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Everything posted by mommyx4

  1. I'm contemplating doing this, but I'm very scared now. I would have to change doctors because the doctor I've been seeing refuses to do it and scared me and my husband to death. He said he couldn't live with himself if I had a unterine rupture and the baby or myself died or if the baby lived there would be major complications, like brain damage and cerebal palsy... Do you have input about it?
  2. Thank you all for your responses. It's given me some more to think about, but it's so hard to figure out. In mentioning the flood, that's another event that I just can't get over. If I were there and told my child to stand by me instead of going onto the arc, my child would obey me and in turn suffer and die. Or little infants that have no say in the matter and they just died...I just don't get it. Why is this even in the Bible? If God wants us to draw closer to him, why would he place such events that caused us so much question?
  3. I was watching a special on t.v. the other day about the beginning times in the Bible and one part showed the Passover. I had forgotten about it, but the show really brought it back to my mind. I haven't been to church in several months because of some spiritual issues and now this has been on my mind. How could God kill all of those children? All children are innocent, why were they the ones punished? I know the parents and pharoah were punished, but I just can't get past the killing of all the first borns...I would really love some thoughts on what you think. How can a merciful and loving God do that?
  4. We've used CLE in the past and are back to it(we love it). My boys are on the last book in their grade level and I can't remember if the first book in the next level is review or not. Do I need the first book in the next level or can I skip it? Thanks for your help!
  5. Yes, Cindy that does look like an interesting curriculum. I may wait until 6th grade though and let them just read good books this year. My plate is full with curriculum right now (-:
  6. I'm pregnant with our fourth and I have 3 boys. A waitress yesterday asked how I stay sane...she then told me she felt sorry for me. Why? I don't feel like I looked miserable, in fact we were all laughing and having a great time. I told her to not feel sorry for me, my children are a blessing to me. My older boys love hearing that and one of them reiterated after she said that they are a blessing...I alway say that to people especially in front of my kids.
  7. As this age/grade, do you buy a literature curriculum, or just let them read good books? I've never bought one before and they understand the content of what they are reading but I'm wondering if it's something I need to add at this stage... They already do spelling, Jr Analytical Grammar and a Home2Teach writing class.
  8. I'm NE of Charlotte in the country. Would love to make some new friends for me and my kiddos (-:
  9. Cat- Doing o.k. Really have to fight the urge to be upset today. The speech people called me and revised his scoring and he has a 24% delay in expressive language. All the other areas of development they tested were either on target or very, very ahead. So, not only do I worry about his growth, but now I worry about his speech. I don't know really what this means and what I need to do to help him(he's 18 months). My other two boys never had any delay with anything..ever... I'm tried working with him today, but it seems he doesn't want to respond to my *teaching*. Maybe he can tell I'm getting frustrated, I don't know. He did learn two new things yesterday. He said ho, ho, ho for Santa which was great. The Speech lady said he scored *poorer* because he didn't call me mama. He will give me something if his dad says, "give it to mama" but he doesn't address me as mama ever... Should I be worried? I am, you know I am... I will try and get help for myself soon, I just need to get this cleared up first with my baby. And Pam, thank you for sharing your story. I can only imagine(and have) what you went through with that...you are very strong..and yes...I do believe in God but my faith has been really on the rocks this past couple of months. I can't bring myself to go to church yet and rarely pray anymore....that's a whole 'nother can of worms....
  10. Thank you so much Cat...you really have been a big help(as well as other's the have posted)...truly thank you.
  11. I would say NC vs. SC as well. We live near Charlotte and like it. While SC is cheaper to live in, I prefer NC. Both have mild winters(compared to up north).
  12. Thanks for asking Cat...I'm doing o.k. now...I know you are going to think I'm even more crazy, but I brought him back to the doctor this morning to check his iron. He was a little low (11.2..she said normal is between 12-14) and prescribed iron drops. She assured me it's completely normal and even her sons had to take them for a period of time. I was on the computer until 1am last night researching and thought he had everything from low iron to cystic fibrosis. Thankfully, Icalled this morning and I'm not a carrier of the gene(I was tested this pregnancy...y'all know I'm panicky about everything so it should be a suprise I asked to be tested for everything under the son) I also called his ped this morning before the appt and his newborn screening came back negative for cf, so I was comforted by that. I also had Early Development specialists come to my house after the doctor(this was already scheduled) to assess him. He was a little behind in speech(by 1 month...maybe a bit more) but was 4-6 months ahead in other areas. They said he was very, very smart(with puzzles, fine motor,etc) and said that children develop stronger in some areas and then catch up areas and not to worry. ..It did make me feel a bit better, but I do still worry about the little guy. I know I need help with my anxiety, I just don't feel comfortable taking anything while I'm pregnant. I was prescribed Zoloft a couple of months ago, but never took it because I googled and things like heart defects, etc. came up so I've been just suffering through it. I feel so much stress with Christmas and now we are pulling our bigger boys out of school(another story..we homeschooled for 4 years but after my anxiety became unbearable in my first trimester, we put them in school...it hasn't been going great, so end of this week we are back to homeschooling...) I just want everything to be o.k. and to be happy...I don't understand why I'm like this.
