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Posts posted by DoraBora

  1. This may not apply to your situation, but it's good to be aware:

    Does your dad have enough money to do this?  If he pays to add a bathroom to your home or buy a tiny house that would later become yours, would he still have enough to pay for Memory or Skilled Nursing care in a couple of years if he needs it -- at least to pay for it for a while?  Does he own a Long Term Care insurance policy?

    Consider looking into whether his paying for either of these could disqualify him (at least for a while) from receiving Medicaid assistance to pay for in-patient care.  

    There's a "lookback" period for assets that were gifted to someone else -- maybe for the previous five years(?).   The bathroom addition to your home might be considered a "gift", which could temporarily disqualify him from receiving Medicaid.

    That said, you could consult with an attorney, preferably one who specializes in Elder Law, to help you structure such a gift so that your dad won't be penalized if he happens to need more care within that lookback period.

    • Like 6
  2. 6 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:

    I think the cloth Old Navy ones are the most comfortable for me to wear all day and the accordion style folds make them fit my big face and still cover it all the when speaking loudly (I’m a teacher). I like the adjustable ear cords.

    But my Happy Masks make me feel more protected.


    Do you get headaches from wearing masks for such a long time?  I wore a mask basically all last weekend and had terrible headaches afterward.  I think it's actually jaw pain - I've had TMJ issues in the past.


  3. 1 hour ago, Plum said:

    Thanks for sticking with me. ☺️
    I’m cleaning the bbq and posting on my phone so it’s slow going. Lol 
    All I can say is I can hold room on my head for the possibility. Everyone seems so certain. I’d love to believe 100% without a doubt there was no fraud anywhere. It’s the absolutism of the quote that gets me. Perhaps if they gave the people an inch on this then we wouldn’t be where we are now. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    It also bothers me that I’m hesitant to even talk about this. 

    That is the origin of a lot of my own anxiety about current events.

  4. Here's an old (2008!) blog post about this very issue.


    When I first read it (about two years after it was written), this statement resonated: 

    "Having both babies and adult children has afforded me perspective about this that I could not have imagined when we began this journey. No longer is educational theory simply an abstract, intellectual pasttime. It is a reality. One that has consequences in young people's lives."


    • Like 6
  5. 42 minutes ago, Kassia said:

    Oh, I agree.  I guess I wouldn't mind if they weren't being so strict about no access to the dorm until after testing, which will take days before results are in anyway.  With dd being OOS, I'm concerned about her being stranded on campus with her luggage if her flight is delayed and she misses her testing appointment.  Trying to work this out with housing before she leaves.  She can't be the only student in this situation.


    The housing people might not have considered that scenario.  It's good that you're pointing it out to them.  There are just so many moving parts!

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Kassia said:

    Dd's college is requiring testing before going back to the dorms.  So dd will test when she gets on campus, but is flying in so she'll be exposed when she's flying in the planes and airports (couldn't get a direct flight).  Plus, it's my understanding that it's not a rapid test so students go to their dorms before results are in if that's true.  Makes no sense to me.


    Apart from closing the dorms, what else can they do?  If students test before they leave home, they might be exposed while en route to school.  If they wait until they arrive, a rapid test with negative results may only mean they're pre-symptomatic.

    On A&M's website, they outline regulations and requirements that sound similar to your dd's uni, but they openly admit they won't catch all of the new cases.

    I think anything they can do to catch at least some cases is better than nothing.

    • Like 2
  7. 52 minutes ago, Danae said:

    My mom handed one off to us, saying if we didn’t like it we should throw it out because they never use it.  Someone has used it at least once a day for a month. We love the thing. The kids can make their own popcorn without making a mess, it’s wonderful.


    edit:  cleaning. We mostly don’t.  We dump the popcorn into a bowl or bucket before putting butter or seasoning on it and just brush the popcorn crumbs out of the silicone bowl.

    Agree with this.  We use ours all of the time.  I might give it a quick rinse or just wipe it out.

    Sorry, I hadn't seen that you'd already ordered one.  We've been pleased with Orville Redenbacher popcorn -- the plain kind.  

    • Like 1
  8. I mask outdoors when I'm near other people.  We have eaten on restaurant patios a few times since July, and I wore masks when I wasn't actually eating. 

    I take neighborhood walks without masks, but we all cross streets to avoid each other. I hardly see anyone out when I walk on a nearby university campus, but they've posted signs requesting that everyone masks, and I'm happy to comply.

  9. 8 hours ago, saraha said:

    We do this too, right down to the sharpies! The only time of year I buy pringles. We also do some of those little boxes of cereal. Oh and scotch tape. Everyone gets their own roll of scotch tape, which sounds crazy, but we always have some when we need it! Oh and cans or bottles of pop. We don't drink pop at home, so this is a big deal. Last year, 6 packs of bottles were on sale real cheap so each got their own 6 pack, one of my boys had finished his before the week was out, one of my daughters proudly drank her last one in July!

    I sewed my own stockings when oldest was 1, and I made them too big, haha! It seemed like a good idea at a time.

    A favorite uncle made huge stockings for my kids.  When they were little, I would use blown up balloons to take up some of the space.  I wish I had just made stocking stuffers theirs gifts because I can get a lot of stuff in there.

    • Like 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, Slache said:

    We are starting a new tradition this year of decorating on Black Friday. We will listen to Christmas jazz, make beignets, drink eggnog and decorate all morning, then watch our first Christmas movie of the season.

    Love this idea so much!

