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Posts posted by importswim

  1. 2 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    I am sorry that you are under that strain. We made some life changes this year in part because I realized my friends and fellow church members were different people than I thought they were. They literally do not think or speak as they did five years ago.

    Thank you! We love our church and truth and biblical doctrine are preached from the pulpit. Our teaching elder is also very good at detangling biblical and political beliefs and calling it out when he sees it. I'm having a hard time with the private beliefs of attendees/members and friends. What I really need to do is to realize that I can't change or convict anyone. I can only control how I react. Just typing that out to you is helpful, so thanks!!!

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Homeschool Mom in AZ said:

    No, I haven't felt any anxiety about any of it. I reconciled the fact that I'm not in control of most things a long time ago. God is, not me.  If I truly believe that's true, how will I think, then feel, then act? (I'm not talking about medical anxiety here, I'm talking about being anxious about the trials of life.) I read regularly about history and Christian classics written by authors under all types of circumstances, some far worse than anything in my lifetime. I've read the NT multiple times where Jesus told us there would be trials and tribulations, and to expect and rejoice in them. Am I living that out daily with my attitude toward current events?

    So I check the news a few times a day to keep up with what's going on and so I can talk about it with my youngest still at home, pray specifically about what's going on, and trust God with it.

    Thank you for this.

    My anxiety stems from the fact that IRL for me is like living in a comment section of a political article where I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone and am the only person with a reasonable view of things. I've already muted almost all of our FB friends, but I can't escape every conversation when I see people IRL. Reconciling my friends' conflating political beliefs with biblical ones has been hard. It's always been hard but these past few months and especially the past couple of days has been incredibly hard. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, historically accurate said:

    watching Escape to the Chateau.

    I LOVE Escape to the Chateau but I can usually only catch it when I go back to England. How are you watching it over here? That show makes me realize that my romantic ideas of a fixer upper are not really romantic. HA HA HA.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Margaret in CO said:

    No way would I be having hired men using china! I never know if dd and her bf will be here, or if the bf's helper will be around. I don't feed the big hay crews I used to (mechanized now) but it's not unusual to find out at 8:00 am that I'll be feeding 10 people. It was actually kind of nice at Christmas to only have 8. When all the SOs, fiancées, and husbands are here, we start at 12. 

    That sounds really fun!!! I definitely wouldn't have them use china in that situation either.

    I'm not sure if you thought I was implying that YOU should do what we do. I certainly wasn't! Obviously, that wouldn't work in your situation but it works really well for us. 😉

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Margaret in CO said:

    So do you not have random people show up for meals? I go from 2-8 on a regular basis. I rarely know how many people I am feeding. I make hug meals as I don't know who will be here. If it's just a few, we have leftovers. 

    During haying or branding, I can have 14+.

    If we do I just use our china plates. It's very rare that we have people drop by especially unannounced. That may be common where you are, but it's very uncommon here (based on my informal thinking about our area and people that I know, HA HA HA!)

    We "school" during the day or are out of the house so both of those mean we're by ourselves and DH travels and is not at home a lot. If I had a situation like you have then the set up I have now wouldn't work for it. For our situation, though, it works wonders!

    • Like 2
  6. I love mine! I went with Fiestaware because I could let each family member pick a color that they would exclusively use. We cut down on all other dishes (though we have some china put away that we get out when we have guests). It's been really helpful in cutting down clutter and knowing who has left their dish on the table. LOL! Everyone just washes their dish and puts it back in the cabinet when they're done so it's ready for next time.

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  7. As long as it has an automatic shut off then I think they're pretty much all the same at the lower prices. I mostly just drink black tea, however. A good friend has the kettle with all of the different boiling temperatures but from what I remember she was saying it was expensive. I'd just go with a cheap version and call it good. I just got mine from Walmart and we use it about 15 times a day (not an exaggeration). It's held up well as did our previous kettle that lasted 10 years.

    • Like 1
  8. On 12/19/2020 at 8:47 PM, JennyD said:

    The Tennessee governor's wife has been diagnosed with covid.  

    I don't quite understand why Gov. Lee describes his own quarantining as being "out of an abundance of caution." I would say that if your spouse actually has covid, staying away from other people for a while qualifies as 'the bare minimum of responsible behavior,' even with a negative test.


    You'd think that'd be common sense, right? Unfortunately, I know of a few families here who have been going about their business and not quarantining while a family member is positive. It's horrifying.

