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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. No Audrey. You are wrong (although you'll never admit it). This has been a passionate discussion with people discussing it from different viewpoints. Yes I vehemently disagree with many posters on the TOPIC. But at NO POINT did I EVER directly attack someone's CHILDREN or say I would "use them as an example of bad behavior". That's going too far and you know it. Or at least you should. You want to attack me, fine. But leave my kids out of it. You say I could use YOUR children as an example too. Well, here's the difference...I would not do that. And YOU are trying to tell ME what is rude? It WAS an interesting discussion but when someone has to ruin it by coming on and acting completely without class and attacking a poster's children, I refuse to participate any longer. Have fun.
  2. Size (in inches): 8" x 5.3" x 0.36". Weight: 10.2 ounces. http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Amazons-Wireless-Reading-Generation/dp/B00154JDAI/ref=amb_link_84249011_1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_r=0G4JXW3HHJC65XNYVZ0H&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=475983251&pf_rd_i=507846 The website has some cool videos you can watch about it too!
  3. I am so glad to hear that! I've been pushing that button like crazy on amazon lately. :tongue_smilie:
  4. Yes I have seen the results, but we tend to be a pretty opinionated bunch here on the WTM boards. :D I know PLENTY of people who wouldn't blink an eye at it and these are well-educated, well-mannered, nice people you would probably really like. They just don't sweat the small stuff, ya know? Besides, I think the use of electronic devices in certain social situations is too young of a topic to have such a definitive viewpoint. Times change. It used to be considered rude (and in some places illegal) to curse in front of a woman or child. Now the women and children curse themselves. Also, cursing has been around for thousands of years and NOT cursing in certain situations IS something that you could have a definitive viewpoint on (but we won't agree on ALL the situations...this topic has already been discussed). But all these gadgets are so new to our lives. Who decides when it is rude to use them and when it is not? Some things are obvious....loud conversations on your cell phone during the sermon in church is probably an obvious no. But what about text messaging in a restaurant? It isn't bothering anyone...is that rude? What about surfing the net in a restaurant? If it is then why do these places brag about their wifi capabilities? laptops, cell phones, ipods, gameboys, Kindles, who knows what is next....we are a digital world now like it or not and what is "acceptable" behavior and what is not is going to change faster than some of us may be able or willing to keep up with.
  5. Thank you! I am such a newbie at this Kindle business...I should have known there woud be a forum for it! :D
  6. You are right...rudeness IS in the eye of the beholder and while you assert that I cannot simply demand that you accept my "rude" behavior, I would posit that I do not have to simply accept your definition of "rude". The sentence might read "yes, I realize some people will consider this to be rude, but I also know just as many people who do NOT consider this rude and in my circumstance I choose the well-being of my child over the good opinion of others." And FTR, I will ALWAYS choose the well-being of my child over the opinion of others. There are so many things in life to be upset about as a "matter of principle". Is this really the hill you want to die on?
  7. So I ordered my Kindle 2 last night...what are the first 10 books I should buy? Also, do you have a list of your favorite FREE books for the kindle? I have heard there are a lot out there.
  8. Could I have a copy of this "standards" book? Because there are A LOT of things I see in public that I don't PERSONALLY find acceptable but others have no problem with.
  9. I feel exactly the same way. Being so easily irritated that I would tattle to an usher is definitely not a behavior I would model for my child. I teach them to be a little more patient and accepting.
  10. I agree and what's being assumed by many is that the very second the lights go down, out come the e-gadgets and they stay out until the lights go back up. Not so. my 5yo ds WILL watch for a while...and then he'll start getting bored (3 hours is a long time)..and I will do my best to keep him still and quiet...but then he'll get REALLY bored and that's when the e-gadgets come out. We could all stand to be a little more tolerant of each other. If I saw some other mom letting her young child play with an e-gadget I would smile and think "Boy, I have been there!" I would NOT turn up my nose at her and think "How rude! She must not have taught her children ANY manners. I am calling the usher over!!!"
  11. No, what's sad is that your definition of rude and my definition of rude are different and you can't accept that. If you and your small child were sitting next to me and your child was being very still and very quiet and simply playing with something the emitted a tiny amount of light, I would be grateful that you brought something to occupy him. I would NOT judge you for it and I certainly would NOT "call the usher over to handle it". Give me a break. We are talking about a little kid not an adult. If an adult were talking loudly on a cell phone during a performance I could see why you would be upset but we are talking about a little kid making no noise at all. Relax for goodness sake. Maybe you shouldn't be so easily "bothered".
