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Zoo Keeper

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Status Replies posted by Zoo Keeper

  1. My 11th grade son has been struggling through Algebra I for 3 years. I’ve tried different curriculum and a tutor. I am not sure what to do as our state requires Algebra 1, 2, Geometry, and 1 other math to graduate. He does well with Geometry. Any advice? 

    1. Zoo Keeper

      Zoo Keeper

      AGS publishing and Walch Power Basics make textbooks/materials for struggling learners that are still high school credit worthy. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Prayer Request:  I am trying to find a school for my oldest to take his FIRST AP test.   If you happen to read this, could you pray that God is able to open up some doors for us as I call around?  

  3. Prayer Request:  I am trying to find a school for my oldest to take his FIRST AP test.   If you happen to read this, could you pray that God is able to open up some doors for us as I call around?  

  4. I am hanging in there. Mourning the death of my oldest son. 

    1. Zoo Keeper

      Zoo Keeper

      My deepest sympathy for your loss--praying for you.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  5. First child is just about finished homeschooling high school and is off to university in a few months. I. can. not. believe. after all these years of being on these forums that I am writing this!! Thank you SWB and JW and long-time boardie friends!!!!

    1. Zoo Keeper

      Zoo Keeper

      Congratulations Colleen, to BOTH of you!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. For once, I am head of the curve. We are offically in February Burnout...

  7. Pleased about ds's great SAT scores!!! Thank you SWB, JW, and TWTM community!

    1. Zoo Keeper

      Zoo Keeper

      Congratulations to your son and to you! Lots of hard work by both of you to get those scores. ;)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. PSA: Do not let your child search for "pussy willows" on the internet. Or if you do, be prepared for the question "Mom, why are those ladies in weird bathing suits?" At least they were wearing something . . .

    1. Zoo Keeper

      Zoo Keeper

      poison ivy leads to some umm, interesting images as well...!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Dreamed about Latin last night after reading here about it for hours before bed.

    1. Zoo Keeper

      Zoo Keeper

      I was dreaming about Algebra texts and ebay... ;)

  10. Today I get to taste the reward of two years of work. I get to harvest honey.

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