    • Thanks 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, matrips said:

    Hi Pen,

    it said you couldn’t receive messages.  Would you try messaging me instead with the protocol info?  Thanks 🙂

    I'm also interested and I couldn't send you a PM either.

    And thank you.

  12. For your mother:  What about the Miss Read books?  They feel like the Mitford series, but they're set in the fictional English villages of Fairacre and Thrush Green.

    The Mitford books would also be great, particularly Shepards Abiding for the Christmas season.

    • Like 1
  13. The only mask my husband can stand is one I made for him following Daisy Multifacetica's youtube video.  I used a long piece of elactic so that it extends around the back of his neck and the back of his head.  He hates earloops.  I really should make another one for him. 

    Here's the link:   (I don't know why it's so big!)


    • Like 2
  14. 1 minute ago, Dreamergal said:

    "Please don't touch me" ? I should say please to someone who violates me body ? My gut level response was always anger and wanting to hurt. I used to wear the highest heels I could walk in and stomp on people's feet who groped me. I used to swing my elbows and hit which often connected in an uncomfortable place, pinched the hand that groped me,  thrown my chappals at catcalls and walked barefoot sometimes on crudy roads because it made me angry. I would have hit them but in some places it means getting acid thrown on you. But I could never stop fighting and being polite to someone who assaulted me ? Forget it ! 


    I'm so sorry you've experienced these things.

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  15. 1 minute ago, Moonhawk said:

    The point being: your brother and father touching your waist, assuming you have a family culture that allows casual touching, is not sexual. If in a workplace she is uncomfortable and is being touched and is perceiving it as a sexual touch, a waist touch is not worse than breasts. The underlying sexual touch and violation of her bodily autonomy is the issue, not the place. 

    And doubtless, this man's touch was flirty and sexual in nature.  I'm not denying that, but I still don't think it's assault.

    If my dd had experienced this and wanted to speak to a woman counselor, I'd support her completely, though I'd try to help her avoid feeling like a victim.

    • Like 2
  16. 7 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

    But isn't this the life we should be trying to achieve for our children? Don't we want to raise [in this case] women who are so confident in their bodily autonomy and understand that there is no reason they have to accept sexually-suggestive touch, especially in a work environment? Are we jealous of this type of confidence? Are we trying to stop them from having something, simply because we did not?

    If it had been her breasts cupped a couple of times, would that have been worse? If yes, why? Why is her waist, which is closer to her vagina and the part of her body that pivots and restricts her ability to turn/move away, a less threatening place to be touched? Does it have to be only after 5 times, for more that 5 seconds each? Why are we putting limits on her bodily autonomy? 

    Our generations have been indoctrinated and conditioned to accept this and much worse. I don't think that means we need to say, "Well we put it up with it and so you should, too." Good for these younger women that they have 

    FTR, I do not see it as an act needing a counselor (that seems to be a separate issue re emotional coping, it doesn't negate her labeling it as assault), BUT it is good to see that there are some people who have a much greater confidence in how they should be treated and are willing to call out disgusting behavior -- even if the disgusting behavior could be/has been worse, it is still disgusting.

    Well, I think so.  A man can "side hug" me or dance with me and touch my waist (even my father or brother could do this) and it doesn't seem overly sexual, regardless of my waist's location.  If a man actually "cups" my breast, that's a different thing entirely.  

    Again, I think the man repeatedly touching the young woman's waist was inappropriate and wrong.

    • Like 6
  17. 2 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

    It may seem that way but sexual assault is literally about physical contact. Harassment can be merely verbal or symbolic. He crossed that line.

    Oh, I agree that he crossed line, but I think calling something like that, especially when it's done at a party or gathering and won't progress to coerced sexual activity, isn't assault.  One could say touching someone's arm several times in a flirty way is sexual assault, I suppose, but I doubt a criminal case could be built around such an event.  (But I may be wrong in this era of "wokeness".)

    I'm sorry for OPs daughter to have experienced what she did.  It would irritate the fool out of me to hear of it, but I'd want my daughter to learn to handle such things and not to think she was the victim of sexual assault.  

    I just think calling it assault is overstating it.  

    • Like 9
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  18. 11 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

    Gently, your daughter was sexually assaulted. Sexual assault isn’t tantamount to rape. Rape is rape. I, personally, wouldn’t need counseling to deal with that but everyone is different. I don’t think we have to tolerate or excuse bad behavior because our forebears had things worse. If that were the case, I should live my life in gratitude not to be in chains. Freedom of movement and from unwanted touching is a floor not a ceiling.

    I'd say she was sexually harrassed.  Assault is too strong a word for that man's actions, creepy and inappropriate as they were.

    • Like 23
  19. 1 hour ago, bensonduck said:

    I am recovering from an eating disorder and it’s in my chart that I will be weighed backwards, they don’t tell me the number, and the dr is to only discuss my weight if it’s a medical issue (I.e., my weight drops in a way that looks like I am not eating according to my meal plan needs). I wonder if you could ask your provider to put something like that in your chart as well?

    I've refused to be weighed for years now.  I'm not overweight, but even if I was, I don't want to obsess about a number.  The nurse will ask me to step on the scale and I'll politely decline.

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  20. The Tom Thumbs, Sam's Clubs, and Super Walmarts in my area look normal.  Plentiful meat, produce, bread, eggs, cheese, milk, and canned soups and veg.  Thanksgiving turkeys have begun to arrive!  I always check for Lysol or Clorox wipes, not that I use them much, but because I wonder whether they'll ever come back.  There are lots of other cleaning supplies and plenty of paper products and soap on the shelves, at least from what I've seen.

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