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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. Maybe she just wanted to make sure she didn't fail to ask the 65yos who still look 45.
  2. Depends on the clothes. Some wrinkle, some not really.
  3. Or someone else did a better job on the skills test, or appealed more to management for w/e other reason. To be a librarian you need an MLS, and it doesn't pay all that much.
  4. Oh, yeah, and your (Paige's) family is completely unreasonable (other than the cake timing... I have no clue about that, but I don't think it's crazy that you'd be able to get that with less than a week's notice in most places, even with the picture stuff... other than maybe the whole proximity to Thanksgiving thing... people don't buy cakes for that though, do they? - that said, brother should deal with his own cakes... if he wanted you to deal with it, he should've just told you (the design etc) when you asked).
  5. Around here it's not that hard to get a custom cake with a week's notice. In fact, the bakery seems to give me an odd look when I order more than 2 weeks in advance. That said, I didn't realize we were talking about a picture to copy. I was thinking a specific flavor, with "Happy xth Birthday [name]" written on it or something. If I call the bakery, I might even still be able to accomplish that for tomorrow. Maybe I should call the bakery... Broccoli just mentioned what flavor he wants earlier today. It's a common flavor though, and I was thinking that we could probably just get it by just showing up tomorrow (they'll write anything on it while you wait). And, I'd feel weird calling at 4:39pm about a cake for tomorrow...
  6. Try again later or tomorrow - they might just have been slow to put it into the system, or their database might not have updated the records that were put in yet, or w/e. Me neither. Last year DW decided to bicycle to Albany Syracuse, so she wasn't home on xmas, and we'd just gotten home from NL (me with that annoying extra day because of visa issues), and, so, it all sucked. Since we're trying to come up with 8 days, I'm going to mention Kiva. Kiva allows you to lend money (in increments of $25) to people who typically can't get loans from banks (it isn't worth the risk to a bank in India or wherever to lend $100 to someone with a super low income, but even small amounts like that can help people in starting or increasing a small business etc (I've also lent some money for student loans). It's technically not charity (as far as your taxes are concerned), since they're microloans, but you don't make any money off of it, there's the risk of currency exchange loss (never gain - I gather they keep the extra in that case for operating expenses) on some of the loans, and the risk of the borrower defaulting on part or all of the loan. I've had both some minor currency exchange loss happen on a couple of loans, and had a couple of people default on fairly small parts of their loans, but most repay just fine. Some of the participating organizations charge zero interest to the borrowers, others charge various amounts, some of which are quite high (now, I know that in some countries the inflation is quite high, so that in reality the loans aren't necessarily as expensive to the borrowers as they look, but I don't care to research all of that and only lend through organizations that charge no or low interest). And, once people have repaid (part of) their loan, you can relend the money to other people, so even with just a fairly small amount of money you can help a whole bunch of people by relending it over and over again. Why? Are they better?
  7. Well, there was a partum, right? And you're still post it... you didn't time travel and end up in pre or anything, right? So... then it's still post-partum... and will remain post-partum until you do time travel to the past. I made hot dogs for dinner. Broccoli complained about the lack of I-don't-recall-what. Oh, yeah, bacon. (he was whining about it while I was cooking). I told him that if he's going to whine about HOT DOGS, then I might as well make curry or w/e. He changed his tune very quickly. But still. :banghead: I read him a bedtime story (Celery isn't interested in the current book, which I finished tonight, btw), and they've been asleep for quite a while now. And then I Russianed.
  8. Yeah, I've been pleasantly surprised at what I still remember after about 15 years. I mean, I only have a 1/4 size violin to play on now, so, my fingers need to be closer together and all that, but hey... I didn't forget *everything*. Just, uh, a lot. I'm thinking of finding some sheet music to print out or something to see what I can do. I suppose I could just use the guitar book and ignore the fingering...
  9. :iagree: Unless, of course, they were 3 problems from this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Prize_Problems In that case, it'd be: :party: (I know, they were not from that list. This is more commonly an issue with writing in our house than with math (though math is not immune to this), but yes... it's super frustrating) That looks very yummy.
  10. That sounds cool. You certainly should do that. Btw, I taught myself some guitar just with the book. That said, I played the violin for a long time, so that might have helped.
  11. When he's not whining, it certainly beats listening to Broccoli playing the violin... he's had it since last Wednesday, and a week isn't long enough to make it sound good yet (though it's less terrible than I worried it might be, for the most part).
  12. I taught the children, I swept and mopped the living room floor, I walked with the children to the library and back, I bought food, and, that's about it, I think. Breathing is exhausting. I used my inhaler once already today, and an allergy pill. Maybe I should use my inhaler again.
  13. I don't see why you couldn't learn left-handed guitar (other than the time issue). With violins, lefties play it exactly the same as right-handed people, so, if that works, then surely right-handed people can learn left-handed guitar (also, afaik, plenty of lefties play guitar the right-handed way). What's not soothing is dealing with a 10yo who whines he doesn't want to practice... otherwise, classical guitar is great.
  14. I haven't read everything, but in case it hasn't been mentioned... flunking out of courses can lead to excessive hours, at which point your tuition rate goes way up (to something similar to out of state tuition while being in state). That's not fun, especially when you finally have your stuff together but can't get student loans (because of excessive hours) and your relatives don't have more cash to throw at you either.
  15. Student loan should now only take 2y1m to pay off, instead of 3y11m.
  16. Right. I don't agree either. That said, if the kid spent a lot of time traveling like that example there, I'd probably make sure that gets mentioned in an essay or guidance counselor letter as a showing exceptional motivation kind of thing. Not that I know much about admissions.
  17. I figured the rain washed it into a drainage pipe, but who knows? It obviously didn't get flushed down the toilet...
  18. Also, I think I saw on another link that it pays just under $500 a month.
  19. It was just meant to maybe make you and Jean and whomever feel better about places that haven't been cleaned in a while. Also, it's an interesting documentary - not sure if Netflix still has it (that was just a brief part... iirc, there wasn't any other gross stuff).
  20. The Wikipedia article lists university programs for Environmental Studies/Environmental Science, and it doesn't list any hogeschool programs, so, my guess would be university? https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milieuwetenschappen#Overzicht_opleidingen_Milieuwetenschappen_aan_de_Nederlandse_universiteiten Here, this does list a few hogescholen as well: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milieukundeopleiding Of course, your first step would be to narrow down those lists to programs offered 100% in English. After that, you should probably talk to an advisor at the university, and make one of the questions about why to pick university vs hogeschool.
  21. You can double major, but unless it's in a closely related field, it might be hard to pull off in reality, because you don't just take courses whenever - they're on a schedule, so, you can't just take a slightly lighter load for one or both of them and take an extra year to graduate... you'd really have to do two full loads at the same time. Which is doable for a number of people if it's something like math and physics, but not very doable if it's say biomedical science & engineering and artificial intelligence (not much overlap there). I'm not entirely sure if minors exist. And yes, you can take random courses extra if you want, or take courses as an adult just for fun, or w/e. There just isn't much elective space in your degree program, but that doesn't mean you can't take more courses.
  22. ETA: also, world religions, computer skills, and philosophy.
  23. ETA: the divers have to dive in there to unclog the system, for those people who don't care to click 'play'.
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