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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Had to add one that just happened with my dd. She's sitting on the landing upstairs within ear shot of me sitting downstairs so I call to her. Me: "Gabriela?" dd: "yes?" Me: "I love you." dd: grunts Me: "Gabriela?" dd: "what?" Me: "you're special" dd: grunts again Me: "Gabriela?" dd: "what?" Me: "you're a good girl." dd: "Mom?" Me: "yeah?" dd: "You're annoying me." :lol: :lol: :lol: Needless to say I stopped after that.:tongue_smilie:
  2. LOL I probably could pretend it wasn't there if it didn't give my son allergies. :)
  3. I think my husband's motto is, "What's for dinner?" He says it everyday. ;):tongue_smilie:
  4. just giving this thread a bump. My dd is going into high school next year too. Would love to hear more folk's schedules. :)
  5. Happy to help. :) You might find this site useful. http://www.oklahomahomeschool.com/forms.html She has field trip forms that you can print out for your children. :)
  6. yes. We call that "fun Friday" in our house and it's precisely when we do field trips etc. It all counts. You can take photographs of the day and include that in your portfolio. Somewhere online there is even a questionnaire that you can give to your dc after the field trip and they can fill that out too or write a brief summary of the day and it can be included in the portfolio as well. :)
  7. In Florida we have to have an evaluation done by a state certified teacher each year. She reviews the portfolio and then gives dd a test. After that she gives me a pass/fail paper that I send in to the school board. Not sure what the requirements are in SC though.
  8. Oops. :blushing: I'm so ashamed. :leaving::tongue_smilie:;):D Wow! congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment. Will you post pics?
  9. Wow everybody's crafts look amazing! I think you all deserve Beaut awards. :) :hurray:
  10. :hurray: I'm so glad. I think you have to post a pic up of this kitten. She sounds too cute! :) So glad she's found. :party: :grouphug:
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