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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. I think Math-U-See is a great curriculum. I am personally terrible at math and likely have a learning disability with math but the way Steve Demme teaches works so well with my brain. My children, however, are amazing at math and the majority of them have used only Math-U-See from the start. It prepared my oldest well enough to start college algebra and excel at it when she started dual enrollment at 14. I've seen it work wonders with children with a range of learning abilities.

    I do use Beast Academy with one of my younger children but he used MUS from Primer-Delta and was begging for more variety. I use Math With Confidence with my twins with brain differences and unfortunately, the highest level currently available likely isn't going to work for your child but Math Facts That Stick may be a good supplement, if needed. 

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  2. I do know large families who ask the community to help them repeatedly. I also know large families who pay to hire help which is a-okay with me. But there are also plenty of us out there who do it without hiring a house cleaner or a nanny.

    I have six who are 10 and under, including a set of toddler twins. it's a handful and a handful that I chose to have so I tend to not ask for much help. Have I asked for someone to hang out with my kids so I could take one to a doctor's appointment without the rest in tow? Yup! I don't hire regular help. However, I DO have a husband who is amazing and does not feel like his job is over when he comes home from work. He steps up and does chores, parents, often helps kids with a math lesson if they need to be taught in a different way. So while I am not leaning on the outside community to meet all of my needs or hiring help for it, I do have a co-parent in this unlike plenty of moms of large families whose husbands don't feel that is their role.

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  3. 23 minutes ago, SamanthaCarter said:

    That’s true, also maybe it is all hers. I didn’t know anything about the commenter, and assumed she was talking about her family’s laundry. She could have been single. Whew! ?


    I tested it out for you. I did a load for a family of 8 (2 adults, 6 kids) with a handful of towels thrown in there. Extra large capacity washer. Just under 8 minutes to fold. ? I didn't time how long it took to put it away though. 4 minutes would be like speed folding here! 

    • Thanks 1
  4. We will combine Morning Basket time which includes Bible, Latin, Logic, hymn study, and a character study book for 4 kids ranging 6-10 years. I don't make the six year old do Latin or Logic but sometimes he wants to join in. Most of the group work is combined with science, history, and geography with the 6 year old doing a lower level of science. 8/9 year olds do the same handwriting, grammar, reading, writing, spelling, and math as individual work. The other two do their own grade level when they come to individual work. Then they do their own music practice.

  5. Popping back in with some practical thoughts. Are you willing to do visits bare minimum twice weekly for one hour each provided that parents are released from jail? You'll have doctor's appointments, possible therapy, family team meetings, and court dates as well. It's a lot to do but if you are committed to the child, it's worth it. There is a lot of people in your business all of the time. They dig into EVERYTHING. 


    If you do take the baby as a kinship placement, consider being licensed as a full foster home so you receive the monthly fostering stipend, clothing allowance, etc that comes with being a licensed home. Also know that WIC is available for all foster kids which helps with formula and later on baby food. There are plenty of foster closets in the state to help with clothing the baby too and often foster parents will band together to provide the baby gear and other necessities you may need. It helps ease the financial strain of adding another person to your family. 

    • Like 5
  6. If CPS knows to flag the child to look for a positive meconium test in the hospital, then CPS will likely be involved. Sometimes they remove the child, sometimes they do not. If she's still in jail when she births the child, you can pretty much bet on the child being placed into foster care.


    It honestly depends on the child. There is a better outlook for a child who was only exposed to drugs compared to one who has alcohol exposure on top of the drug exposure. The child probably would have learning disabilities and perhaps ADHD or similar diagnoses. The majority of my previous foster children were exposed to some drug/multiple drugs or alcohol in utero. I have zero regrets fostering them and we're finalizing the adoption of two of my babies on Friday.  

    • Like 7
  7. So far I'm thinking this:


    Morning Basket:

    Prima Latina

    Beautiful Feet Character study

    Simply Charlotte Mason Singing The Great Hymns

    Teaching Hearts Training Minds or Telling God's Story 3 for Bible.

    Simply Charlotte Mason Picture Study Portfolios for Art.



    Math: MUS Beta

    Science: Noeo Chemistry 1

    History: Around The World With Picture Books (Beautiful Feet)

    Geography: 50 States Under God For Young Learners/State Fun Book


    Language Arts:

    All About Spelling 2

    First Language Lessons 2

    Writing With Ease 2

    Memoria Press Second Grade Literature Guides

    Handwriting Without Tears Printing Power


    He also sings in a choir and plays violin. Likely horsemanship and gymnastics as well as another class like robotics or an art class outside of the home.



  8. You'll know if she's sick enough to warrant the vet. My dachshund got into a Costco sized bag of raisins (thanks, kids!) and was sick everywhere. Diarrhea, vomiting, and she was very lethargic. It was bad. She ended up in the vet for a few days with an IV. 

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