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Posts posted by retiredHSmom

  1. I really liked the fact that you can choose from several different books.  I also liked that statistical analysis is included.  I hated the DVD lessons.  I can live with "whiteboard style" lectures but the experiment sections were literally photographs.  Sometimes annotated but still photos.  Video would have been effective and not technologically difficult.

  2. Why "Yuck?"  I realize that it is rather stressful, but you know what activities your kid did better than anyone else would.  In our case, we helped dss write their resumes by reminding them of various things they had done and forgotten about.  When they were filling the activities record out, there were frequent questions about what a question meant.  Verifying the record took about 90 seconds.


    The counselor recommendation did take some thought, but again, there wasn't someone else in a position to write it.  We don't use a charter school or umbrella organization.  I kept it brief (one page or less) and stuck to answer the questions and using specific examples.


    You will probably be wading through the counselor side of the Common Application and doing other counselor recs if they are required.  Once you have one written, it is less difficult to tailor it to specific situation you are completing at that moment.

    Okay, certifying the outside activities is not a big deal and yes, I am certainly the most qualified to do it (oh the miles and hours I have logged due to extra-curricular activities!)


    The counselor letter is daunting.  Neither of my other students needed them and my son is not applying to any common app schools and I don't even know where to begin.  For one thing I cannot imagine a high school counselor knowing any thing at all about their students (I want to three different high schools, a public one, a private one and top-ranked public magnet school and I never even met my counselor more than once) so I cannot imagine how to even begin writing a letter that will not stick out like a sore thumb because I do actually know my son. 

  3. I know that I can contact admissions with these questions but right now it feels like I have enough questions to look stupid.


    Who do I have write the guidance counselor recommendation for my homeschooled student?


    Extra-curricular activities are supposed to be verified by a guidance counselor or school official. Who does that?


    This two are the most pressing at this moment.



  4. One thing a few of us (me, Texasmom33) keep trying to tell you all about (to deafening silence) is the joy of Sous Vide.


    Just because it many sound (unpronounceably) French it is the easiest way in the world to get perfectly cooked proteins w/o any time pressure (as food can sit in a temperature controlled water bath almost indefinitely and not get more "done").


    You do not need to watch the food. It nearly all passive time. And the results are restaurant quality.


    Someday Sous Vide will be "a thing" on this forum. I'll do a seach, bump an old thread, and say "why didn't you all listen back in 2016?"



    I want to like this a 1000 times.  It is seriously better than the crockpot.

    • Like 1
  5. Does anyone stay at home, like in a regular B and B, when they rent out rooms?

    I have a friend who does this.  She has 6 kids living at home too that she homeschool and is a dentist who works one day a week.  Her AirBnB ads make it very clear that they are renting a room in a home filled with a large, active family

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  6. I have been selling on Ebay since 1997 and Craigslist since just after it was started.  Now it has been about two years since I listed much on Craigslist and I am seeing on odd trend that I do not like.  


    Two years ago it was assumed that the buyer would travel to the seller or to wherever the seller chose to meet.  Now this time around everyone is expecting that we, the sellers, are going to deliver items to them.  (We have listed and sold 7 items in the last three days)


    Are we just having a run of bad luck or is this a new thing?

  7. My oldest got her own credit card, A Costco American Express, about 18 months ago.  She was 20.5 and they allowed her to count her monthly allowance from us as income.


    My middle daughter is on one of my accounts. She lives at home and it is very convenient for her to have a way to pay for things with my money (she grocery shops for me most weeks).  She has a full time job as a graduate teaching assistant so I am sure that she could get her own card and she will when she decides it is important right now she just uses her debit card as she is financially independent 

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  8. Yuck...I would be bribing my boys with cookies or candy to do that job for me.

    My son is away on a trip for the week and at the rate that the darn worms were eating the plant there would have been nothing left by the time he got here.


    I almost let the darn worms have the plants, but I like my homegrown tomatos

  9. I just drowned 3 tomato horn worms.


    I am a military brat turned military wife and have moved my whole life and have never really been able to grow plants, we moved way too often.


    I have now lived here six years and have started growing tomatoes.  I have fun doing it and they taste great.


