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Posts posted by Izzy



    It's nice to think people won't discriminate due to a biological reason for something, but I believe skin color is inherited and people discrimiate plenty on that. And gender, and body size (to a point), and so on, and so on...



    True. And here I am trying to be rational. I just finished Why Evolution is True and Coyne writes about a conversation he had with a creationist about evolution. He explained evolution and the creationist said evolution made perfect sense and there is no denying the evidence. It's all there. BUT he still wasn't going to believe it. It's a conscious decision to stay in cognitive dissonance. I don't get it.

  2. Anyone else see this?



    I'm curious. What's a Jersey Style hug? LOL.


    Fantastic idea, though.



    This is such a fun idea! I'm making a goal of getting involved with the local Center for Inquiry. They have tons of events so I just need to break out of my shell. I'm good once I get to know people but struggle with the getting to know strangers stage. :)

  3. I have pics of my new nephews.

    They're darling as can be.

    They both broke 4 pounds, born at 36 weeks--mother had no prenatal care and didn't know she was having twins. When she was told to push out the placenta. . . Flerbert was born. :)


    They do have actual names now, and they're perfectly charming.


    Alas, they'll be in NICU for maybe 7 more days. Flerbert is having a hard time regulating his body temperature and they're not eating very well yet.


    Otherwise, happy little boys. Very happy brother and s-i-l.


    Happy aunt! :)



    Congratulations, Auntie!! How exciting! :)

  4. i have heard that it runs in families. i dont worry about it too much. i did have a gay uncle, though. well, 2nd cousin, really, but we called him uncle.



    Oh, I'm not worried about it. My uncle was kicked out of the house and disowned when he came out. Unfortunately, this still happens in far too many families. :( I wonder if scientists could prove it's biological then there would be no more reason to discriminate?

  5. Has anyone heard about a gay gene? I've been reading about it and found it really interesting. This gay gene is not only passed on to a person who is homosexual, but also to other family members who are heterosexual. The heterosexual carriers of this gene have more children (especially boys) than non carriers of the gene. My uncle was gay (died in the late 80's), my mom was actually the only girl out of 4 kids, I have 4 kids who are all boys.



    No, mine haven't read the Bible either. That's a pretty hard slog and there are some R-rated passages in there too. I really like Geraldine Macaughrean's bible story books, especially since she's also written so many books about other myths. It emphasizes that these are stories.


    I need to look at these. I also want my kids to know the bible stories as myths. I haven't taught them yet because I was coming from a Christian literal view and I didn't want to scare them. I gave all of the kids babble story books when I gave the other babbles away.

  7. Okay, I cannot keep up. You all talk a lot.


    Way back a few hundred pages some of you mentioned religion and the brain. Here are some books that I'm planning to read some day.


    And evolution


    Thanks! My Amazon wish list is getting huge! I have a sample of The Greatest Show on Earth and am going to buy the full book at some point. I'm reading Why Evolution is true right now which I like too.

  8. No way am I throwing this up on the main board, but I'll leave it here. It's a petition to the BSA council who sits down on Monday to vote in their new policy regarding gays.


    (Link is to the right. Apparently it had my information in the fields of the first link.)


    Perfect way to let them know that pulling a Pontius Pilot doesn't make them less bigoted.


    I signed. :)



    Here is something interesting. There was a thought out there one time that it isn't really us dictating our own lives, it is our genes. I'm not sure if I can explain this idea very well. Has anyone else heard of this? I know I heard a discussion of this on NPR a long time back.



    Yes, I have heard this! Was it something about not really having free will? Excuse my poor science terminology, but it's more like neurons line up and you're already going to do something before you're actually aware of it? See, this is what I'm really interested in right now - genes, brain chemistry, etc. It's all fascinating.

  10. I would like some input on 2 things:

    1. what/who do you think created the universe

    2. Where does the innate sense of right and wrong we have come from?

    I ponder these things and they are the only things that keep me looking for a higher power.



    1. IDK I'm Agnostic and am open to there being god, gods, goddess, or goddesses. I'm 99.9999% sure it's not the gods people have created though. I imagine if there is a god then it's not one that cares about being known.

    2. Right from wrong comes from our reason. The fact that we can look at something in the bible and know that its wrong shows that we don't need a god to give us morals. What strikes me the most is humans are naturally more ethical than the god in the bible. So it seems like a wiser choice to follow our own reason than just trust that this god is perfect so who are we to question him. Kwim?



    I think you'd fit right in as a Pastafarian then.


    There's also this - http://www.venganza.org/ordination/

    I sent away for one. I'll be applying at the local courthouse to perform wedding ceremonies. We'll see what happens.


    I could be down with an afterlife full of stripper factories and a beer volcano.



    I want this just to have it displayed on my wall. I'm much too shy to perform a wedding.



    I believe that we are one of the largest textbook purchasers, so most textbooks follow our standards.


    I'm with you about not knowing much Science. Unfortunately, my children aren't much better off because I can't choose a good secular Science curriculum. Once I read a pamphlet aimed at chidren that read something like: You don't think that if you stick your arm in a freezer that you would grow hair, do you? Well, that's what scientist who believe in evolution think. :bored: Well, I knew enough about evol. to know that isn't how it worked, but I didn't know enough to explain it. With that, I decided that my children will know how evolution works, and how to think critically.



    I ordered My Father's World when I first started HSing and a book about dinosaurs living at the same time as people came with it. I was utterly confused. And then I found out there were a lot of people that actually believed it. My mind was blown when I heard there were other people that taught their kids that dinosaurs didn't exist and the bones were planted by the debil to confuse us.

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