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Posts posted by Granny_Weatherwax

  1. Pup update:

    She's coming out of her shell when it's just DH and me. She now spends most of her time out of the crate and in the backyard. Yesterday afternoon we heard her barking (for the first time) and we went to check on her. She was running around the backyard, wagging her tail, and barking at nothing. I think she was celebrating herself and life. It was fun to watch. 

    She is swift and can jump beautifully. Once she has acclimated and has been through basic obedience, I'm going to see if she can train in agility. 

    She is picking up her toys and carrying them outside with her but does not yet play with them. 

    She is eating well and those fat pads are filling up. I'm going to have to limit her food soon or she's going to become a chunk. Having her eat in her crate is wonderful since she eats different food from my IBD dog.

    She definitely prefers men over women. She loves my DH and DSIL; just lights up for them. She also wags her tail at men while walking on leash but hides from women and children.

    She does not like it when other dogs bark, loud noises, or a lot of chaos. We've already had fireworks in our neighborhood and she ran to her crate so I'm not looking forward to July.

    When both dogs sleep, they are now within feet of each other. They aren't cuddling yet but it's getting there. When I took them for separate walks the other day, she was so excited to see my dog come home and he was looking for her and excited to see her when he returned from his walk.

    I accidently left the back gate open the other night but neither dog left the property. They both stayed in the yard. I knew my dog wouldn't leave but was surprised she chose to stay home. It is encouraging.

    • Like 20
  2. We have a vet appt on Friday for a health check. 

    We went on our first outing together, a Petsmart run. She isn't eating the food I purchased for her so I went to pick up a different type. She did well on the ride over and went through the sliding doors like a champ, only hesitated once on the way in. No reactions to the people in the store.  Laid down while I paid for our purchases and walked out calmly.

    She ate a small serving of food one we got home so I think I found something she'll eat. I went with chicken and rice.

    I read through the contract again and the foster was supposed to supply us with a week's worth of food but we were given nothing. I feel bad for her because now it's going to be a few days of a sick tummy. I am happy the second food we tried is one she ate. I'll give her multiple small meals for the next few days.


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  3. My dog who passed away last year didn't save a life but he was the best dog for my DS.  I've told this story here before but will share a short version again.

    DS has Tourette Syndrome and wanted a puppy. When DS was 9yo, he saw a puppy he fell in love with at a 4H horse show. That puppy belonged to someone else and wasn't for sale but we were given the breeder's information and I contacted her. She had 4 puppies left; one of which, a male, was spoken for by guard at a nearby prison. We met her at the local AKC clubhouse and she brought the three puppies that were available. DS was so excited he was ticcing, a loud peep and a head/shoulder jerk. None of those three puppies wanted anything to do with DS. They would growl at him and run away if he moved toward them. He was crying. I was crying. It was a mess. All he wanted to do was play with the puppies. The breeder told us she had the one puppy left that might play with DS and let the other puppies know DS was okay to play with. She brought out that puppy and it ran to DS, jumping in his lap, licking his tears, wagging his tail, and just being the most awesome puppy ever. The plan didn't work and none of the other puppies relaxed or showed any kind of interest in DS. The breeder let DS and that puppy play for an hour. At that time, I knew we had to leave without a puppy and with a heartbroken little boy. I have never hated Tourette Syndrome so much in my life. 

    The breeder asked me if she could talk to DS about the puppy and I agreed, praying she was going to be the one to let him down about the wonderful, loving puppy.  When they came back, DS was carrying a diaper bag full of supplies and the puppy. She had "sold" that puppy to DS for the money he had in his pocket.

    That puppy would be with DS through the worst TS could do to him. He would lie with DS through the worst of his seizure like tics. He was the only one of us who could touch DS at times because his body hurt so bad. If those two were together, I never had to worry. The little puppy who was supposed to be trained as a prison guard dog became the very best friend a young boy could have asked for.

    I owe that dog a debt of gratitude and his love for my DS is why I continue to mourn his passing.

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  4. On 5/22/2023 at 1:57 PM, Indigo Blue said:

    So exciting! Can’t wait for pics if all goes through and you decide to share!

    How were you able to get his IBD stabilized, if you don’t mind my asking?

    I had typed a long reply earlier and then it disappeared. How frustrating.

    He is on the special hydrolyzed protein diet and a few select treats (venison, turkey) and that's all he can eat. He cannot tolerate any beef or pork products, peanut butter, wheat, or dairy. He cannot have people food, at all (difficult to do when 2yo DGD is around). He cannot have any of the commercial dog bones or dental chews. We have found a food and exercise regimen that we pretty much have to stick to: breakfast, wait an hour, walk, small treat if the walk was long, dinner, wait an hour walk. The walking helps reduce belching and flatulence. He is on a daily dose of prednisone; has to have it, cannot skip a day. We have meds (tylosin powder) if he needs it.

    It took 11 months post surgery and diagnosis but he finally hit normal weight. His hair has finally grown back in and is silky. 


    Update to this: he has been vomiting (after drinking) and not eating now that the new dog is here. This may not work out after all. His health and comfort is of utmost importance. 