    On Monday I noticed that an evergreen bush in our front yard was dying.  After some research I learned that it has bag worms.  Yuck.


    Then last night after spraying that bush, while I was closing my back curtains I noticed that my tomato plants looked wrong. I inspected them this morning and found that they were missing about half their leaves. Google to the rescue again and I discovered that I have tomato horn worms.  Yuck and now I am mad.  I like my tomato plants and I planted eight this year and just bought fancy new tomato cages.


    But, there is no way in hell I am picking those huge, gross things off by hand!


    All day I have watched my plants getting barer and barer.  Then I had an inspiration.  I took tongs and a bucket of soapy water and picked them off and drowned them.  


    My plants are saved.  Now I just have to figure out how to keep them from coming back.





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  10. We know various families with kids doing somewhat similar wilderness experiences, with varying degrees of independence from outside help.  However, none are planning to segue to military afterwards  (one is going into park service, another into biology, and I've really no clue about the other).  (Gosh, I just realized how popular this is in our crowd!)


    I would think a lot would depend on what the colleges say.

    I am surprised that you know three people doing this as well!  It does make me feel a little less crazy.

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  11. My son is heading into his senior year. He plans to attend a senior military college and commission into military service when he graduates.  


    He told me last week that he really wants to spend a year pitting himself against the wilderness.  Living off the land and building his own house, hunting/trapping/growing his own food.  


    We spent a long time chatting about this idea and fleshing out how it would work.  A safety plan etc.  


    He has skills to make this actually work.  He is an eagle scout with a troop that does a lot of wilderness survival he has spent 150 nights in a tent and hiked over 300 miles in the last few years.  He has helped build 4 decks and a great deal of furniture he has competed in marksmanship for the last two years.  


    Our conversation was very much as though this was an unattainable but very desirable dream.


    I later mentioned it to my husband and the crazy thing is that I think we could make this happen.  


    We live in the urban sprawl of Washington DC and my husband has long wanted to move out to the country but there are many job opportunities here, I love it here, we have a fantastic community, my parents and all my siblings live here.


     Anyway he and I recently came to the conclusion that we won't move but that at some future point we would look into buying 20-40 acres in the shenandoah foothills and build a weekend home.  We had not mentioned this idea to any of our kids at all.  


    So my husband thinks that we should buy the land sooner (like in the next year) and let our son homestead there for a year before we begin building on it.  We haven't told our son yet.  We would be about an hour and a half away and could visit occasionally. 


    Have we lost it?  Is this a reasonable idea at all?  My heart says yes, my mind says no.  This really would be his only chance if he does want to serve in the military for 20 years (he plans to have a family and already stated that he wouldn't want to leave a family to do it or expect a family to live like this so after his military career is out)


    I am going to contact the admissions departments for the colleges that he would like to apply to and see if he should apply then defer acceptance or just wait to apply (normally he would contact them, but I don't want to tell him that we are actively considering this plan and I think that the college piece is important in my decision making)


    so are we crazy?  or really, really crazy?


    My daughter (16) and I had a conversation tonight....

    people....lots of people...those she know her well and those she doesn't, treat her and talk to her like she is 12 years old.  These people simply talk to other kids her age differently. I have witnessed this...their voice inflection changes, the types of topics of conversation changes, the types of questions they might ask, changes.  
    My dd is small and she doesn't look like a typical teenager...so people don't treat her like a 16 almost 17 year old...and it is so frustrating to her.  Even her relatives are like that...they treat and talk to her same aged cousin like she is an adult...but they talk and treat my dd like she is a kid.  Even if she tries to converse about adult topics...it doesn't work. 
    I don't know how to help her with that.  She doesn't wear teenage, trendy clothes...she doesn't wear make-up...she is short....
     she doesn't even like the typical teenage clothing styles..skirt above her knee, shirts without shoulders, tight, skinny jeans...
    My dd isn't athletic, and around here that is the end all.  The things that she likes, are actually more grown up in my opinion...she is more about teaching small children, playing the organ for our church and others churches...she loves doing things for other people. But those things set her apart from at least the teenagers around here...but for whatever reason, it doesn't make people think she is older...they still treat her like she is a 12 year old. 
    does anybody here have a daughter like this, who struggles with the same things?
    any suggestions for me...or her?  
    I want to think this will change for her in college...but I honestly don't know if it will.  And no matter how hard I try to convince her to be who she is, it still hurts and she is still sad and frustrated. 



