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Everything posted by CarolfromIL

  1. Thanks for the tips. Warming in the oven is the funniest :)
  2. I took precription niacin and had the WORSE hot flashes of my life. The doctor said that is the number one side effect of niacin.
  3. It's just the thought of sleeping in long underwear you wear all day just seems yucky. :)
  4. If supplements worked you would see millions of people with high cholesterol flocking to the health store. The fact is millions of people take statins to reduce cholesterol. Lipitor has studies that show heart attack prevention. If your husband has, as you state, very high numbers, do you really want to risk cholesterol build up in his arteries? That would be worse then the fact he would have a "drug"in his system.
  5. I know I may sound crazy, but I've always felt as if I wasn't doing my mom job correctly if I send my kids to bed in the clothes they wore all day.
  6. Currently it's minus 1 outside and ds 14 and 11 turned the heat up to 73. Yikes! It's cold but they need to put something warm on! Does anyone have a good source for warm pajamas? I'd like to buy them for Christmas eve or before. The 11 year old is a little easier to buy for, as my 14 is size 14 or 16 depending on the fit. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks, Carol
  7. Every generation's parents always expresses concerns about unmotivated slacker kids-------but yet somehow these kids end up with careers, mortgages and kids of their own. And some day when they have teens they"ll talk about how all these kids today are slackers.
  8. I've read several posts that state their 15, 14, 13 year olds are in bed over the summer between 9-10? Whats your secret? I have a hard enough time telling my DS he can't be outside with friends after dark...I don't want mine roaming. There are 14/15 year olds running around the neighborhood here until 10-11 (sometimes later...yikes). We compromise that my 14 ds has to be in the house by dark, get himeslf ready for bed----but can stay up till 11:30 or so during the summer months. He can read some nights or other nights tv/xbox, etc. Its a little hard because hubby and I don't want him up later than us---and we mormally go to bed at 11....but during the summer we'll stay up a little bit later. Just no "couple time".
  9. 4 pair for my kid. I only do laundry once a week, so ds ussually wears for at two nights before going into the hamper.
  10. One of the things I love about home schooling is we can wear pj's if we want (I know that doesn't work for everyone). Just for fun, how many pairs of pajamas do your kids have and do they wear them for more than one night (or day!) in a row?
  11. We rarely if ever write a check (use online bill pay), but even then---if you use a debit card---it often takes 2-4 days to clear. I don't know how you could keep track of your correct and current balance if you didn't write it down in the register and compare that to what is on your online statement or recent online activity. I wouldn't feel good having to guess at my balance.
  12. Thanks for the tips. Starting a little later with school is something we can look at.
  13. We've been home for years----when he turned 13 we thought we should try not to be preceptive about bedtime....and now I'm seeing that isn't working out well.
  14. Mine is so sleepy too at 7:30/8---he just seems to work at half speed for about an hour. Makes me think he needs more sleep too.
  15. Hi everyone, I've been reading for a while and decided to post. I have a 13 son and recently we have decided to let him choose his bedtime, as long as it was before 10 or 10:30. Well, of course he is pushing it to 10:30 every night and is tired in the AM and its making me rethink how much sleep he needs. He also wants to take his shower at 10:20 and get ready for bed in the last 10 minutes before bedtime---which is just crazy because my husband and I go to bed at 10:30. So we make him get ready for bed earlier now---which he doesn't like of course. Do your kids still have a nighttime routine at this age or do you let yours choose their own schedule (shower, PJ's, etc.)? What is a "reasonable" bedtime for a 13-year-old who needs to get up and start working on his assignments by 7:30 or 8?
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