  13. blessedwinter..he didn't actually get shorter. At 13 months, they said he was measuring at 30 3/4 inches(using the paper method) The doctor today used the board method and got between 31 3/4-32 inches at almost 19 months. So, if both those measurements were accurate, he only grew 1-1/4 inches in 6 months.
  14. i realize that but don't know what to do.... I've tried to see a therapist that specialized in pre and postnatal depression(I have more anxiety than depression) and they couldn't fit me in. I'm not comfortable taking anything while I'm pregnant...so I kindof just suffer and pray nothing goes wrong(esp. with one of my children.)
  15. I'm sharing too much now, but have no one else to talk to. I called my husband tonight in tears because I feel like I can't do this again. I'm going to have another baby and I'm so scared something is going to be wrong with her too...I told him I wish we didn't even do this because I feel like I can't cope.
  16. He is my 3rd and I'm pregnant with my 4th now. He got really ,really sick at 5 months and was in the hospital for while. Then, he had to be monitored for 6 weeks afterwards by a cardiologist. When he was in the hospital, I called a priest to have him come and pray over him. When the priest asked if he was in danger of dying(at the time I didn't know) I broke down and had a panic/anxiety attack in the hospital where they almost admitted me as well. To be honest, I've never fully recovered since then. I have MAJOR anxiety issues regarding health(especially with him) and can't cope. I went to numerous doctors afterwards convinced I had everything from thyroid disease to cancer and then I got pregnant again. I have been anxious this entire time and really should be on something, but being pregnant, I'm just trying to manage. My husband is very supportive and understands how I get about this(he's out of town right now and I've been on the computer for 6 hours researching all of this). I got worried again tonight because he had a diaper full of undigested beans and corn and I ran write back onto the computer for answers. I know I have issues with this, but please understand I'm just scared something is wrong with my baby....
  17. Should I be worried that he grew in weight and head measurement,but was slow to grow in height? He kindof flat lined on the paper in height.
  18. Just me...we also got two different measurments at the office. One put him in the 10-25% and the other put him in the 25%(but just barely.)
  19. I've been posting alot about my toddler lately because I have terrible anxiety and I just worry about him so much(I don't know why). Anyway, today I brought him to a new pediatrician for his 18 month well visit. The last pediatrician he saw was at 13 months. At that appointment, they measured him on the white paper and then calculated his height from that. I wasn't paying attention if they were accurate or paying close attention but he was in the 68th percentile for height and 17% percentile for weight. Today, at the new pediatrician they used a board that had two hard ends on it(like he was standing up against the wall-but he was laying down) When his height got calculated today it put him in the 23rd percentile for height and his weight now in the 50% percentile! So, he upped alot in weight, but dropped alot in height! Why would his height drop so dramatically? Could it have been human error the first time or could their be something wrong with him? I've been researching and worrying for hours about this! (I'm also pregnant and I get worried generally about everything right now) Should I be worried? Please help...
  20. Yes, he always understands what I'm saying. For example, if I give him a piece of garbage and ask him to go throw it out, he goes to the garbage in the kitchen and does it...is that receptive language?
  21. I know he can hear because I can call him from across the house and he'll come running. He also does every command I give him. Like it I tell him to go get the Baby Angels book, he'll go get it.
  22. I realized after I posted this it doesn't make sense. He babbles alot and has a vocabulary of about 10-15 words, but I hear of other 18 month olds saying so much more and it worries me...
  23. my 18 month old boy(almost 19 months) *talks* but doesn't use words. He does say some things like wow, dada, heart, meow, etc. but I wonder if he's behind. My twins spoke alot more words than him at this stage. Should I worry? Should I have him evaluated? I know he's a different child and I shouldn't compare...but I do...
  24. I just looked at all the suggestions(I'm needing a new diaper bag as well for our arrival coming in April) and I like the l.l. bean one...does anyone know if l.l. bean has after Christmas sales?
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