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Surfside Academy

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Posts posted by Surfside Academy

  1. :lol::lol::lol: DH loathes that commercial. He says it ruined the song for him. I don't find it any more or less annoying than most other commercials, but he rants every time it comes on! I'll have to tell him they're "Internet famous." It will probably make his head spin around :D


    Who knew? I guess I'm not that YouTube savvy. :D I miss the Coca Cola Polar bear commercials...

  2. I love the holidays; the lights, the decorations, the music & food but every now and then something really bugs me. This year it's the Hyundai car commercial! Has anyone seen it? This annoying girl singing a musak version of "Deck the Halls" while some guy bounces around in the background. It grates on my nerves every time I see it and they play it a lot. Seriously, how does this sell cars and how did this girl get so much face time on a car commercial? She must be the ad execs daughter...Ugh!


    Also, our local Christmas music station. I swear they go out of their way to find the worst Christmas music ever! Nothing says Christmas more than Kenny Loggins belting out "Jingle Bells." :ack2:

  3. We've always used MUS but this year I decided to supplement with TT because it's computer-based and I wanted them to see math presented in a different way. While I love the idea of TT, I have to confess that I am a little disappointed it's not more challenging. My 4th grader is breezing through TT 6 and my 2nd grader is doing the same with TT 4 (he probably could have handled TT 5.) They have a great concept but a decent math student would probably be bored so I probably wouldn't recommend it as a stand-alone program.

  4. Mr. Demme really wants kids to understand the importance of place value which is why he shows multiple digit multiplication this way. He also explains that there often is more than one way to solve a math problem. Having said that, he does go on to show a more "traditional" way of multiplication. My son understood both but preferred to use the "traditional" method. That's the beauty of it...giving the child multiple ways to solve a problem and letting them go with what makes most sense to them.

  5. Well that stinks! It sounds like the hockey director is more interested in $$ than taking care of his families and looking out for what's best for the kids. If you still want to play at that rink in the future, maybe you could ask them to keep your $$ but apply it for next season when your son can play on a team that's appropriate for his age. It's a compromise but they're not losing $$.

  6. Is this program affiliated with USA Hockey?


    I would contact them ASAP and tell them what this rink is doing. Your DS is too old for Squirt level, and IF they insisted he play at that level, then at the very LEAST they should either let him play for a reduced rate (as in this is just practice for him) or let him play for free.



    :iagree: I would contact USA Hockey. From what I understand, they have very strict rules and guidelines. They generally do not allow older kids playing down a level. I knew one boy that we played in a tournament who had a very serious illness for a couple of years. He had a request an exemption just to play Squirts one more year. It was like pulling teeth, but he eventually did get the exemption. Playing up is not a big deal but I have never heard of a rink allowing older kids to play down. If nothing else, the other rinks he played against would be furious!

  7. My son is using TT Grade 3 and loves it. It is completely independent and very easy to use. The material is a bit on the easy side for the grade level, IMHO (my son is a "mathy" second grader) but since he's working up, it's all good with me. We had Horizons first but just looking at the workbook made him cry. Now he's excited to do math, does extra lessons and even jokes around telling me he "failed" every lesson (as he's printing out the grade report showing 100s, LOL). I am definitely using this again next year.


    :iagree: It is a a grade level or 2 behind but I'm very pleased so far. My 2nd grader just began TT4 and my 4th grader is in TT 6; both area doing great. We still use MUS but I wanted them to see math presented in a little different way. They both just grab the computer and go.

  8. I tried to do a search but keep coming up with all threads with about "spelling"...grrr. Anyway, I'm thinking of switching over to this program. It looks really interesting and since I'm already familiar with SWR and it's rules, I think it would be an easy transition.


    My oldest really struggles with spelling. He can spell words from a spelling list correctly but just can't seem to transition it into his actual writing. I'm intrigued by Spelling Plus because the spelling words are in the context of dictation and sentences, not just lists which I think might benefit him greatly. Anyone have any expereience with the program?

  9. - Dirty Jobs

    (not quite as much science as Mythbusters, but you do learn how things are done -- and he gives you a real appreciation for people who do difficult and disgusting jobs for us)


    - Man vs. Wild

    (okay, I think the guy is an idiot -- and *I* am NOT eating a bug or a grub -- but he *does* teach you survival skills)


    I sort of lost my taste for Man vs. Wild when he bit the head off a live frog (pardon the pun.) :D My oldest really likes Bill the Exterminator...

  10. We have used Colonial Life, American Revolution, and I taught Civil War in a co-op. I love them and hope to use them again our next time through (we only did the lap books). My kids were on the young side for these our first time through (K/3rd for the first 2, with my 4th grader for Civil War). I had to do a lot of the assembly of the crafts. After doing the first two, I set the age range for my co-op class for 3rd-6th. They could easily be used in middle school too. I think the older the kids, the better the quality of their work will be and they will get more out of it. What's ideal? Maybe 5th-7th. Younger kids definitely get something out of it--I'm not sorry I used them. But older kids will get more out of them.