    • Sad 4
  9. 6 minutes ago, ikslo said:

    Cuppa tea - makes sense, and I never had an issue understanding it was a verbal slang for “cup of”.  But people writing it as cuppa, and then it being “cuppa” as a thing in and of itself - that’s what has me. It’s a colloquialism that I just dislike, is all.

    It’s wicked annoying. 🤣

    Yeah, fair enough! I can see how that would be annoying as well all have our things that push us over the edge. ☺️  

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  10. 4 minutes ago, ikslo said:

    Yes, but do you say “cuppa tea” - or just “cuppa” and expect expect everyone to know you mean tea?

    In my family we say Cuppa tea? That means "do you want a cup of tea?" In other instances, though, we could say "I could do with a good cuppa" and everyone knows that means tea. So I guess we say it both ways, but it always sounds like cuppa. 😁

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  11. 18 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

    There’s an adorable local coffee shop around here called Cuppa Joy. How do you feel about that name?? Would you be willing to meet for coffee there?? Maybe it’s the preposition thing. Maybe it’s the unknown. Cuppa .... cuppa... Cuppa what? Cuppa alligators?  I think we need to explore this a little more.

    I'm from the north of England and cuppa is how we slur together the words "cup of" every time we ask if someone wants a cup of tea. 😂

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, kand said:

    I’m so sorry! I can’t remember, does your ds22 Live at home? I’m trying to think of who might be able to help you out with getting laundry washed. That really adds insult to injury. do you have any friends or family who have already recovered from Covid might might take some laundry for you? I hope everyone is all better very soon.

    This thread is kind of eerie the way the cases touching board members seem to be ever increasing. In the beginning, it seemed rare for anyone to know someone with it  I hope to goodness the trend slows down and reverses soon and everyone heals up well.



    This week 3 of my friends tested positive and 2 other friends have said they are "sick" but are canceling Christmas travel because of it so I suspect it's probably Covid (they're Covid deniers). This is after being possibly exposed to a positive covid case of which we were also exposed to and were the only ones who quarantined (we were essentially made to feel like we were over-reacting). Sigh.

    I can't trust friends/people here to actually quarantine their whole family if one of the members are sick so I'm having to make some "hard" decisions about church and get togethers (easy decision to make but hard on the kids as we're the only ones not participating. I'm weary of having to defend myself. Double sigh.)

    • Sad 17
  13. We live in Florida but DH was supposed to fly a plane to Pennsylvania yesterday, but his flight (and the flight out this morning) got canceled so we got to spend an unexpected night with him at home. When I took him to the airport this morning it was in the low 30's (with a feels like of low 20's). We're thin blooded to to us it was really cold! 

    I love seeing the photos, but I don't miss snow. We spent 3 years living in Alaska so I've spent some time shoveling, LOL! Stay warm and safe!

  14. 5 minutes ago, BaseballandHockey said:

    Yep, I’d add sugary cereal,  and chocolate oranges to that list.

    One of those multipacks of little boxes of sugar cereal would be a huge hit here.

    Here as well. I'd add Cup of Ramen, and pop tarts to that also. I often put those out for treats for our youth group (along with other candy and bits and bobs) and they're always the first things gone.

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  15. On 12/14/2020 at 9:16 PM, rebcoola said:


    Someone posted this on FB a couple of days ago, but the best part was the comment from their friend underneath it which was along the lines of : That promise only held true if we could stop, collaborate, and listen and we're not doing any of those things... 😉


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  16. 31 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

    I wonder if they're saying this in a smirky, wink-wink-nudge-nudge way, like "obviously we have this silly little covid virus but we're going to pretend we just have the flu, because we sure as hell aren't going to get tested and have to quarantine and let the government track and trace us!"

    I think there are a lot of people who know the virus is real, but they believe it's not that dangerous, the number of deaths is totally fake, and all the testing/tracing/quarantining is a conspiracy to steal our rights, force us into mandatory microchipping, and prepare us for a socialist takeover.

    This is very much the feeling here, unfortunately.

    • Sad 4
  17. I had to check where you're located (it's not by me) because we've had a very very similar situation here, right down to the basketball teammate testing positive December 4th! 

    People here are making me feel like I'm being ridiculous for quarantining. Others who have been affected are not telling anyone and not quarantining. I'm seriously re-evaluating friendships over it. It's super sad.

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