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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. thank you so much for walking me through this. I really appreciate all of the help I am getting.
  2. He has an insta gram account and posts his projects etc regularly, so I don't see this as a problem for him. Thanks for saying so though. Good to know.
  3. great point....and great distinction. Thank you so much.
  4. so, you guys are saying that he should put his stuff right on his own page? By doing that he won't reach new people....just his "friends"..... What about exchange groups. How would that work? We have many exchange groups in our area that I have used with success. Would that be a good idea?
  5. My husband's family owns an old hunting cabin in the woods. Like all old cabins in the woods, it has a strong musty, moldy smell that penetrates everything. Our daughter is allergic to mold and dust. We were wondering if bringing a couple free standing air purifiers might help with that while we were there. It would be like we might all go there for a couple days and stay, not like my husband and I would live there for a while before she would get there so we could clean the air before she arrived. I am just not sure that can be done when the cabin itself is old and has been there for 100 years. It has running water and electricity, but beyond that, it's not modern in anyway. What do you guys think? Could this be done?
  6. we actually just went ahead and got him a FB account.. So you are saying he could have used my account and the buyer could have contacted him and not me? Not sure how that would have worked.
  7. My son (the same one who is setting up an etsy store) is also wanting to try and sell his blacksmithing things on FB marketplace in our area. But he doesn't have a personal FB page and he really doesn't want one. I have one, but didn't know if it was smart of me to get "in the middle" by me selling his things on my account. But, I am not sure if there is any other way to do it. Does anybody here know what might be the best way to go and then exactly how to set up what can be done? thanks.
  8. the problem is that when he puts in his birthday (as requested) he is told that he is not old enough and the process stops and there is no obvious way around it.
  9. this is a spin off my previous etsy thread. My 16 year old son wants to open up an etsy store, but since he is 16 and not 18 it's not as easy as we thought. According to the "handbook" a minor has to use an adult bank account to link his store to. Well, he opened a checking account just for this purpose (his business) and both me and his dad are on the account too. But I can't seem to reach anybody to see if that is 'good enough". I did the online chat and the person I spoke to say they can't help me and sent my information to another department and that department was supposed to contact me. Well, it's been 3 days...and nothing. I am wondering if I need to open another account just for this...but it seems so silly to buy more checks just for this account that will only be needed for 2 years...actually 1 1/2 years. So, does anybody here have any experience in this and can help me? Thanks.
  10. you are welcome. If you are using this with the black book, just know that the only part of the red book you will use are the 3 tests that are in the book. We didn't even look at the rest of the red book....we just worked through the black book.
  11. he does have a instagram account already and has quite a few followers.
  12. yeah...we will check out the guides and come up with a back story.....he did start out playing with fire in our backyard fire pit and when he asked his dad for a forge....his dad about fell over backward...we had no idea he even knew what a forge was....and to our surprise he had been spending hours watching you tube videos on the subject and knew more than we even imagined. Not working under a Japanese knife maker...but.... We will take our time and figure out what we want to say... he doesn't belong to local guild because, well....they aren't local....they are all hours away from us....but we have been researching this more. When you say "social media and marketing" angle, do you mean like Facebook? or something else. Thanks for your help!
  13. he was actually sort of wishing there was a Forged In Fire Jr....like they have other "Jr" shows....probably way too dangerous...but he would love it. He LOVES that show and we watch it often. I can't count the number of times where my husband will say, "Hey, Nate, do you know how to do_______ (whatever just was happening)" and his response has always been "yeah...." ( like duh, dad...I have been doing that for years kind of tone :) ). Or when they make a mistake, Nathan will tell us what they should have done instead...or something. I NEVER dreamt I would have a blacksmith for a son....kind of crazy.....but super cool all at once.
  14. not yet....can you give us some tips? i LOVE the idea of red paper and a sticker. He has a LOGO....we can make stickers with that on it, maybe. He also has business cards...with the logo, his name and contact information. The Sticker could just be the circle symbol part of the Logo.
  15. I am sure this question gets asks many times...but for some reason the search isn't working for me right now....so I am just going to ask it again... I have read that not all practice ACT tests are created equal....so how do I know which ones are the best to use? Where do I go? We are currently working through the "black book for ACT prep" and using the "red book" (no dates on front) for tests...but the 3 tests included in the book are actually used for instruction purposes and I want to have more practice tests that my son can do on his own to see if the instruction made sense or stuck to his brain molecules. So, where can I go to get official practice...not impostors? thanks.
  16. thanks. Good point. The product is very good....he is very meticulous and pays close attention to detail. He won't sell anything he knows is not very well made. But your point is VERY well taken. I appreciate it.
  17. that is interesting. I will make sure he includes "hand forged' in his description.....you are right, that is important. Do you think he should or shouldn't include his age....will that impress people or scare people.....like "wow that was made by a 16 year old...he's talented"...or 'oh, that was made by a 16 year old, he probably doesn't know what he is doing". What do you guys think?
  18. you guys are good! thanks for the ideas.....I will run them by my son.
  19. My 16 year old is setting up an Etsy Store for his hand forged items. He has named his company "Phoenix Fire Forge". So we naturally thought we would use that as his store name. Well, when I went to use it, we were told it's not available. (which surprised us).....but the store is not currently active. But we still can't use the name...we checked. Anyway, his store name can only be 20 characters long (no spaces or symbols). If he uses "PhoenixFireForge"....he only has 4 more spaces left. We thought about adding the word "shop" to his name, but that is also taken. any other ideas?? please help us. thanks.
  20. My son wants to open an etsy shop and start selling his hand forged items. If you have an etsy store and you wouldn't mind me asking you a bunch of questions, will you please let me know? thanks.
  21. I need to replace the dryer balls I received as a gift years ago....but I have no idea how to pick which ones to buy. Can someone help me know what I am looking for or how to pick? Thanks
  22. My son (16) has been complaining that his back (upper between shoulder blades) has been bothering him. Sort of painful, but it doesn't keep him from doing anything he wants....we went skiing over Christmas, he forges, he moves things, he shoots hoops etc. But he is still complaining that it bothers him. He says it feels like it needs to "pop" or something. Would you take him to the doctor? or the chiropractor? We tried Motrin and that sort of helps....but not long term. He has been complaining off and on for a couple months. I didn't think it was serious because he will go for weeks without saying anything and like I said he does everything he wants to do. But then out of the blue he will mention it again. So....what would you do?
  23. Are there any current TV shows that has chosen not to pick up the covid theme as part of their story lines? All of my favs did and I am so frustrated with that.
  24. thank you for that clarification. Very helpful.
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