    • Sad 7
  5. When I paid for my car repairs/oil change at the dealer last week, there was an automatic tip added. At the rates dealerships charge for their services, including the shop supplies fee and hazardous materials fees, is there an expectation to tip? Who is being tipped? The guy at the counter who checked me in (he never got off his stool. Just tapped on his keyboard and took my keys.)? The worker who actually changed the oil and repaired the door (whom I never met)? I took the car to the dealership. I arranged for my DD to pick me up and drop me back off when the car was done. I drove my car away. The dealership did not provide any services other than what was contracted in the service order yet the machine calculated a 25% tip to the bill. I declined the tip but am now wondering if they think I'm a horrible terrible no good very bad customer. 

    • Confused 5
    • Sad 3
  6. @teachermom2834 - Yes, I totally get the tight finances. Tight budgets have dictated most of my life. For car repairs, I thought it was normal for every one to fix things in the front yard, driveway, or garage. I had no idea people took their cars to actual mechanics until I was well into my 20s. There are other things too, not just cars.

    We have been living with a broken outside door knob for months. I was at Menards the other day and there were some digital keypad locksets on sale and I had Menards rebate money so I picked one up. It was so easy to replace and install. Now I can go on walks without having to carry my keys and still get back in the house. IN previous years, I never could have justified the expense. That day, I was all "I'm 50+ years old. I deserve a functioning lock and why not get the keypad?" I feel so much safer at night now, too, knowing the handle is solid.

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  7. She prefers the deck to the grass. She has sniffed and investigated every hosta and bush but turns and runs back to the deck and looks out over the yard. My dog tries to get her to play and she is beginning to play while on the deck but she will not follow him into the grass.

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  8. She's here! We decided to bring her home for a number of reasons. 

    The Meet and Greet:

     DH and I met her first. She was shy but not timid or overly submissive. We did not want a dog who cowered. She immediately took to DH and velcroed herself to his leg. She was friendly to me but definitely preferred DH. We then introduced my dog to her. This was one of the biggies because my dog can be reactive; not aggressive but reactive. We were concerned he would behave negatively and were prepared to walk away if he had an immediate negative reaction to her. There was no reaction. He barely noticed her. He sniffed her a couple of times and that was pretty much it. It was underwhelming. We then introduced DD, DSIL, and DGD1. She liked them and tolerated pets and loves. DGD1 walked her on leash for a bit and, again, it was underwhelming. We were concerned how the dog would react with a toddler so once we knew the two dogs got along we introduced DGD2. The dog tolerated pats and loves from DGD2 and showed no signs of aggression. We then brought out DGD2's dog. The BCFF of my dog. He is a pure bred mini Aussie and a bullet, fast and fun. If anything was going to create red flags it was this little guy. They did great. No red flags.  We took all three for a pack walk and there was no vying for front of line. No power playing. Just three dogs walking down a dirt road with a pack of people. We even loaded the dogs into the truck to see how they would ride together.

    Her history: She was surrendered due to illness and the impending death of her owner. She was with her sister and for some reason the rescue group chose to separate them. She's lost her home and her sister in less than two weeks. She was with the foster for 8 days.

    What we have learned so far:

    She is obviously not a purebred Border Collie. She is 100% a mixed breed. We think she's part Border Collie, part Heeler, part Aussie. She's black and white with a few brown spots. She has one pointed ear and one floppy ear. She's short. 

    She is underweight; we can feel her spine all the way down her back. She does not guard resources, though.

    She was filthy and smelly and I had to bathe her immediately. The water was black. She is now soft and shiny but still has an odor to her. I'm going to let her be for a couple of days and then bathe her again.

    Her vet records indicate she is healthy but she sneezes. A lot. I'll be taking her to my vet and having her checked again.

    We were told she couldn't or wouldn't do stairs. She runs up and down stairs like a champ.

    She scratches/digs on carpet. We are not happy about this behavior.

    She is crate trained and uses the crate as her "I need my space. I'm overwhelmed." area. I also think this may be why she was scratching the carpet. I think she wanted to be crated.

    She does not know what dog toys are.

    She may be crate trained but that's the only training she's had. We think the crate is where she spent most of her time. She doesn't really know how to be outside.

    She does not act like a just turned 2 year old. We realize she's had a lot of trauma and we are hoping she can start figuring things out. She has growled and nipped at my dog a couple of times but I think it's more of a "Hey, dude, back off just a bit. I'm working things out."

    She and my dog rode home touching each other so we are encouraged.



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  9. I have been wanting a second dog and have been looking at rescues for a while. Now that my dear boy is stable with his IBD and I think we've got a handle on it and the expenses associated with a chronically ill dog, I have had puppy fever. Due to the expenses of my dear boy, I cannot afford to purchase another purebred like I had hoped. It will take a long while to save that much and to wait for my favorite breeders to choose to breed again (they only breed every other year).  I could wait two years but I don't wanna. 

    I found this perfectly beautiful Border Collie female, similar age to my guy, who is offered by a rescue not too far from me. She is already spayed and housebroken.  I put an application in on her last week and we were approved for a meet and greet.

