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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I SO agree with you about the concerts. They were the best back then. I remember what a status thing it was to show up to school the next day with your concert t-shirt on from the night before and the kids who didn't get to go would be all like, "How was the concert, did they play this or that? What was the show like?" and the ones who did go proudly wore their shirts too and you did "the nod" as you passed them in the hallway at school. hehe :) The level of musicianship we enjoyed back then was just tremendous. I think because bands had to really pay their dues back then and it usually took a long time of playing any gig you could get before getting a record contract. I think those factors really played into the commitment level of the artists first off, those who stuck with it did it because they loved the music and second of all, they had to really hone their skills on the club circuits before they could get a record deal. It was hard on the musicians but great for the fans as the music speaks for itself. It was just such a level higher. I remember hearing an interview with Steve Perry once where he was talking about the songs he wrote with Journey. He had such a love for the music and they way he spoke about the songs it was as if they were his children.
  2. Awesome! :D hehe You're a good mom. hehe After all we are home educators. That certainly includes music education and appreciation. :D
  3. RUSH is awesome! What are you talking about! lol If that makes you a geek than count me in the geek squad too! :) Tom Sawyer rocks! :) And plus Rush was one of those bands that actually sounds as good live as they do on the record so you know they really are that good! lol And Geddy Lee was/is a kick @ss bass player too! :) Okay now I've got to hear them. lol You know, Fly By Night was one of the first songs I learned to play on the electric guitar eons ago. :D For you Elizabeth (and me too. :D ) Tom Sawyer
  4. Thank you all so much for the replies. :) so it looks like the Wacom is a good choice. I was looking at some of those on amazon.com and reading some things online about what things are important to look for in a writing pad, but one thing I guess I'm not understanding, probably since I've never actually seen on in action, is how do you use it? Do you put the pad on your lap and draw on it like you would a sketch book or is it something more like drawing on the pad while looking at the computer monitor? DD really wants it exclusively for drawing and graphic arts so I want to get one that will be good. What is the minimum size screen that would be good for those applications? What features are the most important that I should get? Thanks so much. I really am so technologically handicapped. My dd though is not. lol Also, if ya'll don't mind, would any of you be willing to look at these and tell me if they look any good? Any advice/insights you can give is truly appreciated. Thanks so much. :) http://www.amazon.com/Graphic-Tablet-Telbak-Technology-Telbak-com/dp/B002N5EX7G/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I3905QWN0AQCB0&colid=2EKN82J52NMB3 http://www.amazon.com/Uc-logic-Graphics-5-5x4-Drawing-Tablet/dp/B0007O3G4G/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=IWW76W55GIL60&colid=2EKN82J52NMB3 http://www.amazon.com/Wacom-CTL460-Bamboo-Factory-Refurbished/dp/B003LVKQ18/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=IEYGAWQZ7NT45&colid=2EKN82J52NMB3 @ MomOfOneFunOne -- I hope you dig yours out and try again. Maybe now it will work out for your dd?
  5. Since pdalley's song was from 1981, it got me thinking of the songs from the earlier part of the 80's. Naturally Journey comes to mind. And even though some of these songs are techinically from the late 70's, I figure since they didn't really become hugely famous until after Steve Perry joined the band and went on to dominate in the 80's that it would be okay. :D Plus it's my thread so I can do what I want. bwahahahahah! lol :tongue_smilie: This song combo is one of my favorites from Journey. I so loved their sound when Greg Rollie was still in the band and Steve just joined. I think these songs come together in such a perfect was as to be magical. They instantly transport me back in time. Enjoy And that brings us into the 80's :) I love the look on Neal Schon's face when he starts into the solo in this video. It's like he's saying to himself, "A Les Paul with a whammy bar! Who woulda thunk it? But it's working!" :D hehe Don't Stop Believing Break out your lighters :) Send Her My Love
  6. My dd wants to get a pen tablet for the computer so she can draw and do graphic arts type of stuff. I've started doing some preliminary research online and I can see that they can get pretty pricey and can do a wide range of tasks. Does anyone have experience with these that can recommend a good one for $100.00 or less, that can do the types of tasks my dd wants to do well?? Thanks so much to all who reply. :)
  7. Awwww. :001_wub: That's a nice song. Thanks for sharing it. :) Did the boy become your dh eventually?
  8. Oh my gosh!!! Praying for your mom! I'm so sorry honey. Please keep us updated on how she is doing. :grouphug:
  9. ROFL :smilielol5::smilielol5: Ay Safety Dance. lol I remember that one. Yes some definite disasters. I love the literal of the Bonnie Tyler song. I almost peed my pants laughing when I first saw that. hehehe Thanks so much for putting these up. Too funny! :lol::lol::lol:
  10. YES!! I love that skit. He's so funny. I love the bit about being in a chair in the sky. lol:lol:
  11. Okay ladies... Here's some more 80's goodness. Enjoy. :) The Go Go's Head Over Heels Vacation And some from Belinda Carlisle's solo album
  12. I don't know. Would you believe I still own those old headphones from back in the day?? They belonged to my step father and he brought them with him when he and my mom got married. I have no idea how old they really are, but they still work great and nothing sounds quite as good as listening to it through those headphones. Pink Floyd especially. You hear every little sound and nuance in the music. :)
  13. Thank you so much everyone for your replies. It's truly helpful. Thanks littlebug42 for the recommendation. That's actually not too far from me. I think the podiatrist I took my son to might even be in that same complex, but he's not the same doctor. :) @HollyDay... what kinds of shoes did you purchase? Do you have a link you could share or a photo image? I actually do massage my son's legs and feet everyday already. I have this hand held wooden massager that has rollers on it and I've been using that. I also try to gently stretch his legs too, but his feet are super flat. His left foot in particular turns out almost sideways. The podiatrist told us that orthotics wouldn't help him. :( For those of you who have toe walkers, do you use a weighted vest for it and does it help?
  14. :iagree::iagree: Me too. I love music so much. It can really transport you anywhere. It's like having a time machine for your mind. If I hear Bye Bye Miss American Pie ever, I'm immediately taken back to when I was a kid, listening to it on 8-track on our stereo with the headphones on. :) Ay, now I have this song in my head. Whenever I get to reminicing this song always come to my mind for some reason. :) I just love it.
  15. Oh sweetie, how could I ever take offense from someone offering to help. :grouphug: Thank you for your sweet words and thoughts. My son doesn't drink cow's milk at all. He nursed until he was 5 years old and then weaned himself and has never drunk milk since. He's almost 10 now (next month). Do you remember how your mom tied your feet up?? What was the purpose for it? Was it to stretch the muscles or give you a type of arch support? Thanks for your replies. :)
  16. Okay since we're on Van Halen, I thought it would be a perfect segue into Michael Jackson since Eddie played guitar on Beat It. What would the 80's be without Michael? Enjoy. :) Beat It And of course Weird Al's version lol
  17. For the Van Halen fans. :D Enjoy. :) Beautiful Girls And with Sammy Dreams
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