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Rhonda in TX

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Posts posted by Rhonda in TX

  1. I am somewhat confused now. I thought OSU is Ohio State University but the link given by Cleopatra is Oklahoma State University. Am I wrong in thinking that OSU generally refers to Ohio State? Help :ohmy: !


    I'm in Texas. OSU is definitely Oklahoma State around here. :)


    A friend lives in Tennessee. For her, UT is University of Tennessee. Living in a family of Texas Longhorns, that's just... wrong.



  2. I had the kind of horrendous cramps that would literally have me writhing on the floor and nearly fainting/throwing up, but they generally only last a half-hour, so if your pain is ongoing, that's probably something different.


    If you get the crazy bad cramps every period, the minute you know your period is coming on, take 400 - 600 mg right away, and then take another 200 - 400 every 8 hours for the first few days of your period. It can cut way back on your bleeding and keep the cramps in check.


    I'd get checked out, though.



    This has never happened to me before, so it's really thrown me for a loop. Thanks for the medication plan. I assume you're talking about ibuprofen?

  3. Massive, horrible cramps (with or without show) are a symptom of perimenopause. I've had one or two over the last few years. The first time it was so bad, I thought I had food poisoning. It took me several hours to figure out this was a cramp versus nausea. I've read horror stories of women who have them regularly who can't do anything.


    However, my OB always asks me about show between periods, apparently this is a symptom of something bad (I've not asked) so you do need to sort out if this is happening.




    I wondered if it could be a perimenopause thing, so thanks for mentioning that. Oh, the joys of getting older.


    Nothing between periods, thank goodness, but I will definitely get this checked out.

  4. If you have fibroids & you're having very heavy bleeding/clots, ask about Lysteda (generic name Transexamic Acid). I just tried it (generic form) for the first time this month & it worked wonders. (Doesn't help w/ cramps, though, just bleeding.)


    I do have a prescription for that. The first month I took it, it was fabulous. This month, it's hardly helping at all. I did stop taking it. I really don't like taking medication, and it didn't seem to be doing anything.

  5. Ask your doctor about doing an ultra-sound to check for fibroids. I hope you feel better:)


    I think my husband would feel better if I did something like that. He's never seen me like this, so he's concerned. I think I will make an appointment.

  6. Okay. I can't believe I'm asking this here, but I've googled and don't really have anyone else to ask.


    I'm 46 years old. My cycles have been all over the place. Long, short, heavy, light, you name it. I'm pretty sure all that's my age. However...


    I started a few days ago and this one has been a doozy. I've had the worst cramps I've ever had in my life. Now, the cramps seem to be over, but I have pretty bad pain in my abdomen. It's like exercise-induced pain - like I overdosed on sit-ups. Sometimes I can't stand up straight because of the pain. DH is wondering if I need to see a doctor, but I really don't know. Is this leftover from the cramps? Anybody experienced anything like this?

  7. Quote:

    "Since we teach to mastery, homeschool students should have all A's." I have to say, I don't agree with this statement. One, I don't throw out original grades. If they didn't prepare properly for a test, I will give opportunities to bring up their grade, but that original grade is going to be included"


    I do say on my transcript, no grades given as we use the mastery approach. I do not give any tests to my kids at all or give grades on their daily assignments. "We check" or "self-check" each problem, etc, as we are doing the work and learn as we go by our mistakes as well as successes. Once the concept is mastered, we move on. This flexibility in homeschooling is what works for us. And my college freshman son hot a 3.9 GPA is first semester so our system works effectively for us.


    I do believe it works for some children, but it doesn't work for them all. I think what got me about her statement was the assumption that every homeschool child is capable of straight A's. That is just not true.

  8. DS is a B and C student. DD is an A and B student. DS's grades reflect his ability. DD's reflect her effort (or lack of it, in some cases). Both are indicators of what kind of students they are and what they are capable of (in a very simplistic way, of course).


    I heard SWB speak this summer and she talked about transcripts. She mentioned that transcripts should be ordered by grade (9th, 10th, etc.), rather than subject. Her reasoning was that this could show that, while a student struggled as a freshman (or longer), they were eventually able to bring their grades up as they got older and matured. I'm hoping DS's transcript will eventually show the same thing. :)


    I was at a "how to homeschool highschool" meeting a few years ago. One of the moms said, "Since we teach to mastery, homeschool students should have all A's." I have to say, I don't agree with this statement. One, I don't throw out original grades. If they didn't prepare properly for a test, I will give opportunities to bring up their grade, but that original grade is going to be included. Also, I don't think we are doing our children any service to teach them that you can always re-do things until you get it right. College professors are not going to go along with this, and neither will their boss. I do try to make sure they understand topics before we move on, but that does not always equal an A.

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