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  1. I am so frustrated with being "socially acceptable." Socially acceptable when we are out and about, socially acceptable with the neighbors, socially acceptable with my husband, socially acceptable in homeschool, teach Ds to be socially acceptable. Good gracious is there anywhere that Ds and I can just be quirky weird people that have fun!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. No More Perfect

      No More Perfect

      I'm with Kiana. We are weird and allow that to show, socially acceptable or not. We draw the line at anything gross that might affect someone eating out in public. ;-)

    3. EndOfOrdinary


      Thanks guys. My husband is a bit more involved with status than DS and I. Sometimes it is good to know that "un-normal" or whatever is still alive and well!

    4. Mukmuk


      You must be talking to us too!

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