  13. My oldest nephew was born alive at 22 weeks gestation and died within an hour.  The hospital allowed my sister to keep him with her as long as she wanted.  Her husband went home to remove as much "baby is coming home" stuff as possible and I stayed with her and Matthew.  We held him and talked to him and took pictures for about four hours.  I made a memory album for her and she still looks at it frequently 16 years later and Matthew is very much part of our extended family even though she now has four sons.  I called a charity that provided a smocked gown for him to wear for his funeral and a few years later I made one of those gowns for a woman I knew on a message board who lost a nephew at 24 weeks.  All of these pieces added up and I think that really did help my sister's (and my) grief process.  She talks about it and is now very active with a peri-natal hospice program in our area.

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  14. My very driven, math graduate student is totally ambidextrous.  As in, she taught herself to write in cursive with her lefthand in under 10 minutes and it was beautiful but she does use her right hand in daily life.  My son is left-handed to the extreme and while I think that he will make a fine engineer he certainly doesn't have the personality to pursue pure, theoretical mathematics like his sister.  


    So I guess I wonder what is meant by math in this case because there is a huge difference between math through Calculus (which my mathy one calls computation or arithmetic) and proof based math.


    For what it is worth, I am right-handed but my mother swears that is only because school forced me to be and i have a degree in engineering.  I play all sports left-handed and shoot a bow and gun left-handed as well.


    My oldest is an engineer and there is no doubt that she is right handed.


    My middle is the math major mentioned above.

  15. I don't think that it can be fixed.  My husband and I have a single piece double sink in our bathroom. the sink set is 7 years old.  His side has tan stains just like you describe that get darker as you head to the drain.  My side has none.  We have the same water source, they are the same age.  I have tried everything to get it clean. Nothing works.

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  16. She's not on a team. She didn't want black lining because it makes it too hard to find black shoes and leos inside.

    My son does martial arts and his gear bag has a black lining.  A few weeks ago bought new leg guards.  The next week when he was heading to class he commented that he had left one at class.  I of course asked if he was sure and he said he was and let me look in his bag.  There was no leg guard in it.  A month passed and the leg guard was never found.  I was ready to buy a new pair when he told me that he found the missing guard.  In his bag.  The bag that he and I had both checked.  It was of course a black leg guard in a black lined bag.


    Another color is a great plan.  My daughter has the addidas bag linked above.  It is great bag and her turquoise lining is so pretty that it makes me happy to see it.

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  17. A few years ago I was driving home from Costco with all three of my kids in the car we had just bought food for a party to celebrate my oldest daughters confirmation.  As we turned a corner coming off a stoplight my car began filling with choking smoke.  I could not see and I definitely could not breathe and all the kids were screaming and  trying to open doors.  I pretty much slammed to a stop and we opened the doors and began pouring out of the car and I was terrified that someone would be hit but also terrified because I couldn't breathe.  Smoke was pouring out of the car and suddenly three men were there helping us. We were within sight of a fire station and they were going off duty and driving home.  They started directing traffic and helping us.  We were all covered in white powder.


     I had long kept a fire extinguisher in my cars part of a safety kit (my husband is always prepared for anything).  Anyway as we turned the corner one of my costco purchases fell over and hit the handle of the fire extinguisher just right and the plastic safety device on the handle was old enough and brittle enough that it broke and the angle was just right that it held own the handle and the whole extinguisher deployed in my car with all the windows closed and the AC running.


    The firemen were impressed that I carried a fire extinguisher. I had six hours until confirmation and the entire inside of my car and everything in it was totally coated in white powder.





    My mother's house was about two miles away.  I drove there is a total panic.  We went through the food and decided what needed to be replaced.  Then I left her my kids and the van and drove her car back to costco.  When I came back an hour later all the kids had been bathed and the van had been vacuumed and wiped down.  We found white powder in cracks and crevices in that van for years to come.


    I will admit though that a spider would have totally done me in. 




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