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Southern Ivy

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Everything posted by Southern Ivy

  1. No idea. But on Facebook, under this article was a Waldorf math wheel which I'm completely intrigued by. I do wonder if they aren't variations of what was on the board.
  2. Ummm, even as a Christian who for my own reasons didn't read Harry Potter, this is nuts. Just......no. ETA: Reading Hunger Games didn't turn me into a bow wielding heroine and reading Twilight didn't turn me into a blood-sucking vampire. Reading Harry Potter won't turn her kids into witches. Just stupid.
  3. I think things like this are so cool. I love when we find pieces of history. :) chalkboard in OKC
  4. I love your idea of the list. Kind of a dabbler's bucket list! I know in July, my little group of friends is going to go to a paint night. So, that's definitely in the future. YAY! I spent 3 1/2 hours last night and 2 hours today doing some cross stitch. I'll try to post a picture of it if I can figure out how! lol - he usually leaves at 8, drives an hour to his fishing site (which is usually below a dam), then a) comes home when the dam opens and they start running water or b) when the fishing area is closed for the night. Since it's summer, the time is getting later and later. The man can fish ALL DAY if he loses track of time. There are times I ask him to be home by a certain time and he makes sure he's home...unless he gets dragged down river on his float tube because the dam opened sooner than expected. haha He had a mad wife that night, until he explained what happened. He was 5 hours late!!! Anyway, for him, fishing is an all day/most of the day thing especially since his favorite spots are an hour to 2 hours away. Fishing according to him: When he goes, he tries to get in as much as possible since there are times when he can't go for 2-3 weeks in a row (ie: he was on call this weekend and had to go in to work to supervise some system changeovers, next week we're out of town for our anniversary, then the weekend after we are at my parents' for my bday and Father's Day). I guess that's the difference. He sees when he can't go. I see when he's gone a lot. :) I'd probably be more into sewing or painting, but the set up and clean up is a deterrent for sure! MAN! I wish one of those was closer than 4 hours away! :)
  5. Amazingly enough, there is one in my town. Then, 5 in the larger city. ETA: Assuming it's this group: https://www.toastmasters.org/
  6. That would be awesome. Dd likes to watch and "help" (as much as a 3 year old can help). Dh is really hoping that she will want to learn when she gets a bit older.
  7. Yes, DH is VERY serious about his fly fishing and tying flies. He even goes when it's snowing. He's insane. I don't get it. haha I'm glad we have our own spending money set aside each pay check, because fly fishing is crazy expensive!
  8. There aren't any within a few minutes, but there are 2 in Branson. Dh frequently fishes in Branson and we are going there later for a small anniversary trip. I can take him fishing and I can pop in and browse! Thanks for that!
  9. Our local park has a kids only fishing pond. DH plans to take her (and has taken her to his work where they have a stocked lake), but she gets distracted VERY easily. haha He definitely wants to get her into fishing, though. Probably another 2 years before she has the attention span for it. I do have a Walmart, but I must have missed the cross-stitch section. We ventured out to HL today and treated ourselves to Orange Leaf! I found two beginner cross-stitch patterns that will look good in my dd's room. I figured I should back up to beginner since I haven't done it in 20+ years! Dh does tie his own flies. That is his winter hobby. I do find it very interesting, but he loves that as much as he loves fishing. So, even though I find it neat and might try it sometime, I do not want to take that away from him. (He's really good, too. He was tying some at a fly fishing meeting last night and had an audience because of some technique he uses. Even the guys who have been doing it years longer were impressed. :thumbup: ) I did find some cute cross-stitch patterns online, but I went ahead and bought some kits to get me started tonight or tomorrow. After I get comfortable with doing it again, I'm going to get some of those from Etsy. I have a friend that started out cross-stitching, then worked her way into embroidery and now has an adorable hand embroidery business. She just happened into this when trying to fill some time and she absolutely loves it. (She just made this pillow for my dd's bed.) Not sure if this will be my "thing", but it's crafty/artsy and will at least get me started moving into something. I had a gluten-free food blog that I was working on last summer. It was insanely stressful during the school year, trying to keep it up. I should start just making things and as I can and continue with the blog. You've given me lots to think about. Hashimoto's is hard. A friend of mine has been dealing with it for awhile now. I'm glad you're able to get back to what you love! Oh, no. No cross-stitch store (at least not in my rinky-dink town). There might be one in the main city, though. I might have to do some searching online to see. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
