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Everything posted by MysteryJen

  1. Generally productive day here so far: bills paid kitchen clean daily chores finished knocked off some weekly chores ds3 is finally entirely caught up (5 weeks of no school due to his eye injury) worked on grocery list ds3's weekly dinner planned dog walked A piece on the vacuum cleaner fell off- have not figured out how to get it back on yet Next up: cup of tea and read a little
  2. Good morning! dd2 is up and eating breakfast, about to head for school. ds3 is up and starting work. dd2 is the only one who doesn't have much to do today- no work- but errands and some calls for her. I am not exactly sure what I am going to do- it is all both regularly scheduled and at the whim of other people. coffee/paper dd2 off to school beginning of semester meeting with ds3 electronic chores- bills, emails, etc clean kitchen new list of daily chores catch up with dd1 after her calls this morning new daily list of chores update to do for week update calendar after I learn people's schedules ds3 to gym (I think) or ds3 to tennis some electronic chores with dd2 dd2 has dr appointment- she is going by herself (finally taking charge of her own health stuff) dd2 practice jen things- crochet, quick sewing project chicken tacos for dinner, I think (grocery store tomorrow) Have a great day!
  3. Good morning! The sun is shining and it is calm and lovely. And, yes, the Patriots did lose- adding to the loveliness of the day. Wild card weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the year- so cheers to TheReader (that game was awesome) and ScoutTN- the Titans have my everlasting love. ds2 left early this morning (he has a J-term class) and dh took him to the airport. Today is rest day for the athletes, general clean up and laundry and put the basement room back together. And of course, more football. coffee-no paper this morning read a little breakfast get laundry going get calendar ready for next week- school starts back up on Monday get my own calendar of habits and personal things ready for Monday. crochet watch football leftovers for dinner Have a great day!
  4. Good morning! Made it through the party last night. Saw some people I haven't seen in a while. I thought I was there forever... dh said it was only about an hour. 😂 Today is a regular sort of day- ds2's last day here. coffee/paper ds3 to hit pick up ds3 general clean up and some chores work on garden stuff ds3 to tournament ( in mixed doubles final) home to relax and hang out with ds2 watch football crochet, etc while watching. Have a great day!
  5. ((TheReader)) I know how scary it is to not have answers. Keep pushing, you can find them. I am praying for you.
  6. Good morning! Complicated car manueverings this morning. I cannot forget to pick up dh before noon. ds3 is hitting again this morning and tournament this afternoon. dd1 works and I have no idea what the other two are doing. I have a social engagment tonight that I really, really don't want to go to. Really. coffee/paper take ds3 to tennis pick up ds3 laundry- started clean bathrooms finish dusting house/sweep pick up dh tournament home, quick dinner party- sigh Have a great day!
  7. dd2, sr in hs, has always had work over Thanksgiving break. This year is the first time she has had a project over Christmas break. I do think it is, well, disingenuous, to assign work over Christmas Break as they had finals right before break. I always had work over Christmas- but we had our semester finals in early January.
  8. I decided to go to Walmart while ds3 was playing. Picked up odds and ends and got some new boxes for Christmas stuff. Ours are falling apart after 21 years and 3 moves. So- take down Christmas stuff- except for creche, dh likes that up until Epiphany at least. clean up kitchen, eat a little breakfast and have another cup of coffee before I start chores. Also laundry.
  9. Good morning! dd1 headed off to her internship this morning. And ds3 is going to hit with one of his doubles partners in an hour. Dh is working from home, I think. I also think he is going to be taking ds3 to the tournament this afternoon. dd2 has this morning off- so is still abed, and ds2 is (of course) still sleeping. coffee/paper take ds3 to hit home check on bills/etc figure out tournament- who goes, etc research some sleep stuff for me read a little crochet figure out dinner Have a great day!
  10. Good morning! Happy New Year! I am moving slowly this morning- but the house is quiet now. Not so at 2 am! It's a pretty calm New Year's Day here. dh went to sing and dd1 and I have to pick up a rental car this morning. coffee quick pick up get rental car at airport drive home relax and watch football maybe start a new crochet project Not sure what else Early to bed, for certain! Have a great day!
  11. Good morning! It is freezing cold this morning and the house is chilly. No idea what everyone has planned- except for a tennis session. coffee/paper- extra coffee this morning laundry try to get the house warmer general clean up get my calendar, habits, goals set for the next month pay a couple of bills see what the kids want to eat tonight or do tonight get rooms ready for dd2's friends -we are the central crash house for after parties get a few things organized ds3 to tennis pick up ds3 not sure what else Have a great day!
