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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. The Walmarts I go to most often are often a bit chaotic (busy) and lately neither has a self checkout option (!). Both have been described to me as not good safety wise (I totally believe it). But I go there because the “nice” Walmart is so far out of my way. Unless I’m waiting on laundry at the laundromat after work, I go during the day.
  2. I finally made it to a parade! The intent was to see Muses (7pm)… but the schedule was so far off we had to stand through 2 parades before Muses and after 4 hours on my feet and with the temp drop we left halfway through the parade. There are some lulls between floats and parades. I went with a friend/former roommate. I might get up early to see the Zulu parade on Mardi Gras day but I don’t know. Paid off the IRS (last year’s taxes. Due date is this month). Took a few items to Goodwill and they told me they were just going to throw my handmade kitchen valance in the trash. Sigh. I let it go; it doesn’t work here. Due to my weight loss I needed bras and got fitted at 2 stores and came home with 3 different sizes that fit 🤣 Bra shopping is so stupid. And no, they weren’t even sister sizes. I checked out the mall for the first time. I’ll bring the kids sometime. A local told me I shop at “Hood Mart” and I don’t scare 😆😆 I uploaded some shorts to YouTube from the other night.
  3. Definitely!! She was eating all day.
  4. I applied for a new cc and got approved but it’s only $500. I thought I’d be approved for more.
  5. I’ll DM you more details on the one I applied at. At most, I’d work a couple days a month because my schedule is mostly full. I figured that would help me pay down my cc/bills.
  6. My road is flooded. This weather is wild. Another turbine down apparently. I don’t know if we’ll make it to a parade tomorrow. Dd is eating me out of house & home lol I tried to hang some picture frames today but need picture wire for some. Lazy day.
  7. As time goes by we take on extra tasks at work and I showed interest in signage. I don’t get to make a lot but sometimes there are cases I get to and I love it because I get to use my design skills. I made signs today for the cleaning staff when asked and they really liked my sign. I bring my laptop to work often now so if I need to do something specific in my program I can. A colleague works out at the gym every morning (I thought of joining that gym because it’s by the office) and I told myself hey if she can get to the gym you can get on your bike in the living room lol so today I worked out. I know it takes time to build habits and it might not happen every morning but the days I work late I want to try to exercise before my shift. I’m hoping we can sorta be exercise buddies in a way. Like for accountability. I haven’t heard back from the job app (substitute teacher) and I’m gonna apply for the same type of position through a staffing agency that was recommended to me.
  8. Well ideally I won’t carry a balance but if say I need a car repair I may need the cc and I wouldn’t have the means to pay off a $400 repair job in one billing cycle. I’m going to talk to my other credit union. Their website said I pre qualify for some of their cards. I’m trying to look at the best options (rewards etc).
  9. Credit karma linked me to an offer with Capital one but it was 30% APR
  10. The increase was declined but no biggie. The reason they gave was they want to see you at the same job at least a year. That’s not what I was told months ago when I inquired 🙄
  11. I've considered it, but I'm not sure if I should. Is there a particular company that might be better than others? I had Discover in the past and I don't want to use them again. Maybe a cc with my other credit union? But the credit pull from today will probably mean I'll have to wait a while? My credit score used to be better. The figure they used today was 700.
  12. Ds is avoiding my question about coming this weekend so I doubt he will come. I'm going to take dd to a Mardi Gras parade. My friend is scaring me with all her suggestions. I'm like really? Is it that serious? She's telling me to carry a foldable chair and backpack cooler with snacks. Good grief, I've never done that for a parade. I go with a bag and catch some stuff and leave. My intent is to park near the end of the route in an area that isn't road blocked and just leave or hang out nearby (go eat or whatever) if the traffic is too rough. I thought I had a smart idea, but that might be a fail. I asked to increase my cc limit to help with my utilization score (and as a cushion because it's so close to the max and I'm paying it down slowly but wouldn't be able to do much in an emergency). They are pending decision but said that my interest rate would go up. UGH. So if I'm approved I doubt I'll even accept it... from around 8% to 14%. No thanks. Would have been nice to tell me before the credit pull.
  13. I JUST found a similar item on Walmart’s site. I’m gonna measure and see if I can get the right size. ❤️
  14. They might not be intended to stack but I’m trying to find a way… The vertical poles won’t connect. The tops are black caps and when you remove them there’s just a wide hole. The bottom with adjustable feet have a silver piece that looks like it could maybe handle a cylinder screw type dowel? I don’t know the jargon. I can picture what I want but don’t know what to search. I’d love to stack these to go in my pantry which has no shelves.
