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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I'd like to buy some but wasn't sure where is the best place to purchase them.
  2. Same here. I also make lots of those types of errors because I can't type worth beans LOL. But to say it's because a child is in public school is a litle presumptuous.
  3. I have narrowed my choice down to these two for my second grader. She will finish CLE Math 1 this year and I need to decide to either use CLE Math 2 or Horizons 2. Thanks!
  4. At what grade would you make this transition and how difficult would this be?
  5. About how many calories a day to you eat to lose weight? I see so many variances of this that it's hard to know what is normal.
  6. I see them as a UG resource for TOG and I was wondering if a 7 yo would understand much of what is being read?
  7. Thank you all for the replies. Still not sure yet what I am going to do. I need to pray about it some.
  8. I am trying to figure out what level to place my 7 year old and 11 year old children. Right now I have both in LG. The 11 yo is dyslexic as well as has some memory issues, so I was fine with him being in LG. However I think he could handle the UG materials at this point. I will be teaching 7 children this year so it would be much easier and less expensive for me to keep them together. Do I put them both in UG and hope the 2nd grader gets it or keep them in LG? Or separate them? Due to his dyslexia I have to read everything to him and I read everything to my second grader as well. Thanks!
  9. A few of my children are quite involved with CAP. CAP teaches them leadership, independence, PE, aerospace education, flight training, emergency service training, CPR/frist aid, study skills as well as other things. Two of my children are in the color guard and are in the midst of competion at this time. CAP has been a positive experience for our family.
  10. My sports cap make a squeek when I drink out of it. Works fine just very annoying.
  11. Thank you all. We used to eat it a lot years ago but it's been so long I wasn't sure what the new recommendation was.
  12. The problem is this is not my house. We don't ever intend on buying it so it does need to look nice for when we leave.
  13. Our dining room borders the entrance/ hallway of our house. The hall has kind of dark wood parquet flooring and right now the dining has carpet. We want to replace the carpet with laminate flooring that looks like oak. Now I am not sure sure this is going to work? We plan to put a floor divider strip ( can't think of the name) between rooms but I am trying to imagine what this is going to look like with two different floor styles. We rent so puting new flooring in the hallway too is not an option. The only reason we are doing the dining is it's carpet and well with 10 kids, 2 dogs and 3 cats, let's just say carpet isn't working for us. :D
  14. I agree and I think that's why I want a wall timeline verses a book. We tried book and it just didn't get done. I am thinking a wall is more likely to get filled in here because it will be seen every day. Plus, I think the younger ones will get more out of it this way. I do have room in my dinning/homeschool area so we are going to give it a try.
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