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Everything posted by Gizzyntaz

  1. We've enjoyed Home Art Studio. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/home-art-studio/
  2. I like reading through these threads for ideas. My DS will start high school this year. He is 2E so we have to be careful about his workload (struggles with the executive functioning). English: IEW plus 4 required classics (TBD), Worldly Wise 10 online Math: Derek Owens Algebra II Science: Dual Enrollment the 2nd semester - Biology or Chemistry depending on which community college he is at. Supplement with whichever is chosen the first semester to prepare him. Russian: Dual Enrollment Health: Acellus (over the summer) - still waffling on this, I just want a git-er-done class that requires very little from me. Art: outsourced through a tutorial (TBD) History/Social Studies: outsourced through a tutorial or private class (TBD) Extracurriculars: Boy Scouts, handbells at church The plan with DS will be to slowly transition him to mostly DE at the local community colleges. We just have to take it slow. Nothing has been easy with him. I'm waiting for all of the tutorials and colleges to release schedules. I have 2 other kids to fit this all around - I feel like I will be living out of my car.
  3. We are using the Holt Earth Science book this year and next. It is a high school level curriculum. My husband used it for Astronomy this spring, and we will cover the Earth Sciences next year. My 12 and 9 year olds are using it.
  4. I pulled my son in 2nd grade for lack of challenge, and we've been plodding along nicely. I stopped doing formal spelling with him 2 years ago because he is a strong reader and strong speller. Or so I thought. We just did a standardized achievement test and spelling was asynchronous with the rest of his scores. He's not behind, but I'd like to see him get back to the level I thought he was at. I'd like something that is largely independent and not time-intensive. Please don't recommend Sequential Spelling - while I think it is a wonderful program, it does not work for my son and me. He is 11, will be heading into "6th grade" in the fall. Thanks!
  5. Yes, we've since dropped Sequential. Mostly because of the strict teacher/student relationship and DS and I tend to be oil and water. It was a source of too many fights. I still think it has great lists for advanced learners, but we've dropped spelling altogether this semester and have switched to Wordly Wise for vocab development. That seems to be working out better for us. I think I am going to use the words as "spelling" words too, but this is only our first week....
  6. Perhaps Sequential Spelling? I liked that it didn't require a lot of repetition for the natural spellers.
  7. http://www.calu.edu/academics/graduate-programs/school-psychology/current-student-resources/clinic/index.htm This is the school psychology clinic that we used. If you don't live anywhere near there (for us it was cheaper to make it a mini-vacation than to go elsewhere), call around to any universities in your area that offer a masters program in school psychology and see if they have clinic hours. Often they do, but are not well advertised. In our case we just got basic testing numbers, but it was enough to make decisions with.
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