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Surfside Academy

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Posts posted by Surfside Academy

  1. I'm assuming you'll be down closer to downtown so I'll recommend a few things down there. Seaport Village is nice to walk around. It's on the water and I believe you can see the Coronado Bridge from the village. Old Town is also fun to walk around. It's not on the water but close to downtown. The Olde Town Mexican Cafe makes homemade tortillas and I believe tacos that you can just walk up and purchase. You can go over to Coronado (just over the bridge from downtown) and walk around the historic Hotel Del Coronado. The Christmas decorations are pretty cool and the hotel is right on the ocean. Finally,

    Balboa Park has lots of museums and nice walks but you would have to pay to enter the museums. Hope that helps. Enjoy the sunshine!

  2. Baked oatmeal has become a standard at our house.


    3 cups oats (we prefer steel cut from Costco)

    1 cup brown sugar

    1/2 cup apple sauce or butter

    1 cup milk

    2 eggs

    2 tsp baking powder

    1 tsp cinnamon

    1 tsp salt


    We like to add slivered almonds and dried cranberries but any dried fruit can be added. Just don't overbake or it become too dry. Yum!

  3. I've been wondering about this for awhile with my oldest son. He just turned 8 and is about 1/2 way through 2nd grade (we're year-round.) He doesn't "love" learning & academics but he does pretty well w/ his schoolwork. He's doing multiplication for math and understand the concepts well and does his math work with little problem. We also do spelling, grammar, history & Latin. Again, he gets through all this without much struggle. I have not pushed him with writing; we're on week 8 of WWE 2 but I'm happy with his progress. He also does well on his weekly quizzes.


    I just wonder if I should be "challenging" him a little more but on the other hand, I don't want to push him too hard. Does this make sense? I'm not even sure how to challenge him or if I should just leave well enough alone. :D

  4. Ok, I have another novice question...At the beginning of the recipe, it says combine water, flour & yeast and let it "sponge" for 15 minutes. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to just pour the 3 ingredients into the mixing bowl and let it sit or actually mix then together. I gave it a few beats since I wasn't sure. I know it's sad...I really should have paid more attention when my grandmother baked :001_huh:

  5. Don't you think that another big part of the problem is the American automakers refusal to change with the times? They have known for over 30 years that they need to change yet they continue on the same path while Toyota and Honda and others have evolved and are making a profit. I have a very difficult time giving a bailout when one of the biggest issues is pitiful management.

  6. I did use the same recipe that has been mentioned above. I found the Fels Naptha but I had a heck of a time finding washing soda. I must have tried 10 different stores. I finally found it (sodium carbonate) at a pool supply store...go figure. I did 3 loads of laundry today and everything seems just as clean as usual. There is no artificial fragrance which is a plus!

  7. This might look like just another sugar cookie recipe but it isn't. It is quite simply the best sugar cookie recipe there is. ;)


    3 C flour

    1/2 tea salt

    1/2 tea nutmeg

    2 tea baking powder

    1 scant tea baking soda


    mix together then cut into it


    1 C shortening. (I know, but it tastes soooo good! It's Christmas!)


    In small bowl mix together


    2 eggs

    1 C sugar

    1 tea vanilla

    2 Tab milk


    Add to dry ingrediants and shortening. Mix well, you will need to use your hands. Chill for 1-2 hours, then roll out and cut into shapes. Bake at 375 for approx 12 min.


    You can freeze the dough I am not sure how long.


    PS. It's the nutmeg that makes 'em so good.



    Ok...I just a blonde moment. When I first read the recipe, my immediate thought was what's the difference between regular salt and "tea" salt...:D


    recipe to follow...

  8. I made my first batch and it looks like it came out fine. My one question was transferring it into another container. There is quite a bit of "gel" at the bottom of the bucket. I stirred it pretty well but there was still a lot of gel that didn't mix. The liquid in the new container looks a little "thin" but seemed to wash the clothes just fine. Does this sound right? Any comments or suggestions? Thanks!

  9. How does everyone do the narration part of the exercises? I have my son try to narrate back in 2 or 3 sentences but he sometimes gets a little "rambly" so I will help him tighten up the sentences. Should I be doing this or just write down what he actually is saying? I'm not sure if I'm doing it the way it was intended.

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