    We are driving up to meet her this evening. I'm a bit anxious but, since I took the summer of from work, now is the perfect time to bring home a new dog. I have lots of time to spend with her and acclimate her to our family and lifestyle.

    It's kind of exciting and terrifying. I am a "dogs are forever" kind of person and, other than the year I had my new pup and my older (now deceased) dog, I have never owned two dogs.

    DH, DD, DGD1, DGD2, and my dear pup are going up to meet her. Since DGDs spend a lot of time with me, the new dog has to get along well with children as well as my dear pup.

    Part of me wants to run right over to Petsmart and buy all the things a new dog needs. 🐶 🦮


    • Like 29
  10. The driver's side door of my VW has been out of commission for about 9 months. The cable broke and the door couldn't be opened from the inside. I had to roll down the window, unlock the door, reach out and open it from the outside or the passenger had to get out and walk around and open the door for the driver. We received lots of interesting looks doing that.

    I took the car in for an oil change at the VW dealership and had them repair the door. Oh my, what a delightful thing it is to be able to open the door from the inside. I had to laugh at myself though. The first couple of times I had to exit the car, I still put the window down and began to reach for the outside handle.

    The trunk no longer opens and that is on my list of things to save up for and repair. The boot (the cover for the convertible top when it is down) and the windscreen (the really neat screen that sits over the backseat when the top is down) are locked safely inside the trunk.


    We also purchased a through the screen dog door. We don't have a regular door or a large enough wall for a regular dog door. The through the screen dog door is wonderful.  As long as the weather is temperate and I can leave the screen open, my dog can let himself in and out. When the door is closed and he is outside, he uses the swinging door as a knocker to alert me he is ready to come in. 


    Are there any small things you wish you have done/purchased sooner?

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  11. 4 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

    I'm so sorry your DD and her dog are having to deal with this.

    Regarding vet schools--It seems that some people believe it's like going to barber school or dental hygienist school to get an inexpensive haircut or teeth cleaning. My understanding is that the reality is the polar opposite of that. It's more akin to a human going to the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins to get a medical issue sorted out. They're the best of the best, with the latest surgical techniques and best equipment. So yes, for most things that a regular vet can handle it's going to be much more expensive. But for unusual or complicated issues sometimes it can be a less expensive route, in that you can often get a correct diagnosis and treatment plan much quicker than if you have to have many appointments and procedures with a regular vet.

    Yep, this was me. I thought it would be cheaper. I was quickly disabused of that notion.

    From what locals tell me, it is the less expensive option for horses. I know a handful of people who trailer their horses to the university vet school and swear by it.

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  12. Freight delays depend on who owns the track. There is a difference between the Union Pacific and the Burlington Nothern - Santa Fe. The UP places priority on freight trains whereas the BNSF places priority on Amtrak. One of DH's duties is to place and move freight trains to sidings so Amtrak can get through. DFIL worked for UP and he rarely set aside for Amtrak.

    Here in the midwest the most recent cause of delays was the flooding of the Mississippi River. Some tracks were under water and trains had to be diverted to safer tracks. I think most of the water has receded by now and train traffic is running smoothly once again.

    Members of our family have taken the California Zephyr or the Southwest Chief between CO and the midwest. It usually runs on time with some short delays. My inlaws took Amtrak this past Christmas and the train was 25 min late but made up for it enroute.

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  13. When my dog needed vet care and it looked like it was going to exceed our financial and emotional resources, I looked into dog rescues (breed specific and general). What I found is there are organizations which will offer assistance but, in my case, I would have had to surrender my dog with the reason for surrender being financial hardship due to illness. 

    I am sorry your daughter is going through this. Having an ill dog is heartbreaking and then compound that with a large vet bill and an inflexible payment option, it is beyond stressful. I hope she can figure something out.

    Edited:  Re: vet schools 

    I contacted the state flagship university (3 hours away) and was told someone could see him and perform the surgery/biopsies but there was a waitlist and I would be responsible for the bill. It was disheartening because I thought vet schools would be cheaper and jump at the chance for a learning opportunity. I guess the waitlist showed other people did, too. 

  14. I have carried anger and sadness over how children treated my DS when he was young. He had horrible Tourette Syndrome tics (a loud verbal peep and an arm/neck tic that could not be hidden) and the bullying and teasing were horrible. It is difficult to see those children now as young adults and be happy for them. I tell myself to forgive as they were 8, 9, 10 years old but, in reality, the damage was done and my DS was never accepted into their friend groups or treated with much kindness. It hurts. To this day, my brilliant son struggles. The guilt can be devastating and feeds into my current anger and inability to forgive and move on. I don't think people realize how devastating bullying can be.

    I applaud you for thinking about your DD's circumstances now. It means you are aware of possible future implications and struggles. If you feel you are unable to teach her the necessary social skills, I encourage you to look for resources. In the City south of us, there is a clinic that specializes in teaching social skills, anger management, etc for children. I wish it had been open when DS was young. 

    I'm not certain I am helping and I apologize. Your story makes my heart ache. Sending you hugs.


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