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Everything posted by mommyx4

  1. He did say my levels of b12 were not low enough for the shots and added that the sublingular (not sure if I'm saying that right) b12 has been shown to be just as effective as the shots.
  2. I don't know what my iron level was. He said all my other levels were normal except my ferritin and my B12.
  3. I wanted to add that I am still nursing my 20 month old, so not sure if that will change the recommendation.
  4. I was having some issues with dizziness, brain fog and numbness so I went to the doctor. She blew me off as being an exhausted mom and suggested I drink more water. I knew it was more than water and asked her to check my iron levels and B12. It ended up that I was low in iron. My ferritin level is 9 and my b12 is 354. Her partner (I wouldn't deal with her anymore after this) said I was very low in iron, but my hemocratic and hemoglobin was normal. He attributed it to my heavy periods+fasting from meat products during Advent. He suggested an iron supplement and b12 supplement. I found the b12 I want to take, but am having a hard time finding the iron. He suggested ferous gluconate, but everyone I find has food coloring, etc. Do you have a suggestion for one? I have looked at iron bisglycinate as well with mixed reviews. I also looked at the MegaFoods Blood Builder as a supplement. I just feel kindof lost on which one to take, but want these issues resolved..like yesterday! (: Any suggestions?
  5. I certainly don't want to be a Debbie Downer other mama's of younger twin boys...but this all ramped up around 11/12 and is full force now at almost 13.... Here is hoping I can ride this crazy wave with some grace and not run into the woods and not come back...lol
  6. It's pretty equal. I would say one is more vindictive than the other, but they both do this to each other.
  7. My twin boys are about to turn 13 and they are so hard right now. I could really use some parenting help. My parents were AWFUL so I never use them as a reference. My boys are uber competitive with each other. I know that is to be expected. However, they are constantly throwing one another under the bus or making fun of the other in social situations. It really, really bothers me. I have talked to them repeatedly about this. I have told them how their words can affect their relationship for a lifetime. My sister and I barely talk and have a very strained relationship due to not having parents help to *parent* us in situations that caused so much conflict. I am not this way. I try and help most situations, but sometimes I do let them work it out....but it has gotten so bad. It's like their competitive nature has caused each other to make the other one look bad so the other can shine. It's one thing to do this in our home (which we do not condone), it's another to do it out in public. I'm scared, at this point, to allow them to be in social situations where I'm not there. One example that was recent...the boys were playing with friends at the park.a One of my boys accidentally hurt the other. Instead of saying sorry and helping the other twin up, he left him there, turned his back to his brother and continued to talk with the other kids while his brother was laying on the ground. I ran over after I saw what happened and the one boy that got hurt was on the ground crying (with the other kids around) and his twin said to me he really wasn't hurt, he was faking and to ask the other kids...I was heartbroken. Why wouldn't he help his brother? I don't get this. To me, family is EVERYTHING. This is the reason we homeschool. Yes, we homeschool for academic reasons, religious, etc, but the main reason we homeschool is so our family is close. I feel like no matter what, no matter how embarassed the other one was, he should have held out a hand and helped his brother up...but he didn't.... Another example happened today. This really isn't huge, but when I compile it with everything else it speaks volumes. The boys were involved in show and tell in a Landry class today(Landry classes are online) They were showing their new puppy to the class and teacher. After a moment of showing tricks that the puppy has learned, my one son thought it would be funny to show an embarrasing picture of his brother to the class. In this same class, the other twin made fun of his brother in the chat (while the class was going on) on something he said during class for the whole class to see! This is almost daily with them. I really am at wits end about this and don't know what to do. I don't want their relationship to suffer and I fear it is...please help.
  8. I have one. I bought if because I hated my canister vacuum bumping into everything so I bought a commercial Hoover. Seriously, my family thought I was wacko, but I love it. I can make it through our downstairs in a snap. It was a bit pricey, but worth it.
  9. I am homeschooling older kids (12+) as well as I have two toddlers. I'm trying very hard to fill everyone's bucket...but, I'm feeling like a chicken with his head cut off. I'm always fretting about the little ones not getting much outside time to just play. I know they need this and don't want to shortchange their childhood because I'm homeschooling the big kids. How much time do you let your little ones play outside? I usually try to squeeze in 30-45 minutes in the am and then have the big kids play with them outside again while I'm cooking dinner. Do you think that is enough? Also, if you are in a similar boat, do you have a playgroup or special time weekly for your little kids? I'm wondering if I should set up a playgroup for them to just have weekly or even twice a month. We are home so often and then most of our activities revolve around the big kids.
