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Everything posted by carriewillard

  1. Did you see SWB's new video? It happens to the best of us! I take a day off to work on discipline issues, spend time outside or have fun. Threatening to put them in p.s. works for mine lol!
  2. My 11 year old has one he got several weeks ago. His is an A.L.F. and thankfully doesn't require a key
  3. Will Hunting: You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late fees at the public library. (Good will hunting) Best. Quote. Ever. Libraries are the great class equalizer if people wish to utilize them. Carrie
  4. So relieved to hear this! And the videos on Susan's youtube channel and super helpful too. Carrie
  5. Thanks so much Heather! I had no idea there was a YouTube channel... I'll check it out asap. Carrie
  6. Hi all, I'm new here so I hope I don't unwittingly break any rules. :-) I have several children, one (a stepdaughter) is public schooled, I have a toddler and newborn, and 4 that I homeschool. I love and use SWB's tools for history, grammar, and language. We really aren't having any challenges except this: when following the scripted instructions for Writing with Ease, my 4th and 5th grader have MUCH trouble with dictation. I have to read the dictation sentences a dozen times before they can remember them, and they still need my prompting them one word at a time. It's frustrating and I find myself asking, "What's wrong with my children?" It makes me have bad feelings. :-( This year is the first year we've done dictation. Is it simply because it's a new exercise for them? Any advice? Thanks, Carrie
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