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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. well, he totally bombed the placement test....so now what? algebra 1 all over again? he is going to HATE that....and he is supposed to take the ACT next year (as a junior)....he won't be near ready for that.... this is so frustrating.
  2. true except when we hit the word problems in the algebra 2 book we were on...he totally had no clue how to take those numbers and use them....so do we still just plow through that section and move on...knowing full well, that he will most likely encounter that skill set again...and if he didn't understand it in the earlier problems, how will he understand it in the later?
  3. yes, when he is reminded, he goes "oh yea...now I remember..."
  4. I am sorry, I was confusing....he didn't COMPLETE algebra 1 using 2 programs....he started both of them....and only got a short distance in before we realized we needed to back track. He has now completed Algebra 1 using the "Learn math fast" program. Sorry for the confusion. I am having him right now, take the Saxon Algebra 2 placement test just to see how it does. I will report back when I grade it.
  5. I have a 15 year old son (a young sophomore). He was struggling with remembering some basic math concepts (not using, but just simply remembering them...oh he doesn't have any sort of learning disablity) and so last year when we attempted Algebra 1 using 2 different programs and we had to stop....it was just getting too confusing for him. So then the program "Learn Math Fast" was suggested to me for him to go back and relearn the basic concepts quickly. I believe it really helped. The program goes through Algebra 2....so he did the Algebra 1 book and started the Algebra 2 book and got bogged down on the word problems (which I think are sort of crucial to algebra 2, yes?) So, now I am wondering if he needs math that includes a teacher...not just a book. So, we have used Virtual Homeschool Group before with success (not with math, but other subjects) so I went there. They use Saxon. Which I hear is really good. But, my understanding is that they include geometry in both of their algebra courses. SO....I am trying to decide if he should maybe go back to the Algebra 1 class and do that (which I am pretty sure there will be review....but also new stuff) or if I should just put him in Algebra 2 and try to fill the gaps as we go along. I found this lady too Nicole the Math Lady who has recorded classes and offers help. So, I am considering that one too. If anybody has any suggestions, I am open to possible options. I just need to figure out what to do for the next 2 1/2 months....until summer...and where to go in the fall. Thanks for your help.
  6. Look into Friendly Chemistry. He has videos that go along with each lesson. If you decide to go that way, let me know....my son just finished it and I will be selling the books very soon.
  7. No matter what we do, my son 15, can't seem to figure out word problems. If he has the problem (in numbers) he can learn to solve it, but taking a word problem and having to figure out what to do to solve the problem is quite difficult for him. He has always had difficulty with this concept...but up until now, I could explain it to him..but now that he is doing upper level math, I can't explain it....even if I understand it..which I sometimes do...but often don't. Since, I know someone will ask....we are currently running through the books "Learn Math Fast" and he is in the Algebra 2 book. My hope is because he is only a sophomore, he can take another (more rigorous program) during the next 2 years and he will have a better handle on the math. Does anybody have any ideas for us on this? thanks.
  8. I thought about this...but he won't have the job past this summer as he is going off to college...and I doubt he would wear those anyway...because those would the "old people shoes" he was talking about.
  9. My son just started a cashiers job where he (on some days) is standing (...not even walking) for 8-9 hours with a couple short breaks. His feet are killing him. He is not allowed to wear crocs (his favorite shoe)...or at least not the ones that look like crocs. He did buy a pair of good tennis shoes (right after Christmas) , and they were great for a short while, but not so much anymore. And of course being a teen age boy, he doesn't want to wear "old people shoes". He has sensory issues with his feet (always has) and so work boot type things will be very uncomfortable for him personally. Crocs now make some shoes that don't look like crocs (but rather tennis shoes), but I am not sure if they would be any better for standing. They would probably be great for walking or walking and standing, but just standing for 8 hours, I am just not sure. Does anybody know the answer to that? We can't afford to keep buying shoes that won't work for this job. So, I am wondering if there is something else out there that would be better. thanks for your help.
