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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. (alright now we're getting pervy. :lol: :lol:) She cast a spell....
  2. her knit bra tickled (sorry! lol I'm sleep deprived and getting waaaay too silly with this thread. Just the thought of knit bras cracks me up! :lol: )
  3. Praying for a healthy baby and a healthy mama. :grouphug:
  4. I've been seriously looking at this one for the same purposes. http://www.amazon.com/Canon-SX30IS-Digital-Optical-Stabilized/dp/B0041RSPR8/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I1NOLR862HOLQ2&colid=2EKN82J52NMB3 It films in HD, has motion stabilizers and as a point and shoot camera it has 35x zoom. The demo videos are pretty impressive. My dd likes to do stop motion and videos too with the camera and she actually wore out my last one because she played with it so heavily. I was looking at this one as a replacement.
  5. Yeah I think this house was built in '82?? I need to ask my neighbor. He would know I'm sure. He owns 4 other units in this complex and has done a lot of renovations and work on the homes. Those filters look nice. I'm going to talk to my dh about getting the one for the bedroom. Do they have to have water or anything like that in them or do you just plug them in and they run? I do give him showers before bed, wash his bedding weekly and have the allergy pillow cases and mattress cover.
  6. LOL Cute. That reminds me of the time when I was in PS that some English students were touring our school and were going around to the classrooms telling us about England and asking if we had questions for them etc. That week just happened to also be Thanksgiving week and my friend raised her hand and asked, "Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in England too?" They just kind of glanced quickly at each other and then replied to her and said, "No, that's really more of an American holiday than an English one." As soon as the words came out of their mouths she realized her mistake and turned beet red. Poor thing. It was funny though. hehehe
  7. Wow Little Izumi. Those are amazing. Great work! :) :hurray:
  8. It is a sprayed on popcorn ceiling. We own the house. We could remove it I'm sure, but what about what the other poster said about it containing asbestos? I use the vacuum with the brush attachment too, but it's a big room (combined dining and living room) with a big ceiling and it's a pita to climb up the chair, vacuum what my arm can reach, get down move the chair, hike the vacuum up on the chair with me and repeat. I really wish there was a better way. That actually looks really good. Do you know if the dust traps inside the microfiber or if it would scatter like with the broom? I wonder how well that would work on the ceiling.
  9. :iagree::iagree::grouphug::grouphug: Go babies go! Go babies Go! :hurray: No.... wait.. maybe I should say instead, "come babies come!" "come babies come! " "yaaaaaaaay babies!!! " :party: :hurray:
  10. Exactly!! How can they not have a record of the students attending their school? This is crazy. Oh this poor young man. I hope he's okay. Has anyone seen him since he gave his money away do you know? How scary.
  11. Will it be safe on the popcorn do you know?? Now I'm freaking out that it might have asbestos in it. :eek: Does anyone know how you find out if you have asbestos in your house? Is there like a gov. agency site or something?
  12. :eek: :svengo: Unreal! I can't even imagine that! That's crazy. My dh was considering moving to CT too because his sister lives there. I think something like that would kill me with my warm tropical blood. :eek: Hope the ground hog doesn't see his shadow for your sake Astrid. :grouphug:
  13. Hey! I found the little switchy thing on the fan. Never even knew it was there. It was covered in dust. :lol: I switched it and it changed the direction that the fan blades were spinning. Will it blow the dust in a different direction??
  14. Wow these are really gorgeous. We've got some I think we've got to change the designation of WTM to equal Well Talented Maidens. :) :hurray:
  15. :lol: :lol: Believe me, Garga, when I tell you I'm not a neat freak. I'm not even in the same neighborhood, it's just that my son sneezes and coughs a lot at night and I'm pretty sure it's allergies and I can't help but notice that my ceiling gets a little furry looking from the dust that flies up there and wonder if that has anything to do with his sneezing and coughing. ;) Thanks. I'll check them out. I think it's worse in his room but he also sneezes a lot in the living room too. I was wondering about those kinds of cloths too, but didn't know if they actually work. Does anyone here use them that can chime in? Thanks hon. :) Thanks for the tips. We don't have any problems increasing humidity down here. ;) I'll have to see if I can switch the fan blades. If it would blow the dust down that would be so much easier. I could just sweep it up then. LOL I think I would need ear plugs too to not hear my son coughing and sneezing. lol :eek: I thought that only houses built before a certain year had asbestos. Mine was built in the 80's. Is there a way to find out for sure? The broom I use has really fluffy and thick (but soft) bristles and it gets the dust off without removing (too much) of the popcorn. I'd love to get rid of the popcorn to tell the truth, but if I have to worry about releasing asbestos I'd be afraid to touch it. :eek: We have a washable filter. DH washes it every month. I don't know if it's hypoallergenic or not, but I would wager not since it can be washed. Dunno. Thanks everyone for all your wonderful replies and suggestions. Off to look at Hepa filters now.
  16. Yeah maybe. How far in would the dust go because I do occasionally take of the grills of the air conditioning vents and clean them and wipe in the duct area. I wonder if I just live in a dusty area. :confused: They built a bunch of high-rise condo apartments just down the street from me.
  17. Love the purple socks. :) The white portion of your afghan looks almost exactly the same color and stitch as a scarf I knitted once many many moons ago. :) I think it was called a "popcorn stitch" IIRC. :) Good work mama. :)
  18. Thanks hon. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't run the ceiling fan all the time, but I live in South Florida so the fan is a must to keep the air moving. I dust the fan blades every other day, but it still doesn't stop it from blowing dust up to the ceiling. :mad:
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