  10. These are some great ideas so far! I've never even heard of those bows, but my boys would love them.
  11. Can we start discussing Christmas? Is it too early? I have twin 12(almost 13) year old boys and need to start planning. I need some ideas! They love airsoft wars, so we figured we will buy them new guns. The could probably use a new bike, so we may consider that as well(their birthday is 1 week before Christmas, so I'm trying to think for both) No video game things. They do have a Wii, but don't play that often. They are really into clothes all of a sudden, so I'm sure we will buy them new clothes. Any other ideas? Games? Stocking stuffers? What are you getting your boys?
  12. I can't seem to find a vitamin for my two kids that are under 3. I'd like to have them on something since we are entering into cold and flu season. I have fish oil(though not fermented) but fear that may not be enough. I bought the powdered vitamin supplement from Dr. Furhman but they don't like it. I can sometimes get them to eat it with yogurt, but it's not consistent. Do you have any suggestions?
  13. Exactly what I was looking for RootAnn...thanks!
  14. I'd like to go back to using SOTW next year with my soon to be 7th grade twins. I don't really want to buy the Activity guide because they are a little old for the coloring pages and I know we won't be doing the extra activities. I also don't need the review questions as I will read aloud to them and have them do narrations on what was read. However, they REALLY need some serious geography lessons. I'd like to combine it somehow. Does anyone know of a geography curriculum that coinsides with SOTW? I was thinking maybe Mapping the World with Art. Any ideas?
  15. Has anyone here followed this track? I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do next year. CLE has been a wonderful curriculum, but I'd like to take some subjects off of me next year(I have a 2 year old and a baby as well). I know CLE can be done independent but we have never done it this way. I wanted to make sure I had reviewed all the concepts in the event the boys had a question I would be able to help (: I've been reviewing different options-Landry Academy PreAlgebra, Tabletclass as well as The Potters School. Tabletclass seems the most affordable and has great reviews. One question I do have is does Tabletclass review like CLE? Or is it similar to MUS in that once a concept is taught and tested, the student then moves on and is not reviewed on past concepts.
  16. I'm the friend the speedmom was referring to. I had my implants removed in 2009. I had them for 7 years as well. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about them and the removal process. I am VERY happy to have them gone. I so regretted getting them in the first place. I was a B before the implants. I had them put in after nursing twins. I was a D after the implants(a very large D) It will be hard to find a doctor that has experience taking them out. Pretty much no one does it for the reasons you and I wanted them out. Most of the time they are replaced. I did see some pretty scary pictures online of what they could look like afterwards and prepared myself. The doctor I went to was not the same doctor that had put them in because it was in a different state. The doctor I chose had done another surgery for me so I felt comfortable going to him. He did tell me upfront he had never done this before(meaning taking them out and not replacing) but would do his best to make them look good. I am VERY happy with the results. For some reason I grew in the last 7 years. I'm nursing a baby now so they are back to a C/D but when I wasn't nursing they were a B/C. They weren't saggy or droopy. In fact, they looked better than with the implants in my opinion(and my husbands) I do have scars around my nipples because both times they did make my aerolas smaller but he did take them out underneath so I have a small scar there as well. It cost me $5k to take them out. I'd be happy to answer anymore questions you have. You will feel so free once you get them out. I promise.
  17. Editing the original post to nothing. I feel bad about saying anything negative about my neighbor. We are blessed to have kids next door for my kids to play with. I do think it's wise to not let them play on the trampoline, so thank you for your comments.
  18. Yesterday I made yogurt in the crockpot and then incubated it in jars in the oven. Well, this morning I realized I forgot to put the starter in. Do I need to throw these jars out now? Ikow they aren't yogurt, but can I use them in smoothies or something?
  19. Has anyone here made their blog into a book? I've seen several websites advertise this, but trying to figure out the best(and EASIEST) one to use...any suggestions?
  20. I I have a Vitamix as well as an ice cream maker. I wouldn't sell the ice cream maker just yet. I blend my ingredients in my Vitamix and then still use the ice cream maker(I'm assuming you have one like mine that doesn't use rock salt-if it does than I would totally get rid of that one those are a pain) but you can definitely get rid of your blender. Enjoy! I've used my Vitamix almost every day for the last 2 years. In fact, today we had blender pancakes I make in my Vitamix.
  21. Wanted to add he just turned two, so he's not an older 2 year old.
  22. Do you have any ideas of what to do with my 2 year old in the fall? We homeschool the older boys and I thought it would be nice to take 1/2 hour in the morning when the big boys are doing independent work and do *preschool* with the toddler. I thought we could read books and sing songs, but I'd love something that could give me some direction. I guess a little toddler curriculum or ideas for crafts..know what I mean? I just don't have the brain energy to tackle developing a colors, shapes, crafts curriculum right now with planning 6th grade for my olders. Any ideas?
  23. Mtnteaching...would you mind sharing a couple of pages? I have a new computer and it has Onenote but I am the worst when it comes to tech things, but I'd love to use it for lesson plans.
  24. Thank you all so much for you help so far. I think we'll stick with CLE for one more year. We do Singapore CWP as well. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do when we finish those?
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