  10. The one thing I hate the most about vacuuming is the cord....so I am looking for a good (not super expensive) cordless vacuum....so I am looking for recommendations. If it has a bag, even better. I am tired of emptying out the vacuum dust bin and spreading more dust than just vacuumed up. :) thanks for the recommendations!
  11. the lamp...actually has a purpose....the stairs to go up to the kid's bedrooms is in that space...and at night, I like to put the lamp on so there is a soft light (vs the overhead lighting) is nice as the kids come and go from their rooms. Baskets and plants are both a nice idea....
  12. I wish I could use it as a bench, but it's just not sturdy enough for anybody of any weight to sit on it. (a small child could sit on it just fine, but not the people who live in our home). There will be a collage of pictures above it as soon as I can get it done. (the blob in the middle will be the word FAMILY..... Something like this:
  13. it is a low to the ground surface. I am not against "entry" items....except we hardly ever enter through that room because our garage is at the back of the house and we enter through the back door. I also don't like to fill space just for doing it...but if I don't...someone else will and it won't be pretty.
  14. Sort of crazy, but a while back we took an old TV/entertainment center and took the sides off and put the top on the top of the bottom part. (look at the picture and it will make more sense). Anyway, this piece is in our entry way and will hold family games. I bought some bins for smaller games and card games. The problem is that I don't want to just leave it empty on top for 2 reasons: 1) because you can't sit on it or put any weight on it and 2) any empty flat surface tends to collect "stuff" and I don't want that to happen. I have a table lamp on it now and there will be pictures on the wall behind it... So....if this was in your home, what would you put on it? I am thinking a table runner to add color but then, what else would you add? thanks.
  15. I looked again....all I can find are 4-8 minute snippets....even when I type in "Clean Sweep full episodes"....what am I doing wrong?
  16. on my map it's really only about a foot away....I think I travel a foot to help you. 🙂
  17. Nebraska is kind of far from North Carolina.....shoot.
  18. hmmmm...I couldn't find full episodes...I will look again....thanks.
  19. I am sure this is true. I am have tried time and time again to help my mom go through her stuff...and it's so hard for her to let go of stuff...she has lost it a couple times...it's emotional. I get that....I have seen it first hand.
  20. Oh, I am not looking to make a ton of money or have many jobs day after day....I hope to start slow....with friends...and family...and then see where that takes me. I just want to keep busy while being retired, (but not a full time job all of the time)...and make some fun spending money doing something I really like.
  21. where do you live.... I would love to help you ... :)
  22. thank you everybody....I really appreciate all of the suggestions...I thin I am set for quite a while now...you guys are great.....as always..
  23. when you say quiz shows...do you mean game shows like Jeopardy or something? I have not watched the other 2 you mentioned...I will check them out.
  24. I have always been the kind of person who likes everything to have a 'home" and stay there....but since having a family, my desires with that have gone by the wayside. But, now I have one in college, one more leaving for college in the fall and one will be a junior in high school...so I want to not only get my home back in "organizational order", but I would LOVE to learn how to be a "professional organizer" for others without having to go back to school. I don't want a huge business....just one that might give us some spending money once my husband retires in a 5 years or so. I know there are tons of books on the subject, but I don't know which ones might be worth the money. Or are their on-line videos to watch or other options? I used to LOVE watching that show on TLC called Clean Sweep. I wish I could find those someplace. You tube has snippets of the show...but not full episodes. If anybody has done this and has some advice for me, I would love to hear about it. Thanks.
  25. ...you have watched everything that remotely interests you....and in some cases more than once. It's not like I spend 7 hours a day watching TV or anything...but I do like to watch a couple hours most nights as wind down....and I run out of options. We have Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. I like doctor shows (like Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice), I like shows like Gilmore Girls, Parenthood, Brothers and Sisters...that sort of thing. Shows that I like that are currently running are This is Us, The Good Doctor, New Amsterdam and Chicago Med. I am not into cop shows or sci fi at all. I am open to suggestions. thanks.
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