  10. We try to get dates here and there. It's hard finding a sitter now that our "go-to" moved back to her hometown. But, we try. We're leaving next Thursday for a late anniversary trip. It will be good to relax, if only for a little bit. I am horrible at wasting time on FB, here, and watching Netflix. If I would stop sitting down, playing on the computer and on my phone, I imagine I would have more time that I think. Honestly, cross stitching has been popping into my head a lot lately. I think I'm going to get ready, pack up the kid, and go to Hobby Lobby. I honestly think that the drive to HL or Michaels is a deterrent for me. Hobby Lobby used to be 10 minutes from my house. I could pop in and grab and do. Now, it's 75 minutes away and it's a pain to drive that far sometimes. Guess I need to suck it up and just go. See, for me, I'm desperate to quit my job. I hate it, but it pays the bills and gives me summers off. That's some of my problem as well, I think. I tend to put things "on hold" until life is the way I want it to be. If I keep doing that though, I'm going to feel this way for another 2 years. No bueno. I hope the job fills that part for you, though. I know how important it is to find something you love to do!
  11. My sister just moved into a new home and is decorating. She had been in a dinky, horrid apartment and now she's cutting loose and decorating to her hearts content. I'm a bit jealous of her ability to decorate right now and to start all of her "upcycling" with furniture. I used to write, sing, pain/draw/create. Now, the only thing I feel like I'm good at is Netflix marathons and those leave me brain dead. So, yes, I think you hit it on the head - creative crisis.
  12. I know it's a partnership, but sometimes I have to remind myself of that instead of always trying to do it on my own. Thank you. I needed that!
  13. Ahhh! That would be lovely. Name the time and place.
  14. I really want to get back into French pastries. Maybe I should start back and learn to make macarons! I have an obsession with those, but I hate spending $2.50 for one! I'm such a perfectionist. I don't like to doodle, because they don't look good enough. How dumb is that? I've seen some zentangles. Those are awesome looking. I used to love writing. Maybe I need to pick that up again. I would love to do some dancing, but no way would my husband do a dance class with me. Plus, we'd have to drive an hour to the nearest town that would possibly offer classes. I've always wanted to try swing dance, though.
  15. I will look into that book. It looks good. My friend also suggested The Artist's Way. I guess I need to get reading!
  16. I liked music (took voice for several years), crafts, reading, baking (I was enrolled in culinary school for a time). I dabbled a lot!
  17. I am in no way regretting marriage or motherhood, but sometimes I just miss me. The me that was having game nights and dinner clubs as a single, the spur of the moment trips out of town, drowning myself in new hobbies, etc. Sometimes, I feel like I can't have a hobby because my husband is frequently gone with his. He fly fishes any weekend he can and even though he is willing to forego fishing so I can do something, sometimes I still feel guilty "denying" him that time. (PLEASE do not tear down my husband for his time away with his hobby. He is always willing to not go and let me do something. It's ME. I'm the one that can't seem to ask.) Anyway, I feel like I have lost myself along the way; and as much as I love my family, I feel like they are my only identity anymore. Sometimes, I want something that is just me. I find a little happiness in an activity that's not mommy/wife related. (Is that selfish?) But, when I try to think of something I might like to do, I draw a blank and I feel like the most boring person ever. So, please tell me I'm not alone in this! Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like the only thing they are (maybe) good at is being a mom? Any ideas for me to try? Any hobbies to look at? (No volunteering outside of the home...I teach outside the home, so that time is taken and I already volunteer at church.)
