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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. she can't eat raw fruit....she has an allergic reaction...so that is out. But I will look at this link...and see what else they say.
  2. My daughter is getting her wisdom teeth pulled on Monday...and we were wondering if anybody could give us some tips to make her recovery less painful and even more quickly than not. Thanks.
  3. Oh, I have 3 teenagers....2 are boys....so cheese and crackers won't feed them....however, I, personally would eat that no problem.
  4. What do you like to eat for supper after spending the afternoon in the sun at the pool? Nothing seems appetizing, but I have to figure something out.
  5. For the record.....My son did NOT use the writing center....even though we HIGHLY encouraged it. I also have no doubt he is trying to exaggerate to justify a bad grade. I am not under any delusion that my son didn't do all he could do to help himself. He is repeating this right how with the tutor. He is not confident in his ability to write and has a mental block that he has to overcome. My point simply was, did the prof do all they were supposed to do? For students who struggle with a skill, I guess maybe I was expecting more in person help than was given....2 out of the 3 class hours were not in person....and to me that is not the most effective way to teach....especially kids who struggle with a certain skill. We are working hard this summer to help him realize that he actually can write...not that he will ever be a great writer...but he can do it. Thanks for everything you guys all shared....as always I appreciate the brute honesty and help.
  6. and not even meeting once a week is also not ok in my book. Once in a while, sure....if the kids had a big project to work on and they didn't need to meet, but in my opinion, these kids (not only my son) should have met 3x a week....like what we paid for. Those kids were in that class for a reason, not just because they chose to be there. My feeling is this prof used Covid as an excuse to be lazy since the entire campus was in person all year (unless the prof was actually ill or in quarantine), which wasn't the case the for this prof....at least not all semester. I know for a fact that she wasn't trying to be extra careful because the kids would say she was out and about on campus (often without a mask outside (which was according to the rules)), so it's wasn't' like she was trying to protect someone. I think she was just being lazy. Maybe I am wrong, but from this vantage point, that is what it looks like to me.
  7. yeah...I know the 50 minute thing to be true...I guess I was simplifying that by saying three 1 hour sessions....but you are right...technically it is 50 minutes.
  8. ENG 101 Foundations in Writing 3 credit hours This course focuses on helping students develop foundational approaches and processes for writing. Students will learn basic techniques for generating ideas; giving and receiving feedback; adapting rhetorical strategies for audience and context; revising; and editing. Special attention will be given to discussing the origins and application of English language conventions and developing effective revising and editing techniques. This course is required as a prerequisite for ENG 102 for students who score below 18 on the English portion of the ACT or below 435 on the verbal portion of the SAT.
  9. So, my son, a freshman last year was required to take writing 101 as a prerequisite to the required gen ed writing 102 because he scored low on his English ACT test. When I heard that he was taking that class, I thought, great....this will help build his confidence in writing and better prepare him to complete all of the different kinds of writing assignments he will be faced with in college. I did not expect he would become this stellar writer or anything like that. I was just hoping for some extra guidance in the all important skill. This class was a 3 credit class which, with my understanding typically means 3 hours of class time with the prof. At the college my kids attend, we were lucky that they had all in person classes all year. So that was good. Well, after the fact, (and after a very poor grade in this class) we learn that the class was not that. The first day was a zoom class that wasn't an hour long....more like 30 minutes...and she basically gave the kids a writing assignment due on Friday...and talked at them for a bit. The 2nd class day wasn't a class day...they were just expected to work on their assignment on their own. The 3rd class day was finally an in person class...where she just had the kids turn in their writing....asked them if they had any issues with their assignment....that sort of thing. My son, who struggles with writing....is still struggling with writing. Now, it could just be my son. And I am willing to go with that. He is getting some writing tutoring this summer, so I am hoping that will help him. But I sort of feel like we are paying for this class twice...once to the college....and once to the tutor....but maybe I was expecting too much from this class. I am all about college age students being expected to work independently and taking responsibility for their classes and assignments, asking for help when needed and all of that. So, don't read into this that I am looking for an easy way out for my son. I am not. I guess I just thought a class that was designed (and required) to help kids struggling with an important skill like writing would be a bit more "hands on". Maybe I am wrong in thinking that....and if so, do not hesitate to tell me that. I can deal with the truth. 😃 So....what do you think? Thanks for your insight.
  10. do these really work? I have 2 sons who are doing yard work this summer as part of their summer job and I have always wondered if these actually work or not? Has anybody purchased some thing like this? I would imagine, just like other things, some brands might be better than others....so if that is the case and there is a brand I should stay away from...or actually get, please advise me. thanks.
  11. thanks for this....I was beginning to doubt myself. I normally don't do things like that either...I don't have extra money to spend, but I do like/love all of the Norwex products I have. There are a few items in the catalog that I wouldn't use, probably, but maybe I just don't know I wouldn't use them. I am secretly hoping they aren't doing this to get rid of certain inventory items like face masks. We live in an area where they aren't required...and so yeah...there is that. But, I love their towels and other clothes....their cleaners are good....so...I might take the plunge.....especially since my consultant is adding an additional 25% off.....thanks everybody.
