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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. Butter, that is soooo cool!!!


    Kareni, not sure how long the little bits will stay. Could be a handful of months if suitable family is found but so far it's looking like there isn't any... so then it goes to whenever biological mother can get her life together or it could go to adoption, in which case they'd be here forever because you bet your rear I'll adopt. ;) So, we shall see!


    I did finish Night Shift and it was... meh. I love Charlaine Harris and really wanted to love this series but I didn't like it as much as I enjoyed some of her others. I'm not sure what to start next. I have a stack of John Green that a friend brought for me so maybe one of those? Or the next in the Miss Peregrine series.



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  2. Stacia, glad to hear the positive update about your mom. My husband and my brother are obsessed with Patrick Rothfuss and were just talking about it again. I tried Name Of The Wind like six times but can't ever make it past around page 50. They say push through, the story starts to get good around page 75 and sucks you in there.


    Robin, glad to hear your dad is doing well!


    Mumto2, I am so sorry about your mom. My heart is aching for you. *hugs* 


    Kareni, good luck with the travels! You too, VC!


    Mom-ninja, who makes the gf graham cracker crust? I must get my hands on some!


    I am reading Charlaine Harris' Nightshift, the third in the Midnight, Texas series, but not getting as far as I'd like. Every time I crack the book open, I pass out cold... *snort* Not too surprising seeing that we brought home twin babies a couple weeks ago. They are 31 week preemies and spent 5 weeks in the NICU. I found out about them in mid-June and spent a little over a week bouncing between the NICU and home before they were both released. They'll be 7 weeks at the end of the week but they're like teeny tiny newborns and are so very sweet. The little girl isn't even 5lbs yet but the little boy is packing on the pounds and is up to 6.5lbs now! We're enjoying them very much even if they do put a damper on getting reading done. 

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  3. Robin, you'll have to let me know if Bay of Sighs is any good. I put a hold on it but I think I'm like number 35 for ONE COPY. Oof. 


    Mom-ninja, I just put a hold on Founding Mothers too because it sounds so fascinating. On a semi-related note, Eliza killed me in Hamilton (the musical) so it made me want to read the book even more. 




    I finished Miss Peregrine and have moved on to attempting to finish Sally Clarkson's The Lifegiving Home today. I've been slowly reading it for months now and feel like it's just time to finish it up so that's my goal for today. Then I'll start Hollow City by Ransom Riggs unless my husband brings home some books from the library for me... then I'll read whatever I put on hold and forgot about! 

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  4. I want to say there's a hormonal surge at age 6 that makes kids more likely to cry. Both of my daughters turned into weepers at 6 and they were NOT before. Over the most ridiculous things like they couldn't find their shoes. Or I said their name the wrong way. Or someone looked at them funny...  It evened out during years 7/8 but my 8.5 year old is starting to get weepy again as she nears 9 and is closer to puberty.

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  5. It's been a crazy week! I didn't have time to catch up on the last thread so hopefully I will be able to do this one. My mom brought me two Jude Deveraux books and I was transported back into being about 12 and loooooving Jude Deveraux. Ever After and First Impressions are complete. I also finished Patricia Briggs' Fire Touched which was wasn't bad but wasn't great either. I'm about halfway through Kevin Hearne's Hammered which always seems to get put on the back shelf when something else exciting pops up though I do like Atticus quite a bit.

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  6. Is that the same book that was originally Praying While You Work? I keep meaning to re-read it. What were your thoughts?


    Apparently yes! I didn't know that it had been published earlier with a different title. I found it on someone's blog, I can't remember whose exactly... maybe Sarah Mackenzie's? I'll be honest, I ordered it without doing much research about it and was surprised to find that it was aimed at Catholic women and written by a Benedictine man. See, I told you I didn't do much, scratch that, ANY research.


    However, I thought the book was beautiful. It had a lot of practical suggestions and then backed it up with reasons why it would be intelligent to follow those suggestions. It has four chapters that are sectioned off by titles like "Learn the two ways to pray and work" or "Seek holiness for the right reasons". The second half of the book is a bunch of written prayers that have sections like prayers to begin your day, prayers to end your day, and prayers for special needs. My personal favorites were titled Prayer for when exhausted by housework and the one that I snapped a picture of and sent to several friends, Prayer in time of exasperation. :p 


    Honestly, I'm terrible at waking up early before my children are up to pray or designating a certain time period only for prayer so I loved this as it was a lot of, "Hey, it is okay to pray while doing the dishes. You can seek God wherever you are and it is OKAY to do that." I also struggle finding the right words to pray so the written prayers will help, I believe. 


    This is definitely one of those books that I intend to revisit probably once a year to have a fresh reminder that being a housewife, or a homeschooling mama of many littles, is a holy and worthwhile vocation. 

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  7. I abandoned my first book of 2016. Sorry, Stacia! I couldn't make it through Angelmaker. I wanted to love it. The story seemed like it should be fabulous but about 250 pages in, I wanted to kick the author in the teeth and gave it up. Ugh. The writing style just bugged the snot out of me and can't even pinpoint WHY. I did like Edie quite a bit but Joe made my skin crawl a bit.


    Almost finished with Anne Bishop's Murder Of Crows. I have the 3rd and 4th in The Others series waiting as well as the latest Patricia Briggs. 

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  8. (((CaladwenEleniel))) Migraines are the worst.


    Angela, hope that health finds its way to you and your home quickly!


    I've noticed Eliana is missing too... hope all is well. 


    I'm almost halfway through Angelmaker and thoroughly enjoying the character of Edie. Joe is meh for me but Edie is a blast.


    I read Written In Red yesterday and it was really good. I'm not used to werewolves actually feeling slightly scary... so it's interesting to see what Anne Bishop is doing with this  and exploring her own world. 


    I just put Fire Touched and two of the Others series in hold. Stinky library only lets us put 3 on hold at once or I'd have put Marked In Flesh on hold too... If only that were our "home" library. It has the most selection and is easiest to get to as the husband works right next door and I send him to fetch reading material for me! 


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  9. I finished Timeless which remained a meh but I'm glad I saw the series through. PIcked up C.S. Lewis' The Abolition Of Man last night and finished that quickly. I'm reading a Kindle freebie called Raspberry Kisses by Cecelia Dowdy. It's about a woman who meets a pastor and falls in lurve. Definitely cheesy but it's something to read while I'm waiting on my husband to retrieve my books from the library.

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  10. We did the same thing! We thought our house was huge when we bought it with one 1 month old baby and had grand plans to move out when I was pregnant with our third child. We didn't expect to have 3 kids in 2 years and add a 4th shortly after... then jump right into fostering. ;) Now we just creatively stuff everyone into the house and switch up where things are located as needed.

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