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Everything posted by SadieMarie

  1. Was the bakery owner being forced to be a witness at the wedding, join in the first dance and then bake a cake for free? That is how some people are making this sound. You run a business in a state that says if you are selling goods or services to the public you can't discriminate. If that is too much to take then close down by all means but if you do it is YOUR choice. I see no poor little victim here, just someone too hateful to bake and sell a fricking cake to a customer of whom he disapproves. Maybe he should move to Uganda and bake cakes. He could even bake execution cakes.
  2. I could get behind Costco. And thanks! We have Netflix. I started googling it and thought I was going to have to pay per episode.
  3. No! I am going to have to look for this one. Where would I find it? I think Starbucks would get my vote. Chocolate may make life worth living, but coffee makes life possible. Maybe Starbucks and Hershey's could be running mates. I think they would be formidable.
  4. The United Corporations of America :patriot: So, if corporations are eventually able to actually run for office, who would you support?
  5. How would one even know if this had happened? You would not even miss a period would you?
  6. Consumer boycotts can work for companies that aren't led by zealots. I will never darken Hobby Lobby's door again lol. But I have been there a handful of times and so they aren't going to notice the loss of people like me. But I have bought a lot of Eden Soy, mostly canned beans lol and am done with that, but I hadn't thought of contacting the local coop. So I am going to start working on that, thank you for the idea.
  7. Lol and too late, google plus and inquiring mind is a dangerous combination! It appears to me to be totally and ultimately about trying to roll back access, not about having to pay for it. http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/2012/contraceptives/ib.shtml
  8. I wonder what the difference to the employer is in terms of cost for coverage with contraception and without. If, as it seems from the Wheaton case, insurance companies are willing to do it separately and for free how much could it be costing employers? And I agree with previous posters that benefits are part of compensation for work, along with wages, and not some sort of special extra gift.
  9. Sounds familiar. I find if I don't get enough alone quiet time I start losing my coping skills. Introverts recharge with alone time. Are you getting enough? Sometimes I just need to be in the house by myself.
  10. I know it. I know all kind of perfectly lovely Christians who don't seem judgmental at all, just going about their business doing the best they can, like everyone. Then I read something written by a Christian "leader" and I start generalizing and expecting the worst. It is very easy to do. ETA: Oops! I thought you were responding to me expecting the worst from Christian organizations.
  11. I am surprised that hiring women doesn't compromise their morals. But maybe that is me just assuming the worst.
  12. Hmmmm, not sure on Slate, but I would guess also liberal bias, but not as much as Salon.
  13. Maybe not all beef hot dogs, but I think it has a few things to say about pork.
  14. Wow! so my anecdotal sample size (when I add up the number of children of the gay parented families I know) is four times the one of this study lol. Maybe I should write it up.
  15. So if the insurance company pays for it then Wheaton's religious liberty is being violated, but if the employee herself pays for it then Wheaton's religious liberty remains pure?
  16. I know it is only anecdotal, but I am going to go with my personal experiences with families headed by gay couples. There were two classmates, one being a friend and playmate, of my older dd when she was in elementary school, and a third family whose dd was my younger dd's best buddy in preschool. We continue to socialize with two of these families. There is also a family with one parent being a colleague of dh who have grown children who are doing quite well in life (one of whom has become a public figure ). I have a family member who is gay and she and her partner have one child, also doing just fine thankyouverymuch. We see them on a regular basis. I also worked with a lesbian couple who were providing fostercare. Their regular caseworker was on maternity leave and I covered for her for a couple months. I only wish all the foster parents I worked with were as wonderful as they were, as foster parents that is.
  17. I have been listening to Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff all afternoon, inspired by you. And I feel way better! I highly recommend some reggae for mood lifting and inspiring a positive attitude. So thank you Mrs Mungo.
  18. If they legally have to be nondiscriminatory to be in business then making the cake is not condoning anything.
  19. Maybe they could come to a back entrance or something to get that cake? That would be a compromise. Maybe the woman (or member of a minority) could get that loan but just with crappy terms, another compromise! Maybe they could just get their own buses and avoid all this unpleasantness? Wouldn't that be the considerate thing to do?
  20. I am still waiting for someone to tell me I am just being paranoid. :scared:
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