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Posts posted by *Jessica*

  1. Switched to Math Mammoth and I love everything about it. The approach is very similar to Singapore (including using the bar diagrams for word problems), and it's quite rigorous & challenging, but IMHO it explains concepts more clearly and explicitly.



    I was getting ready to buy Singapore, but I keep seeing references like the one above. I'm starting to think MM might be a better choice for us. We use MEP as our main math program, so I'm just looking for something to supplement with. Do I buy the Light Blue series? Thanks!

  2. We always have at least one serving of fruit or veg, and often two, with one of the following lunch options:


    Leftovers (my favorite.....I cook more than we need of most meals so I can use the leftovers for lunch the next day)

    PB&J, yogurt

    Cheddar cheese sandwiches or grilled cheddar cheese sandwiches

    Cheese, chicken & cheese, or black bean & cheese quesadillas (served with salsa & sour cream)


    Tuna sandwiches

    Dirty rice

    Paninis (I love proscuitto, manchego cheese, & roasted red pepper paninis, but they are $$ so are a special treat)

    Salads with some form of protein (cheese, chicken, beef with taco seasonings)

  3. Can anyone recommend a good human anatomy model? Nik (age 6) really wants one with removable organs but the reviews I'm finding for these things are awful! Is there a model out there that isn't junk that I can get for less than $100? (Preferably a lot less, but I'm realistic that in this case we might really get what we pay for!)



  4. I highly recommend the exploringnature.org Biomes of the World page! We had a lot of fun with learning about biomes earlier this year using that site along with Jean Craighead George's One Day in the (Tropical Rain Forest, Alpine Tundra, Prairie, Desert) series. We found the books at the library and enjoyed them so much that we have started adding them to our personal library so we can read them over and over again.

  5. Clock with an hour hand that moves when you move the minute hand

    Julianna, it doesn't look like the hour hand moves when you move the minute hand. Can you confirm whether is does or not? I would really appreciate it!

    Yeah--I pull the one down from the wall in the bathroom and use it. The kids love it that it's a real clock. (Just be careful to set it correctly when you put it back on the wall, or you'll be frantic the next morning when you're trying to get ready and think you're reeeaally late!)

    Pulling one down from the wall is a great idea, unless you live in my house! :lol: We only have one clock (well, we have digital clocks like alarm clocks and the microwave) and it is one of the ones that sets itself using a satellite. If you mess with it it can take a couple of days to get to the correct time. I could use my watch, but that seems too small.

  6. I'm already planning, too. My son is is doing K-1 work this year and I'm not sure yet whether he'll be registered as a 1st or 2nd grader next year. My plan so far is:




    Noble Knights of Knowledge because he keeps begging me for it!

    I want to get Singapore, too, but that might be excessive! Or not? What does the Hive think?



    books of his choice

    Explode the Code to help cement some of the phonics rules



    Classical Writing Primer

    Cursive First (I'm still trying to decide whether to use this or not.)



    selections from Ambleside Online’s Year 1 and 2 lists



    SOTW 2 + Activity Book



    R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey: Earth & Space

    Nature study from Classical Writing Primer


    Music/Composer Study

    Classical Music Composer Study 2010/2011 using Classics for Kids


    Artist/Picture Study

    As outlined on my blog: We Don't Need No Education


    And we may be working on a foreign language by then.

  7. These worksheets just look wonderful. :D:D


    We love using this book together with "The Sentence Family". I found both of these grammar resources here on this board. Just love the HIVE!



    Thanks for the recommendation. :D


    One of my other favorite resources for grammar is a series of books titled, "Words Are Categorical" by Brian Cleary. We have a couple already and the rest are on my wish list. They are so much fun, and perfect for the younger student.

  8. First of all, I couldn't believe it when I saw your post. We were talking yesterday about getting Nik involved in fencing!


    I have no advice to offer, because I really know very little about the sport myself.


    Marc took fencing in college (and was one of the top two students in the class), so if we can't find a class for young children he may end up teaching Nik himself. I do hope we can find a class, though, because we don't do a lot of other activities outside the house and it would be good to get him out among other people more often.


    My ds14 is a fencing maniac. He started just one year ago.


    Fencing is EXPENSIVE. Lots of specialized equipment ... yeah, the club lets kids borrow everything, but it's kinda disgusting to share clothes and facemasks that everyone sweats like pigs in. DS has received fencing equipment for every gift-giving occasion for the last year, and we ain't done yet. Then you have to allow for repairs/maintenance ....


    Lessons/club fees are expensive, too. DS fences at a 501©3 club, and it's still expensive.


    Fencing is TIME-CONSUMING. DS spends 8 hours a week at the club. Now, granted, not everyone spends that amount of time at it, but it's his passion. Then there are tournaments, which are occasionally in town, but more often require a drive of 90 min to 3 hours one-way. Basically, if it's a tournament weekend, that's our whole Saturday.


    Fencing is FUN. For our guy, at any rate. Not everyone clicks with it, but those who click really click, iykwim. Tournaments are run with various age groups, so your little guys would still be competitive in their grouping.


    Fencing is GOOD EXERCISE. DS has really toned up and muscled up in the last year. Granted, he's maturing, but without the fencing, he wouldn't have those steely muscles. It's very vigorous exercise. I complained above about the sweating, but I do love to see him sweat for 2 hours at a stretch and enjoy it -- not what I expected for his teen years, as he has always been an indoor/nerdy/mathy kid. I love indoor/nerdy/mathy people (I am one and I married one), and it's been a wonderful revelation to me to watch DS blossom into an athlete as well.


    Fencing is a very ANALYTICAL sport. Successful fencers are thinkers -- it's kinda like very physical chess. The thinking and strategy are just as important as the stabbing part.


    There are scholarships available for fencing. The odds are better than for, say, basketball players. There are two fencing kids in our two-county area going to eastern prestige schools on fencing scholarships this coming fall. Given the vastly lower numbers of fencers, that's pretty good odds. You have awhile for that, yet :)


    My advice for your family is to see if there's an introductory course offered at the fencing club(s) in your area -- e.g. our club offers a 6-week intro course a few times a year for age-5 and older. You won't really know until you give it a try. I absolutely would not invest in any equipment until your child has been fencing for several weeks ...





    Depending on the age of your fella, and local rules, you might find it cheaper for him to learn rapier as part of the SCA. (Society for Creative Anachronism.)


    It's not the same as Olympic fencing, so there won't be any scholarships to be had, but if you're looking for fun and fitness, it might fit the bill. Just thought I'd toss the idea out there in case it was useful.




    Thank you both for the advice and thoughts!

  9. Bummer, sorry about that! I'll take a look at that and see what's going on. In the meantime, you can get the file at my yahoo group (link in my siggy) under the files section, in the other homeschooling helps file :).

    I'm already a member of the Yahoo Group, I just didn't think to look there! Thanks!

  10. Have you tried doing SOTW Sonlight style? I loved Sonlight, but I love WTM more. So I've added read-alouds, readers and some extra history books from Sonlight. It's worked very well for us, you can see my SOTW plans here. Also, the AG is a great source of fun activities and extra books. Hope that helps!

    Paige, I love the SOTW Volume 1 Plans! However, we're already halfway through the year so I was thinking I would just start next year with the Volume 2 Plans. Volume 2 Plans comes up with an error message, "Sorry, there are currently no free download slots available on this server." Is there any chance they can be uploaded again?

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