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Everything posted by Slache

  1. I had planned on using ANKI but tell me if there's an app that: Is smart Has games Is free I can make my own decks I can separate decks And if this isn't a thing let me know if I can separate ANKI decks. Thanks! By separate I mean can I combine my kids in one deck for morning time and separate their cards for when they are ready to be more independent.
  2. Alex just farted himself awake and is too frightened to go back to sleep.
  3. Isn't it a thing that I can let my kids use my email with a... okay, this isn't going well. If my email is slache(at)gmail can't I have a john.slache(at)gmail so he can have his own online accounts like Facebook, but the emails would go to me? I hope that makes sense.
  4. I'm not there yet, but be sure to check Beautiful Feet and Ambleside Online. :)
  5. We are out of peanut butter and there is going to be an uprising. RIP the mama. I just let my house get all muddy and let the kids track a bunch of leaves in. It looks quite nice. I love it!
  6. Don't feel guilty about this. If it stresses your animals out and it will stress the other animal out, too. It would be better for them to stay in the shelter than have added stress.
  7. You said you only worry about how your house looks when you're PMSing. If you're going to stop PMSing then you can stop worrying about your housework.
  8. Good. Soon you won't have to worry about housework at all! Yeah, I learned pretty quickly to always wear a ponytail lest they get tangled in my hair. :willy_nilly:
  9. My memory might suck but you're still awesome. When I lived in Louisiana we were surrounded by grasshoppers the size of hamsters. They were very strange creatures. They were very large and would molt and become smaller but have wings. Then they'd have their babies up on the roofs and when they ran out of food up there they'd fall on your head. They were sort of slimy. They came after Katrina. The locals said they had never seen them before that. Here's a picture. I won't be offended if you don't click. https://www.google.com/search?q=Louisiana+black+grasshopper&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZmu3jhsTPAhVBwGMKHe4iCS8Q_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=04RuekGcKWDUAM%3A
  10. Writing, painting, raising twins, Latin, geometry, gardening... I think I have a new hero.
  11. AWESOME! I'm so proud of you! :party: :hurray: It's a Critter's awesome BOOYA! #noh
  12. I feel like one thing needs to be consistent. My name is always the same. People actually call me Slache. Not so much anymore because Matt corrects them, but for nearly a decade people thought that was my name. From 7th grade until I was married. My mother hated it. :D
  13. :lol: I just know your personality. Every once in a while someone changes their name, picture and signature and I'm like "Hey! No! You're so and so! Don't do that!" Charlie and Diacleta for staters! :toetap05:
  14. We use our 12" all of the time too. We have a stainless steel and a green non-stick. I want a cast iron skillet as well. Matt got those stupid fees waived. :party:
  15. What sorcery is this? I've known 2 families without dishwashers and they both washed immediately after every meal. Both had only teens. I lived with one and spent a ton of time with the other. KAUPHY!
  16. But they wash as they go and everyone does their own so it's not a lot of work. Beautifully done! I run it every day at nap time and empty it before dinner. The system is perfect but I went ahead and had another baby which is going to throw a wrench in the whole thing once he eats real food. Too many people at your place. If I were you I'd have washable everything and run it after every meal. Baby! I didn't need a profile picture for you because I recognize your writing. Hims cute though. Happy birthday DH!
  17. I'm a total sap. I don't know where I got it from. In my experience people who have dishwashers tend to let dishes pile up when the dishwasher is full while people without them tend to have clean counters because they wash them right after eating. I would like to have two or none. What's the point in loading a dishwasher just to wash the dishes (pots and pans) afterwards?
  18. They were yoga pants with scales on someone who should not have been wearing yoga pants. Oh good. I was thinking about you, but I can't remember people without profile pictures so I had no clue who you were. I'm glad things are okay so far. Now get a profile picture. And post here more often. I like you. I can't figure out if my dream house has a dishwasher or not. Do you wish you had one?
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