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Posts posted by Lawyer&Mom

  1. 16 hours ago, KidsHappen said:

    Due to my health issues I do not have a passcode on my phone so that if anything happens to me someone can go into my contacts and find my ICE (hubby) and call to het me help. I do text my family a lot and I have Kindle on my phone. I have my list of passwords on my phone so I don't lose them and a copy of my insurance card. I know that is not terribly safe but I have never lost my phone so I am not overly worried about it. It also helps to text my hubby downstairs when I need something or if I need help.

    If you have an iPhone you can set up a medical ID that is accessible without your passcode.  I have my name, diagnoses, medication, contact numbers etc. in mine. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Arcadia said:

    Where I used to work, the paper was 80g or more often 100g with the company logo as a watermark. We had a department printer dedicated for printing letters to clients. When I was in college (90s), resumes were sent in conqueror 100gsm paper (https://conqueror-paper.co.uk/High-White-Wove-100gsm-Bespoke-250)

    I only printed a few resumes in law school and still had an almost full box of that paper… kids found it during lockdown and *loved* it for watercoloring!

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  3. On 5/2/2024 at 8:55 AM, Arcadia said:

    Eye contact, firm handshake are things that are at the top of my mind when it comes to first impressions. @Lawyer&Mom anything you might want to suggest since you are a lawyer and autistic? 

    Goodness, I was a lawyer for years and years before I was diagnosed, so I wasn’t consciously aware of what I needed to do to fit in, or where I may have had deficits.  Can’t go wrong with a firm handshake, and eye contact can be faked.  (Look at their nose or forehead and it’s close enough.)  I would say that my government role is very neurodiverse, filled with attorneys that might not be able to thrive in a law firm.  But our hiring is just as difficult as anywhere.

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  4. In my circles it’s the cost of daycare that limits kids.  Two kids in daycare equaled our mortgage, a third kid in daycare would have been prohibitive.  Moms start having kids later so spacing the kids so they aren’t all in daycare at the same time isn’t really an option.  My coworkers and I would joke that we were too rich to afford a third kid.  Our high salaries allowed us to pay for daycare and not have to stay home, but stay at home moms could have another kid without incurring immediate extra daycare costs.  I’m not complaining at all, it’s like the ultimate first world problem, and we honestly didn’t want more than two kids, but the economics of it all is really interesting to me. 

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  5. I had various rounds of therapy as a child, a teen and in my forties.  Adult therapy can be great because you finally have the life experience to really put things in context.  My childhood trauma happened before my conscious memories and when I was minimally verbal.  A therapist was able to really help me put my big nebulous emotions from this time period into a framework I could understand.  It was life changing.  My prior rounds of therapy were not.  You have to be ready.  

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  6. I’m a 44 year old white woman and a lawyer.  I had a sign the document consenting to drug testing and promise not to sell my prescription to get my ADHD meds.  It’s just standard procedure.  (I didn’t have to jump through diagnostic hoops, my doctor had already diagnosed my non-ADHD condition.  The same drugs are used for other neurological conditions.)

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  7. I put myself on H1 and H2 in the thick of the pandemic when seeing a doctor wasn’t really an option.  Thankfully we have more better choices now!  If it was my kid I would totally get a doctor involved first.

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  8. I put myself on Allegra and Pepcid when I was having post-viral GI issues.  Made a world of difference.  My allergist signed off on it afterwards.  I would definitely bring it up with an allergist. 

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  9. I have EDS and MCAS, both of which were exacerbated by COVID.  It can be postviral and genetic at the same time.  I also have orthostatic intolerance, similar to POTS.  Try compression leggings, electrolytes and consistent fluids.  These are easy things to start with as you pursue medical answers.  A tip for fluids:  start the day with six rubber bracelets on your right hand and move a bracelet to your left hand every time you drink a glass of water.  Easy way to remember and keep track.  They sell packs of silicon bracelets on Amazon. 

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  10. Cow’s eye dissection as part of a unit on optics is super, super cool.  You’ve already worked with ground glass lenses, and then you find out that a mammal lens works the same way.  I can’t think of anything more engaging in physics at the high school level for a biology kid.  (Lots of instructions on the dissection online.  You can then use the lens to do basic refraction experiments.)

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Katy said:

    The reason it’s a topic is that photo was used as “proof of life” that the Spanish & French press were demanding. It wasn’t a current photo, so it stirred up even more controversy. That’s all. 

    This.  I was mildly following the “where is Kate” chatter, and was relieved when the picture was issued.  No matter what health/marriage drama may or may not be going on behind the scenes, at least she was fine.  Nothing to see here.  And then the picture was killed by the news agency.  Yikes.  And then they wouldn’t release the original picture.  Double yikes.  I didn’t need to know she had cancer, I didn’t want the intimate details of her health, I just wanted a nice clear “proof of life” picture, and I’m glad we finally have the video of her on the bench.  I’m very sorry she is dealing with cancer, but my interest in the story is basically over now that we know she’s okay (or as okay as you can be under the circumstances.)

    • Like 4
  12. 1 minute ago, Heartstrings said:

    For example, I don’t think there’s anything the royal family of Norway could do to get us to chatter about them for weeks, even if they desperately wanted us to.

    Well, not for lack of trying!  Let me tell you about The Princess and The Shaman…  

  13. She looks pretty good considering.  Why on earth did they release the doctored photo then refuse to release the original?  I feel badly for her and still feel the PR was abysmal. 

    • Like 4
  14. 39 minutes ago, Katy said:

    Jessica Reed Kraus from HouseInHabit (a controversial mommy blogger turned independent journalist) says she received confirmation from 3 different sources that Kate has an ostemy bag, and the surgery to remove it is 12 weeks from initial surgery. They were initially keeping it a secret to not embarrass her, but this photoshop business has ended that. 

    There must be a million ways to hide an ostemy bag in a picture.  Hiding her health issue is fine, the lack of PR competence is the real scandal. 

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  15. So the books arrived yesterday, and I have to say I’m really impressed.  I mostly got chapter books, but I got one picture book and I was not expecting glossy paper and full color illustrations.  Not the best illustrations ever, but still very engaging.  (We got Puss in Boots and there is running gag in the illustrations about bunnies pooping everywhere that my eight year old *loved*.)  The chapter books have occasional black and white illustrations that definitely helped my ten year old reader understand the story.  They are clearly intentional with what they choose to illustrate.  This is a legit publisher that is trying to make reading fun, even as they lean hard into stories already in the public domain.  (We got retellings of Sherlock Holmes, Homer, Robinson Crusoe etc.)  I really respect their mission, the books are practically free in France, and still a good deal with overseas shipping. 

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  16. On 2/23/2024 at 11:42 PM, Roscoe said:

    (and before I forget again: https://www.lirecestpartir.fr/)

    Thank you for this fantastic resource!  Just ordered 27 books!  Shipping isn’t super cheap, but the books themselves are, so altogether it’s a steal.  I paid just over $3 a book for chapter books, including shipping, which is thrift store prices for new books.  The retellings of classic lit are the perfect level for my 4th grader.  (Who is about to complain about reading so much Jules Verne…)

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