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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Oh my gosh, you've made me cry. Boo, hoo. :crying: I'm going to go and tell my boss I need to leave early for personal reasons now.
  2. No, I was saying that your explanation for your picture was not valid. My standard is that the elephant be the Cheerleader. #markneedstoworkonhisreadingcomprehension
  3. We are only allowed to debate the really important things on this thread. Stop paying so much attention. You were given strict instructions to ignore.
  4. I'm going back to work now. :) Have a lovely day all.
  5. In this one, there actually is an elephant cheerleader. The girls are incidental. This I would have accepted. BOOYAH!!!!
  6. I see no one cheering in that picture. Ellie!!! We need a ruling on this.
  7. Try again, Mark. The cheerleader has to BE the elephant. See it's all about the grammar. elephant cheerleader elephant is an adjective describing cheerleader she did not ask for elephant with cheerleaders see? no preposition. That is your educational lesson for the day. You're welcome.
  8. Good morning. Jolking Day 6. Sunrise was beautiful this morning. It was a deep salmon color, with pinks and lavenders thrown in. Amazing.
  9. Happy Birthday DS11 of Susan in TN!!!! :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
  10. That's why we all hang out here. Self-gratifying. Or something like that. Ignore me.
  11. 9th grade essay? Reminds me of the anti-medicine bs I wrote in high school.
  12. :grouphug: Tex :grouphug: :grouphug: Tex's friend and family
  13. Me thinks the IT guy might know a bit more about this than I do, so I'm staying out of it. :lurk5:
  14. Juice fast - not a chance. Spaghetti challenge - sounds interesting. Explain. This might be my winter thing. :) I was attempting to exercise daily. So sometimes "run," sometimes walk. More like a jog/walk combo. Jolking. The squirrels probably think I look pathetic.
  15. I just trained someone for an hour and a half who smelled like an ashtray. So if any of you smoke, all I have to say is: YOU STINK
  16. Sounds like she thought you were just kvetching and not serious. And so she went along with it because she figured it would never happen. And now you have done gone and did it! Not what she was expecting, so she's freakin'. Not that I've done that before or anything... :leaving:
  17. When DS was going through that, I would put one problem at a time on the whiteboard. First we would walk through one with me explaining and drawing visuals, then the next one he would tell me how to solve it, I would write out what he was saying, and then he would have to copy it down on to his page. Separating each one away from the sheet helped lessen his anxiety. Now he can do a whole page without the whiteboard. We reserve the whiteboard for the really hard ones - easier to erase. (Edited for spelling error. Oops.)
  18. Mark, why is the drill at the table necessary? DS does all of his work on the floor. Sometimes while playing with toys. He spells best when he's staring at the ceiling. Exercise Day 4 Booya!
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