  18. My kindergarten "graduation" was in '86, but they'd been doing it as early as '82.
  19. You all would have hated my private school end of the year ceremonies. We had a huge end of the year program with each grade doing a 15-30 minute presentation/performance. Then, we had K5 and 6th grade graduations. High school graduation was later. They have since scaled back to just K5, 6th, and 12th. I think the 5 year olds are adorable in their cap and gown and when I was their age, it was a big deal. I was so excited by it. It meant I got to move upstairs with the big kids. But, by 6th, I found it kind of stupid because I was just moving to the end of the hall and not going to college.
  20. I seriously adore your daughter and all the things she does. She will probably never convert me to being a snake lover...or even a snake tolerator...but she's still pretty awesome!
  21. I blocked someone from seeing my status updates and it continued blocking until I unblocked. However, this was a year ago. Who knows how FB has changed since then. If I remember correctly, I went back and double checked my statuses for awhile. It should always say "custom". As long as it says custom, the blocked person will not be able to see your statuses. My parents did everything for Grandpa for a long time, until he decided to move to reunite with my Grandmother. Not a problem. He was a grown man. He could do what he wanted. However, this brought him closer to my aunt. She's been near him for MAYBE a year. But, he was living on his own, so she didn't do that much for him. Until that point, in the 15 years he was living near or with my parents, she only visited 3 times. She is, for all intents and purposes, the person who never helped, but gives her opinion and questioned everything they did for my Grandpa. The siblings agreed to certain jobs. She took on the job of the memorial service. That's fine. It was agreed upon. However, her actions in regards to it (and pretty much anything dealing with Grandpa) are effectively pushing my dad and family away. I'm at the point that if I never see her again, I'd be perfectly fine.
  22. When you are writing a status, you can choose a pulldown menu that says Friends, Public, or Custom. You can add in who you DONT want to see it. It will stay that setting until you manually change it.
  23. That's every visit with my mil. Based on stories of my fil, if he were still alive, I have no doubt that the bad words would compound exponentially. Speaking of crazy in laws, my aunt is freaking psycho right now. My grandfather recently passed and she is in the process of completely ignoring his wishes and doing one grand spectacle of a memorial service. However, he was cremated, so the memorial service is a month after his passing!!! She says that "this is important to her, so we all need to just be quiet and respect her wishes." Pretty sure the wishes of the dead should be respected first, but what do I know? Grandpa died in my parents town (he was living with them under hospice care) and the crematory was in their town as well. The aunt continues to call my parents to make sure they "bring all of him" when they come to the memorial service. She has known my mom (her sil) for 41 years and she still thinks my mom is going to keep ashes for herself?? This aunt is off her rocker. Dear crazy aunt later called my dad to see if he wanted to speak at the service. Then, she told him he could have a 10minute or 15 minute slot. Which would he like? Oh, and please type out what you're going to say so I can approve what you're going to talk about and make sure it's grammatically correct. Dad was PISSED. He said forget it. I'll share my memories with my own family and call it good. I think he's going to sing one of Grandpa's favorite hymns. She had power of attorney during his last days and is continuing to say crap like "I'm the POA, so whatever I decide goes." When Grandpa passed, my mom was texting me and my sister to let us know. (We had requested a text as we knew it would be hard for mom to tell us over the phone.) Anyway, my aunt pipes up and says "I certainly hope you're not telling anyone about his passing. As "POA" that is my job." I REALLY want to tell her that she has the initials wrong. I want to tell her that it should be PIA (pain in A$$!), but my mom said I can't. I guess she is proving the idea that those who do less during a person's life overcompensate at their death. Whew. I guess I need to vent all that. (And "all that" is only the tip of the iceberg, really.)
  24. It's one of those days when you wonder if you are going to wake up or fall asleep on the couch and let your toddler run amok. I'm about to vote for run amok. How can I sleep for 8 hours and wake up feeling like I slept for 3? Gonna be a long day.
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