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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. Lois Duncan!! I loved her and I loved Down a Dark Hall! I am pretty sure I read everything she wrote along with R.L. Stine's entire catalog and Christopher Pike too. Now I'm trying to remember which author wrote a story about teens going to an island to spend a holiday in this mansion and when they were there they found out that the owner of the mansion intended to hunt them down and kill all of them for sport. Ah, the things I read when I was young. ;) 

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  2. Mom-ninja, you were a short car ride away and I had no clue!


    ErinE, I hope everyone is on the mend soon.


    Mumto2 (Sandy), I loved the post card from you. It came on a day that I was unbearably grumpy and completely brightened my day! 


    JennW, My kids are Bunnicula junkies. We're reading the entire series right now and are on Return To Howliday Inn. My husband was highly amused that there is a character named Hamlet in there who is a Great Dane but no longer identifies as great because he's so melancholy. 


    Angela, I'm sorry to hear about the puppies. :( 


    I just put a hold on a the latest Aurora Teagarden mystery, Bedbugs, and the Roald Dahl Ghost Stories. I loved Roald Dahl as a kid so I have no idea how I missed that this existed... 

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  3. I read The Plover, Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill, guilty pleasure Tricky Twenty-Two by Janet Evanovich, Joe Hart's Midnight Paths, and John Green's Paper Towns since last check in here. I really enjoyed The Plover and was trying to get my husband to read it... we shall see if he does it or not! I think it would be right up his alley though.


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  4. Okay, what in the heck am I doing with this? I have level 4 for my 4th grader who has completed Writing With Ease 1-3 and First Language Lessons 1-3. I bought the workbook to go with it and it doesn't match up to what we're doing in the actual book... I've taken to having her write everything in a common place book instead of messing with the workbook. Is that how most people teach it? Do you really do 1 chapter's worth of work each day that you're teaching with it? Do you do it as written or do you tweak it? It feels like a LOT of work on top of our spelling (All About Spelling level 4) and reading (Memoria Press' Lit guides). 


    I was super excited to get going with Barefoot Ragamuffins curriculum and so far this is the most stressful stuff to try to figure out how to juggle. I'm feeling the same way about Quark Chronicles too. We haven't even touched the workbooks because it doesn't make any sense on how to teach with it.

  5. I'm hoping we can get it all done in 4 hours but this is the first year that I'm teaching 4 kids and have 3.5 month old twins too. I'm pretty sure if we buckle down, we'll be fine. I managed to get it all in 3 hours last year... so... yeah. We're trying some new material though so we'll see how it all shakes out. I'm sure we could tack on a few hours in the afternoon too if necessary but I'd like to get it all done before lunch because they tend to turn into pumpkins in the afternoon.

  6. I'm almost done with Karen Glass' Consider This and am still stuck in Ransom Riggs' Hollow City. I have zero desire to pick it up. I did finish Paul Miller's A Praying Life, Nora Roberts' Bay Of Sighs, and The Confident Homeschooler by Pam Barnhill. I started reading Kevin Hearne's Tricked on my Kindle. 

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  7. Angel, you were in my home state! Whereabouts Michigan were ya? Praying for your FIL.


    Mom-ninja, I love the whole remember Abigail thing. Too funny. I may have to adopt that myself.


    Angelaboord, so glad to hear Abby is doing well! 


    Kathy, A SLIDING LADDER! I seriously just squealed out loud.


    I finished For Better or For Kids by Patrick and Ruth Schwenk. I loved it, I laughed out loud in parts because it was so very easy to relate to their marriage and parenting. I also came to the end of Karen Andreola's Charlotte Mason Companion and was tempted to start over again at page 1. This isn't helping my desire to switch all of my curriculum around again. But I won't, I'll remain strong and see what I can sneak in as free reads during the year. The dear hubbyface brought home Nora Roberts' Bay Of Sighs for me so I'm reading that before bed as my fluff novel. I'm also working through Paul Miller's A Praying Life and Karen Glass' Consider This. 

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  8. Jennifer, the mere mention of rhubarb has me craving a rhubarb crumble. Mmm. S&S; The Musical sounds amazing!


    Mom-ninja, then your SIL kicked him in the face, yes? Please tell me she did.


    Fastweedpuller, oh no, not food poisoning. Blaargh! 


    aggieamy, you're a brave, brave woman. Good luck with the potty training! I'm still slightly traumatized from potty training.


    I'm reading For Better or For Kids by Patrick and Ruth Schwenk, Karen Andreola's Charlotte Mason Companion, Karen Glass' Consider This:  Charlotte Mason and The Classical Tradition, J.R. Rain Moon Dance, and Ransom Riggs' Hollow City is sitting half read and with dust piling onto it... I'm not finishing much because I keep jumping around. I did just finish John Green's An Abundance Of Katherines though which was so-so. Not bad but nothing that I'd rave about either. It brought me up to 50 books this year. My book counter on Goodreads says that I am 10 books behind schedule. Oops. Blame the babies!


    I'm also trying to talk myself out of going to order 50,000 books from the AmblesideOnline curriculum lists because I've already purchased the curriculum for the coming year and need to plan. Not buy more. Ha. I blame the Charlotte Mason Companion and Consider This for that... Cindy Rollins probably isn't going to help tamp down that desire once I get my hands on Mere Motherhood either. 

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  9. Memoria Press literature guides for my third graders and the fifth grade level for my 4th grader. Quark Chronicles. English Lessons Through Literature for my 4th Grader. I guess I did a lot of switching things around this year! Probably not smart seeing that we have newborn twins in the house but I did it before I knew they were coming... haha.

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  10. I'm in category A. Honestly, I was just trying various churches and one day I was sitting in the middle of a small UMC when I felt this strong prompting to get up, GO, and go to this church that I'd randomly ended up in for one service a few years earlier. I hadn't even thought of them while doing my search for a local church. I got into my car, went, "I think they start at 11:30..." and it was 11:15am. So, I scooted my way there and stayed for 8 years. We're looking for another place as we feel God shifting us elsewhere but haven't found that place yet.

  11. We have a very small house but it's laid out nicely enough that we can fit our 6 kids just fine. I want to say only 960 square feet with a partially finished basement. We have 4 bedrooms after adding one to the basement. Two boys share a room, two girls share one, our boy/girl twins share a nursery, and my husband and I are in the master. If we want to switch around bedrooms, we can fit 3 kids into the master, 3 boys into the current boy room, 2 kids in the nursery, and my husband and I can take over the girls' room. But, I like it how it is for now! If only we had another bathroom because 1 isn't cuttin' it anymore. ;)

  12. I finished John Green's Looking For Alaska which was good but pretty predictable. Now I'm trying to make myself finish Hammered by Kevin Hearne which keeps getting put aside for an actual paper book seeing that I have it on my Kindle. I love my Kindle when I have babies but it also comes with the drawback of being super easy to fall asleep with because I tend to read it in the dark. :p The sensory experience of paper books keep me awake more.

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