it all anyway... it seemed much easier (and cost effective) to do it all at once rather than adding pieces later with add-on kits.

  12. This is very interesting to me, as my 7yr. old son is interested in chess and has been playing very well for the past 6 months or so. He doesn't have a rating yet and hasn't played in any tournaments because we can't find a chess club in this area for him!


    I will also check into those resources. Thanks for starting this thread! :)


    I encourage you to sign him up with USCF and have him start tournaments... it is a fabulous learning and motivating experience!

  13. How many tournament games has he played?

    Does he not finish his tournaments?

    Are these US Chess tournaments?

    I was just thinking he should get a rating after his first tourny. :confused:

    Does he know chess notation? keep notation on his games?

    I was assuming he had a USCF rating.

    Does he play against rated players? Is that how the estimated rating comes about?




    Yes, he has a uscf rating, but he has only played 10 USCF rated tourney games... and I think they say it takes 20 or so before it is considered his official rating? He also plays "unofficially" with rated players that isn't included in his USCF ratings. Yes, he notates. :)

  14. If children are not left without supervision then they will not have an opportunity.
    So you would supervise a teen all the time? Like no sleep overs, no movies with friends, no hanging out with friends, etc...? Is there always an adult at those shorts of things? Until what age or event does that change?


    For us that is exactly how it was... Dh's parents were HIGHLY supervisory (examples: he has never been in his parents' home alone - even to this day at 33 years old:lol:, nor did he EVER ride in anyone's car other than his parents')... they had this philosophy that they wouldn't allow any opportunities. We dated all through highschool & college... and in college we were told that if I were to visit (and if they were to find out) that he would loose all financial backing from his parents. My parents, on the other hand, never cared what we did... and since I was from a history of premarital sex and adultery, they didn't even bother with setting guidelines and said I could do what I wanted to do.


    Looking back, we "could have" found a way to have some unsupervised time (and did at times on a small level with the freedom of the college years), but both of us made commitments to ourselves, eachother, and God that we would wait until our wedding night. Without our firm, heartfelt committments, no amount of supervision would have been enough.


    I think the key is to shape their heart from within, not their world from the outside.


    See, to me that's the whole point of the matter. Why is it alright to outlaw abortion and then not do anything to help prevent the mothers from throwing their babies in the dumpster or off bridges because they feel that they have no other options. Yes, as has been pointed out they really do have other options, but when freaked out they don't research them, use them, or think about them even.



    My ds (now age 4) was a part of a texas-wide television campaign to get the word out about the "Baby Moses" law in Texas... we spent 6 hours in 100 degree heat shooting a public service announcement that has saved over a dozen lives in Texas to date. I wish the tv stations would show this PSA more, but I have only seen it shown when babies have been saved and the news is focusing on it. We give our time, and our finances to save babies. Here is the link to our website (I encourage you to get involved!):



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