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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. My gut says that BPA is bad and I need to rid our home of things that might put BPA in our bodies...and I am wanting to read articles that will put it to me straight as to the dangers (or not) of BPA...can someone steer me in the right direction??? Kathy
  2. super duper ideas...thanks...I am taking notes...keep them coming!!!!!!!!!!
  3. the one thing I think about is that we do eat healthy all week and becasue we do, when we don't eat healthy foods, our bodies all feel it the next day...so I am just trying to make healthy foods fun too. thanks for the ideas...hoping they keep coming.
  4. almost every Friday night at our house is movie night, where we sit on the floor in the livingroom and watch a movie together as a family. Most of the time the food is "junky" type foods...chicken nuggets, hot dogs, cheese and crackers, chips, etc....and I want to make it way more healthy....but I am at a loss as to what is healthy finger food that the kids will eat...so I figured if anybody would know...it would be you guys...so please give me all of your awesome ideas!! Thanks.
  5. Who uses cast iron? and what are your favorite pieces and where do you buy your cast iron?
  6. We are using this: http://www.amazon.com/Memorize-Minutes-Tables-Alan-Walker/dp/0965176967/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267108091&sr=8-1 in stead of the one you are speaking of...I liked this one better becasue no matter the story, no matter the problem the same picture applies to the same number EVERY TIME....so every time a two shows up in a problem it is always a shoe...3, is tree, etc. In the other one, it is not that way. Just for information...I bought this book from Amazon and it was just the "teacher's guide"....you can buy a kid book...but I didn't find it on Amazon, and frankly, it is ok...there are pages in the back of the TG that you can copy for the student and I think it is fine. hope this helps. Kathy
  7. I actually think that being filmed 24/7 would actually bring the worst out in me...at first I would be watching what I said and did...eventually the stress would be WAY too much for me.
  8. thanks for answering my questions...this is all a new thing to me...I have known about BPA...but I am now just getting to the point of changing things.
  9. Nebraska is pretty easy too...we do have to report our intent to homeschool every year, and fill out a few very simple forms, but we don't have to keep track of anything or test either. I am happy.
  10. Who here has made moves to make their home BPA free? If you are one of these...what did you replace or get rid of at first...and what did you replace it with? I am thinking plastic sport bottles, plastic containers for storing food and zippered bags. But what I am not sure of is, is it ok to have glass containers with plastic lids..or is that just as bad? Someone who has done the research, can you guide me??
  11. I am the OP and this is how I would think of wearing it too....I was thinking it would be very comfortable to wear camping or someplace....just lounging.
  12. i have wondered if doing this would help a lot..I might try it. thanks.
  13. I like these better too. The price is also very attractive. Thanks.
  14. We all have head colds at our home...mine is really dragging me down. Although, I hated doing it, I used Afrin this morning at 7 and about 3 hours later it wore off (it is supposed to work 12 hours...which I have had success with before)....and I do want to use as few chemicals as possible..any suggestions for me??? Kathy
  15. I wish so much I could be as calm, cool and collected as Michelle seems to be with her kids. I have always had a problem with having a shorter temper with my kids than I would like...nothing horrible...but just not as calm as Michelle.
  16. the map thing is good...we have a globe..duh...that would make too much sense to ACTUALLY use it?????
  17. so what sort of suit do you think you will use??
  18. quick question.... this is what we have been doing so far as teaching SOTW... day 1: listen to the audio and talk about what is read using the questions as guidance. Hannah (9) and Nathan (5) color and Matthew just listens...he doesn't like to color...and then later he does the map while the other's look on. day 2-3: one or two of the activities in TE.... and that is it. Should we be doing more? I don't know how much of the information the kids are retaining...and we really don't do much more mainly due to lack of time. Do you think I should be trying to squeeze in more???
  19. the price was another consideration...especially for us because I have ONE daughter and when she outgrows the one, we have nobody to pass it down to. Oh, another question for Teresa in MO....how did the sizes run...true to size or different? Kathy
  20. were they hot to wear? like someone here wondered???
  21. never thought of that....hmm...this is a good discussion...lots of things to think about.
  22. yea...I thought they looked comfortable to wear camping and such...and the sahving thing...never htought about that...but that would be a great perk...hmmm
  23. this is one of things I thought about...although do we make decisions for our families based on what others will say??? I know...this is a tough question...UGH!
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