  12. Do you attend a co-op? Not currently but I have attended a couple of different ones in the past What are your thoughts and feelings for belonging to the group? I personally don't have problems with a mixed group as long as there is no religious teaching going on. If there are going to be religion topics then I want to be with like minded individuals. Do you live in a big city, small town etc? pretty big Is your choice more for academics or socialization? socialization and extra-curriculars...things I can't or don't want to teach at home...like art.:D Neat classes that are fun to do in groups like science experiements, lego robotics, acting, etc. Academics is too touchy because everyone has a different idea about how it should go. BTDT What has made your co-op great or terrible? The only "great" co-op I was in wasn't really a co-op. It was an enrichment class situation with TONS of classes offered for all different ages. You could select which classes you wanted for your kids and then you paid a certain amount depending on the class. They hired teachers who did a great job. Meanwhile the moms socialized in the fellowship area, drank coffee, read, whatever. It was PERFECT...like a day off. Terrible was trying to lesson plan for a bunch of classes I had to teach every Monday, make sure my ds had his work done for HIS Monday classes (lots of homework) plus make sure we got the rest of our work done for the week. TOO MUCH. I don't want to teach. I just want to pay a fee and let my kid have fun. I'll handle academics myself. Just as an example of what I liked: http://www.mypalaestra.com
  13. It was weird for me at first too. But now it is LIBERATING! I buy a new DVD for my kids and the first thing I do is THROW THE COVER AWAY and put it in the DVD binder. I have so much more room now. Plus, with us moving overseas it is much easier to pack a binder of DVDs than box after box of DVDs just so I can keep some extra plastic? Would I rip off book covers? No. Instead, I am getting a Kindle and selling my books...talk about travelling light! :D
  14. This made me giggle a little bit. :D If it were a professional ballet performance or the Detroit Symphony Orchestra...well, it wouldn't be an issue because I know my kids would not want to sit through that and since no one I know personally is performing in it, I just wouldn't go. But a local dance recital? If an "usher" at our local dance recital came up to me and told me to have my son put away his QUIET e-gadget I would tell him to bug off. Politely of course. :D Perry is right, the performers cannot see one tiny light from an e-gadget on stage (stage lights make it hard to see the audience at all...I have acted on stage so I know from personal experience).
  15. No problem! I may not have been snarky on your thread but I know I've let my attitude get the best of me on other threads so I am certainly not innocent. Thanks again for replying!
  16. Then I promise not sit my rude child anywhere near you at a performance. But I will go and watch my niece...BTW, I think going in and coming out repeatedly to be in the auditiorium when she is dancing and gone when she is not is far more rude than one small device with one small light that makes no noise whatsoever. You know what's rude? Three hour dance recitals... but I put up with it because I love my niece. A little grace goes a long way.
  17. I am getting a Kindle 2 this week (yippee!!!) and I am looking at books to put on it. Can someone give me their thoughts on: The World Is Flat by Friedman Outliers by Gladwell
  18. Thank you all so much for your responses. I know I am babbling on a bit but ...it seems to me like there is this "christianese" that Christians speak and I sometimes wonder if we really know what these words and phrases mean. Like what does it mean to "seek after God"? to "be a follower of Christ"? to "have Jesus as your Lord"? etc.etc. What does God want from us? I know the proper answer is to "glorify Him" but what EXACTLY does that mean? What EXACTLY does that look like? It sometimes feels like a catch-all phrase that we all use but no one knows what it really means. Can someone show me where the middle of the road is? I can't do the "God is my buddy" thing...or the "truth is relative and all paths lead to God" thing...or the "God as my psychologist" thing. But I also can't do the legalistic "if you wear your hair a certain way, don't drink, wear certain clothes, don't wear make-up, etc. you are a good Christian" thing either. I believe that theology is a good thing and the fact that so few Christians actually know any real doctrine or theology is a travesty. But I also think that you can begin to worship the theology, your church, your pastor, etc. more than God if you are not careful. orthodoxy or orthopraxy? both? neither? I feel like in the past year I have been more focused, more dedicated, more faithful to God than ever before in my life...then suddenly I feel like I've been running around in spiritual circles and I've gottten nowhere. It's weird. It's like suddeny "status quo" does not work for me any more. Nothing fits like it use to. The same well-worn "christian phrases" and "christian activities" all feel like so much rubbish...it's two-dimensional... like a little kid pretending... it's not enough any more... where do I go from here?
  19. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. But if you go back and look at your thread about shoes, and the follow up thread, you will see that not only did I NOT attack you, I never even responded at all. You must have me mixed up with someone else.
  20. Disclaimer....this is really a post only Christians could answer. No offense intended, I promise. I just don't want to get into a huge debate. 1. To YOU, what does it mean to be a "Christian"? What does that look like in your life? 2. What do YOU think God wants from those of us who claim to be Christians? I am struggling with a lot of thoughts, questions, etc. I don't know how to explain it...like I am looking around at all my beliefs about God, Jesus, Christianity, and they are starting to pile up all over the place and I can't find the right box for each of them and I think I may need to do some spiritual decluttering...if that makes any sense. I just feel like God is trying to tell me something but I can't hear it because my head is so full of noise.
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