  12. The company is Norwex. My consultant is adding an additional 25% what the company is offering. Checking for you tube videos is a great idea.
  13. buy a mystery box worth $100 for $37.50 from a company you like or might use a lot of the products from but you don't know for sure? I have never been brave enough to do something like for fear of not liking most of what's in the package....but I am so tempted. What is your experience with mystery boxes, packages etc??
  14. yeah, my son did that last summer and hated standing behind the cashier counter all day. He hated it when the lines got long and he felt the pressure to move quickly...and then he made silly mistakes that he would not have made normally. He hated the music that was playing over the store speaker too. He grumped everyday he had to go to work. The job this summer is so different....so far....he hasn't had to mow in 95 degree temps yet...so that could change somewhat...but when we ask...."still better than last summer?" he always says "YES!"
  15. Sensory issues for sure....that we have known for a long time....OCD? haven't give that much thought....again...his repetitive behavior isn't super obvious in most situations or to most people. So, I am not sure.
  16. does getting a tech degree require a bunch of gen ed classes? that is where he really struggled....he hates to write and study for tests. He has never tested well..the pressure gets to him I think. I am not sure if a tech degree would make him happy....he isn't great with this hands (electrical or plumbing) And you are welcome, My son has always hated certain touches...especially soft touches...like a gentle pat on the back..so we just avoid that....but he doesn't mind being slapped on the back by a fellow soccer player for example....because it's not a soft touch....
  17. I feel sort of like maybe I was amiss by not sharing the ways our son is not autistic. I know other autistic kids and our son doesn't have many of the common characteristics either. (I am not tying to say he isn't on the spectrum, I totally think he is....) But our son is not clumsy...in fact just the opposite, he is very coordinated. He does not have robotic like language He understands sarcasm and loves jokes and to joke around He does enjoy talking to some people...even those he doesn't know...sometimes. He doesn't clam up when people are around or he doesn't avoid social situations even if there might be a lot of people. When he was little he was actually sort of "the class clown". When he went to college, I thought for sure he would have a ton of friends right away...and we are sort of confused why that didn't happen. Our son is actually more mature in many ways and one of the older kids in his class....he has never liked the silly things boys his age liked. He doesn't dominate conversations....but he does love talking about sports with those he knows also loves to talk about them. On occasion he might go overboard and talk too much about it...but not most of the time. He can feel emotions....he is very sad about not having friends and feeling like a failure at school. He also can tell when someone else is sad or hurt. He doesn't have any quirky motions or facial expressions that autistic kids often have. When on the phone there is give and take in the conversation. He is musical and understands music. He is not a savant or anything close to that....but he plays trumpet very well and he likes the keyboard. So, I guess what I am saying is this....although my son does exhibit certain autistic traits, you would not know it by looking at him or even having a brief conversation with him. Most people would be surprised if we told them...even in our church where we have been for over 20 years and they have watched him grow up. So, how does that play out with a job or a career? Mostly, I think our son will not get a college degree because he does not like school. He never really has. He did well at home because we helped him. When he went to college, he was on his own....and when he didn't like doing an assignment, he just didn't do it. Writing comes hard to him. I was looking at the places available for help in our state (the links above) and it seems like those are mostly for people who can't live on their own or would need significant help....with basic living things...cooking, cleaning, driving etc. Our son can do all of those things without problem. He just needs help with understanding how to figure out a job he loves and one that will pay the bills.... I just wanted to give you guys a well rounded picture of him and I apologize not doing that sooner. With that all being said, I am not sure if getting him diagnosed is necessary since we probably won't be looking for services...but I honestly don't know. Maybe there is something out there that can help us...that isn't geared for people more on the spectrum than he is. Please keep talking to me and advising me. This is all new territory for us and we just aren't sure what to do next. thanks.
  18. I wish that FB group wasn't a public group. I may lurk, but I won't post. Are there any private groups you would also recommend?
  19. Wow.... you guys have come through again. I fear, because we live in rural Nebraska, I might not be able to find the help he needs. First, I don't know what the rules are in Nebraska and 2 we are 3 hours from omaha and 2.5 hours from Lincoln. So I don't know what options we will have. Might anybody here know? Thanks so much for all of your help. The hive is the best.
  20. As far as conversation... he does fairly well. Especially when he is taking about something important to him...aka sports. Also some one asked about whether he had an in to the bowling pro idea...unfortunately no, but he doesn't want that to stop him.
  21. I don't know if an official diagnosis will help. You are right to ask that.... and I appreciate it. Maybe we don't need that. We are just grasping at straws on how to best help him move forward. Thanks for being bold and asking!!!
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