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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Eewww, gross, no. Sorry I'm yucking your yum, but...gross.
  2. Pretty sure there is no avocado on a Philly Cheesesteak.
  3. Have to work OT today from home to help pay for weekend(ish) visit to NC next weekend to see my bestie from high school. I don't feel like working, though.
  4. In my head I am reading that as, "No, I shan't!" Because I haven't figured out strikethroughs on my phone in order to FTFY.
  5. Mine is 107/63. As of two weeks ago anyway. :) DH is on BP medication. I pray DS inherited my genes on this one. Anyhoo, good night, all!! (Renai, I'm glad your BP is being managed and Slache, hoping you can find an OBGYN soon.)
  6. Why is that weird? I am looking at my DS's dentist bill from the other day right now, and it has codes on it.
  7. I can read cats' thoughts. This one is thinking, "I am not amused."
  8. Quackers, I've been thinking. (Look out, world!) "Ellie: Be Queen" should be at the top of your list. Because Queen.
  9. DS was 6 when we were moving last, and we convinced him to give it away to a family with 5 kids. We had to promise him they "would love it and treat it well."
  10. Yes. This concerted effort of ITTers to use shall or shan't daily, in order to prevent its obsolescence, is for real yo.
  11. Insomuch as I know you are all interested in the continuing Days of His Death drama, aka Harry's Saga, I shall forthwith reproduce the communication with Harry's owner which transpired this day: And there you have it. And while I did edit "[ikslo]" here - I actually did type "DS" in my email to him without thinking. I am on this forum WAAAAAAY to much.
  12. I shall persevere. But is Cani pronounced with a long i or an ee? I keep switching back and forth!
  13. Susan shall floss daily, Renai shall report in... etc.
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