  12. Good morning! dh is off to work, dd2 is at practice, and the rest are sleeping. ds1 made it home, so all is good. Fairly busy day here- coffee/paper clean kitchen clean bathrooms pick up basement room ds3 to tennis bank/grocery store pick up ds3 home to figure out dinner jen things relax, maybe watch a movie together Have a great day!
  13. It will be a quiet day here. ds1 is leaving (as long as road are okay), dd1 and ds2 are having "sibling day" with museums and lunch out. dh is singing this morning and dd2 has a project to work on. Surely ds3 will be playing his new xbox. I am going to be sketching out the backyard, picking out a new needlepoint project, and watching football. Also, of course, cleaning the kitchen, general pickup, trash and recycling, and updating the calendar for next week. Have a great day!
  14. Good morning! It snowed a little last night and we all slept in except for dd2 (practice) and dd1 who went with her to work. Today is family fun day- ds1 leaves tomorrow (weather permitting). We are going go-karting and lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant and then home for football, snacks and relaxing. So before we go... coffee/paper shovel porch and walkway (someone must have gotten a new snowblower for Christmas- because the sidewalks are done!) little breakfast put away some laundry clean kitchen head out- Have a great day!
  15. Good morning! ds1 and a couple of his oldest friends went out last night- They must have had fun- I have people sleeping all over the house. dd2 left for early practice- I didn't even hear her leave and dd1 just left for her internship training. ds2 and ds1 are going to the museum with dmil and sil this morning- so they will be up soon. coffee/paper I already picked up the kitchen (mostly) and the dishwasher is running electronic chores get ds2 and ds1 off finish cleaning the kitchen some general pick up library/bank when I have a car maybe a quick grocery run ds3- gym? dd2 later practice not sure what is up for tonight, dinner out? movie? Have a great day!
  16. Good morning! I slept terribly as ds1 offered (was arm twisted?) to take dbil and sil to the airport crazy early. I was worried that he wouldn't get up- because I have done that airport run at 3:30 and it is hard, hard. So anyway, he was up, I was up, he was off and then I fell back asleep until I heard dd2 leave for morning practice. Yesterday was very nice, if a little long with the extra appearance of bil. He is the kind of guy who is nice, really nice, and generous, but drives me up the wall- which makes me feel terrible. The same reaction from the first time I met him, 32 years ago. Today, the kids are going to be scattered for various things, and the weather is cold, misty and gloomy right now. I wll be at home- because I do not have a car available today. coffee/paper continue with kitchen pickup clean up my room from the hurricane of dh's last minute Christmas things make sure dh has his cash presents- he sometimes sticks things in pockets and it disappears for a while. kids need to deposit cash/ secure gift cars (they are better than dh) general clean up- start thinking about the new year seriously and the things I would like to accomplish and how to get there read if I have a car, run a couple of errands If not, do some things on line dinner will be either- hamburgers or all sorts of leftovers Have a great day!
  17. Merry Christmas to all of you lovely ladies! Blessings, peace and joy to you and your families!
  18. Good morning! dd2 left for practice and I am the only one up. I have a lot to do today to get ready for tomorrow. coffee/paper make egg dish for breakfast tomorrow make beans for Christmas day dh and dd1 are going to Tj"s for last minute things clean kitchen clean counter of calendar and mess laundry/ clean house make sure champagne flutes and wine glasses are clean head over to my mother's whenever she tells us the time Have a wonderful day!
  19. Good morning! dd2 is at practice, the party was very nice last night- they honored the senior swimmers- it's a small team, so it was very personal. dd1 and ds3 are making a donut run. I am going to have to run to the store today at some point. ds1 headed out for his day- some appointments, and lunch with bil. coffee/paper eat some breakfast before the donuts come letter to my cousin list for food for Christmas day (big breakfast, and Cuban sandwiches and assorted Cuban things) grocery store- gift cards and food keep up the house- more cleaning tomorrow bake a batch of cookies Mostly just keep up things and try to keep all the balls in the air for the next few days watch football tonight Have a great day!
  20. Good morning! I slept in a little and now am up in the quiet house. dh sings and ds3 is hitting with a friend. The other kids (everyone is home!) are all sleeping. coffee/paper read a little update calendar for next week make a batch of sugar cookie dough watch some football bake cookies (make a list of other cookies they like) mostly do that and enjoy the day swim team party tonight Have a great day!
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