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Rhonda in TX

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Posts posted by Rhonda in TX

  1. Thank you so much for this thread! My DD is long-waisted and overweight. Shopping for tops is so, so frustrating because of the problem with them riding up. We are having to constantly tell her to pull her shirt down, and I know she's tired of that. I'm short-waisted, so I'm no help with this problem. Lots of cute tops here! She'll be thrilled.

  2. I also have a built-in trackpad on my Macbook. I like it, but it drives the rest of my family crazy. Of course, that means nobody really likes using my computer, which is a win for me. :) I find, though, that I'm using something like Homeschool Tracker, where I'm trying to do a lot of clicking in boxes, I plug in a mouse and use it. It can be much faster.

  3. Y'all are too punny. :) We've gotten some pretty funny comments from friends.


    They showed up yesterday afternoon at 4:00 and installed half the granite. They're supposed to return today to finish. I don't know if they are the same ones that should have been here on Sunday, but at least the work is getting done.

  4. I don't care for any type of shopping, but grocery shopping is in a class all by itself. DH grew up with a mother who loves to shop and really catered to them for meals. If FIL wanted something different, she'd cook 2 meals. So, DH really doesn't understand my loathing of this task.


    I have a friend who has a 3 week rotation of meals. They never change. She's had the same meal plan for years. It really simplifies everything, but I don't think my family would go for it.

  5. We were supposed to have granite installed in our kitchen yesterday. They never showed. After a day of searching, it was finally found out that there was a traffic incident and the driver had outstanding tickets, so he was arrested. We strongly suspect our granite is sitting in an impound lot.


    You have to laugh. :smilielol5:

  6. Thanks. I did go ahead and wake up and take it and it was fine. I had worked out the timing, but I had to go somewhere in the afternoon for a few hours and forgot to take the medication with me. I missed a dose by 3 hours, which of course messed up the next one.

  7. Bar keeper's friend is available in a liquid form, altho it can be harder to find. I tried the powder and never liked it. My friend told me to get the liquid form at the dollar store..and wow, that stuff is amazing. It is also available at Home Depot or Lowe's in their cleaner section. It's a 3.00 bottle, but it's 3 times the size of the dollar store one. Mr. Clean erasers will take most gray marks off as well.


    That's funny, because I don't like the liquid form. I much prefer the powder. I use it to clean my glass cooktop and the liquid doesn't work as well.


    I got rid of my white Pfaltzgraff because of the gray marks mentioned. Mine are from World Market and don't get those marks.

  8. I would wait. In fact, I did purposely wait until high school for my kids to read this book, mainly because I wanted them to experience it for the first time when they could better understand the whole story. DD (14) just finished it and absolutely loved it.


    There are so many wonderful books out there for kids when they are younger, I don't see the point in rushing it. JMO, of course.

  9. I used mineral makeup for awhile, then switched back to liquid foundation because of the cost. A few years ago, i switched back to mineral makeup. I immediately had people tell me how wonderful my skin looked. I will never switch again. :)


    The first time I bought it, I went to Ulta and they showed me what to use. It is expensive (I use Bare Minerals), but I find that it lasts a really long time.

  10. But when they do break, watch out! Little shards that shatter EVERYWHERE! Many of mine are chipped and sharp on those edges. I have not been pleased with mine. I plan to buy more dishes very soon I just haven't decided what I want yet.


    I hear people say that Corelle doesn't break and that's just not true. Maybe if you don't have tile floors. Ours shatter just as you describe anytime I drop one on the floor.

  11. I switched to all white about 5 years ago. I got mine at World Market, so they weren't very expensive. I like them, but I've had a secret longing for the colors of Fiestaware for a long time. Now that we're finally renovating our kitchen, I'm probably going to switch to Fiestaware. The colors will work very nicely with the new kitchen. :)

  12. My kids did Physical Science last year with Mr. Harmon and really liked him. He was one of DS's favorites from last year (he did the whole 9th grade package). I can't imagine doing the class without the textbook, however. DD did Pre-Algebra online and found a used copy of the text (this was the previous version) for pretty cheap. They do have a copy of the text online that your child can read from, but I prefer a physical book.

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