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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Oh. "That's wicked awesome!" was a common phrase for me growing up. So, um...Do you speak Spanish?
  2. Sometimes you can get coupons from the manufacturer's. I know Auvi-Q has a $0 co-pay through the end of Dec if you sign up for their Support and savings program: https://www.auvi-q.com/sign-up
  3. Enjoying life? Drinking teA? Practicing her Hula for a movie role?
  4. We have a loft area we use for school, and it is plastered with DS's artwork. If they were framed it would be like the Paris Salon.
  5. I just learned there is a limit to the number of emoticons you can use. I think it's 10. If I knew that before, I forgot.
  6. Now THAT was worth cheering about! :hurray: :hurray: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :hurray: :hurray: I was forced to go to the pool after work and missed it. :( And they had a night swim. The bugs joined us for the night swim. That sucked.
  7. I used to work in the paint department at Lowe's! Always buy more than you need the first time! Always!
  8. Meh. I'm waiting for 10K. 200 is so 7 minutes ago.
  9. While I do appreciate Monica's take on pirate booty, I believe the reference was to popcorn. Although I'm sure an argument can be made that Monica's pirate booty is edible and can be bagged.
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. Since it is that time of year, I thought I'd share my favorite peach cobbler recipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/peach-cobbler-recipe.html Never had this growing up. Discovered it a few years ago, and gained 10 lbs overnight. :)
  12. I thought that, too. But then I got one (well, my sister gifted me hers). And it was such a PITA I never used it after the first half-dozen times. (Which she later told me is why she allowed me to take it out of her house in the first place!!!) I really think by hand is easier.
  13. So, what - we're not good enough for you? You need more drama in your life?
  14. :grouphug: ETA: Booya! This is the thread that never ends...
  15. Bread machines make it harder - at least, in terms of cleanup. I prefer a single large bowl and my hands. I usually make bread on days when I need to vent a little frustration. :smash:
  16. I have never canned anything. I do make my own bread, though, and dry herbs. But canning? Um, no. I'm too scared I will accidentally poison my peeps.
  17. I spent the afternoon digging perennials out of my neighbors garden beds, and planting them in mine. I love free plants. She offered them to me first, just so you know. She's getting ready to move. :)
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