  15. Today was pretty successful! Washer/dryer, kitchen stand mixer, ds’ desk, roasting pan, large stainless steel pot all sold. Gave away a large hamper for free. The W/D didn’t sell for much - not enough to replace. I owed my dad some money and gave him that from sales (I offered him extra and he even made a snide comment about his 0% commission but of course refused to actually take the additional money. This is why I always feel guilty. But the W/D buyers were flakey and wouldn’t wait for me to be there. I personally sold the other items later to a couple that was at the storage facility when I was loading my car. Filled up my car with most of the remaining items. Left behind just a few items I don’t care about anymore. Offered rainbow cart to a teacher I know. She can pick up this week from my dad. And if not… oh well. So turns out cspire didn’t charge me Jan service but the reason my charge was high is because of unpaid data passes (I sometimes chose “bill to account”). So I’ll use the storage sale money to pay off Cspire. An online workout friend buys custom tanks for his training group in bulk and sent me one for free. ❤️ It’s kinda a mental health thing that I get out and do things… but the ska show wasn’t expensive and 80s night was free. Both had free parking. My weight isn’t going down but a lot of my pants are too loose (I lost whatever butt I had lol). Even the newest black jeans. So I have spent extra on my wardrobe lately. Leggings have been pretty safe but it’s too cold for them sometimes. I’m not so down lately. I have a lot of projects and goals in mind. I did create a free Mango account to try out but can’t find my Getting Started with Spanish book! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I enjoyed trying to help a Spanish speaking couple the other day. I fumbled through but they got the message lol
  16. I applied for a second job. Dunno if anything will come if it. The storage unit said I can forfeit my stuff to their charity auction. Proceeds go to kids with Leukemia and something. I might need to drive to the unit Sat night and get out anything I don’t want going to auction before Feb. Just so I don’t pay for Feb storage. Making deals online but not sure if people will back out. I feel like I’m getting better at my job and more confident. Took myself out last night to 80s night. It was a let down. Danced to one Madonna song. The playlist was not great. Got that out of my system lol
  17. I was talking to a guy and he had to cancel our date last week. It was rescheduled for tonight after I dropped off the kids. We had flirty banter but when he acted like I’d invite him over to my place on our first date I was taken aback. I set my boundaries and I guess he couldn’t handle it because he ghosted me. I told myself I dodged a bullet. And due to my experience in putting too many eggs in one basket, I never stopped looking. A normal sounding guy responded to me tonight. I can tell being a “good mom” is high on his wish list. There’s nothing wrong with that but I don’t want to be overlooked as an individual because some man wants a stepmom figure. One day at a time, though. I absolutely hate it when guys wear sunglasses in their profile picture. I gave one a shot but he was less attractive to me when I saw a pic without them. Moving forward I’ll return to avoiding those guys lol we did speak briefly but he was boring lol The one that I agreed to be friends with — he reached out to me twice last week on his own accord. So I dunno if we’re friends or what. He called me “kiddo” once which was painful. He’s older and I’ve jokingly called him grandpa before (he called himself old and we joked about his bedtime) so maybe that was payback. If we remain friends, great. If not, I’ll hopefully make others. The friend I hung out with on NYE got really weird (talking about blood and voodoo) and I told him I’d need to stop talking to him. He didn’t seem to get it. I blocked him.
  18. It’s been so cold we just stayed in. I left some of the cake at the office. I started talking to people in the music scene. One of my patrons and I have spoken a few times. We are planning to attend some of the same concerts this spring. A man that was handing out stickers at a ska show I attended said he books shows. He has family where my kids live so he is familiar with the area and a venue that closed. I’m going to put him in touch with some of my friends there that play in bands and try to get them booked in NOLA. Now my phone is saying my FaceTime and iMessage will stop working in a few days because it’s affiliated with the cspire SIM card. What?! I need to call Apple I guess. And the past 2 days my phone internet is not working much which caused some panic when I was trying to use the GPS. The singer was running around with a prop that went along with the song.
  19. So some weird things happened Due to weather our building closed recently and I have to make up the work hours. I can’t use vacation time as a new employee. So I asked if ds could come to town so dd did not have to hang out in my building while I made up some of my hours tomorrow. Ds agreed and I picked up both kids tonight. I’ll try to do the street car thing. I ordered a king cake (Bavarian cream) from a bakery to pick up tomorrow.
  20. I used to buy the same ink in the store. Just didn’t want to right now.
  21. I literally forgot and didn’t check. That’s on me. And I didn’t remember the rules from something I signed up for over 2 years ago lol
  22. I think the person you were responding to is not saying they used up the original items. Like in my case I didn’t use up my pages or ink.
  23. My subscription is over but I had a bunch of rollover pages and ink cartridges. The wireless printer keeps tabs on ink levels and pages printed. I just didn’t remember that the ink wouldn’t work after the service was canceled. I kinda wish I could use it since I had rollover pages.
  24. Yeah it really bites. I have at least 2-3 brand new ones here! I was trying to print a coupon and got the error. It was sent directly from the company via email so I doubt there’s a digital version. I have to go to the store today so whatever I won’t bother with the coupon.
  25. So apparently my hp instant ink cartridges won’t work now that I canceled the HP ink service. 🙄
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