    I would agree. I'm just finishing up the Civil War unit with my 4th and 2nd graders. My K'er sat in on some crafts but the information was way over his head. I think my boys learned quite a bit but the information is pretty meaty so it might be a bit much for younger elementary students. Having said that, I think the program is awesome! We'll be starting the Industrial Revolution unit next.

  11. Our schedule:


    Monday-watch DVD lesson together and complete lessons A & D

    Tuesday-complete lessons B & E

    Wednesday-complete lesson C & F (if needed). If they have it down thoroughly, I may just have them complete F

    Thursday-lesson quiz

    Friday-supplment LOF Fractions with my oldest


    *I may extend out a lesson over 2 weeks if it's a more in depth unit but I've only had to do that a few times.

  12. Are their reading lists posted online? I was checking their website but couldn't find them. I've always heard good things about their choices so I'd like to incorporate their reading list into our history next year, specifically for Ancient History. I thought I've seen them in the past on a yahoo group file but I can't remember which group. :001_huh: Any ideas?

  13. I haven't been able to hold MCT in my hands, but based on what I can see on the Web site, it doesn't look as if MCT is as comprehensive as R&S's English. You can find other resources to teach the things that MCT doesn't have that R&S does, but really, MCT vs R&S English isn't a fair comparison.


    Do you mean comparing R&S's grammar portion vs. MCT grammar isn't fair because of their content or do you mean like comparing apples to oranges because R&S is a complete language arts program? Hope that makes sense...If I used R&S, I would only do the grammar portion and not the writing.

  14. This!


    I just switched my DD to CLE this year and am amazed at the gaps. She is supposed to be in 3rd grade this year, but could never have done the third grade math so we started at 2nd. I love the way MUS presents things, but IMO, there is so much left out along the way...especially telling time and money. There is just not enough of it early enough.


    Interesting...I actually purchased CLE to use as a supplement with MUS. After looking over the equivalent grade material, I sent it back because much of it was repetitive. It's difficult to compare programs when one is mastery (MUS) and one is definitely spiral (CLE); the sequence just isn't the same. It's really a matter of preference and finding what works best for your child.

  15. But what to do, what to do for languiage arts???


    I was thinking of switching to Rod and Staff level 5 (we'll have finished 4 years of FLL) What do you think?


    We'll stick with Spelling Power for spelling


    Plenty of reading to do


    What do I do if Writing With Skill isn't out by next August or September for writing??????:tongue_smilie:


    I'm right there too! I don't know what we'll do if WWS isn't out by next year. I'm also considering R&S level 5 for grammar. I guess if we use their language arts, I would just skip the writing portion of the program.

  16. MUS is a comprehensive program that can be used on it's own. The scope of their material is similar to other programs. Where MUS differs is the sequence in which they present the material. For example, my oldest is learning fractions in the Episilon book (4th grade) where other math curriculums expose fractions as early as 1st grade. My boys have been very successful using MUS. Sue in St. Pete has written an excellent review of MUS that you could find by searching old posts.

  17. I am not 8filltheheart but I'll answer anyway! :)


    We had a sort of natural progression. It look something like this:


    1st grade: We would read books, talk about stuff, find things in the yard. Every once in a great while we'd draw something.

    Outside of school we'd watch videos like the Magic School bus and documentaries--sometimes related; sometimes not related.


    2nd grade: We would still read books and we started to do a lot more experiments. Otherwise, it stayed the same as in first.


    3rd grade: We still read books and did experiments. Now we would write-up a lab page similar to what is stated in the WTM for the grammar stage student. We did not do this every time but slowly more and more often.


    4th grade: This is where we started to switch a little bit. We did experiments first, wrote a lab report regularly (once a week), then did more reading (but only if we were interested).


    5th grade: This is were my younger son is now. We start with an experiment, write a lab report, read more on the subject matter. Every once in a while we write a report on what we read. We do a drawing about twice a month (i.e. the heart, or the brain).


    This is our formal science program. We do not stick with any curriculum but instead choose various books and resources based on our interests. On top of all this we do lots of science which we do not think of as school. To give an example: This is a week off for us. Today we went to the creek because we had a lot of rain yesterday. We wanted to see how deep the water got. We noticed how much the plants have grown because of the sudden water, we found large mushsrooms and brought one home to see if the seeds would fall out, we found a snail with a completely black body, and we brought home some leaves to dry. All of this is science, and all of this causes us to look things up.

    Another example: this morning hubby and I discussed chemistry and the elements which led to a conversation about the periodic table and how it came to be. Again, we looked stuff up.


    We do science during school hours to make sure we dedicate time to it. But we also do a lot of incindental science.


    Now I am rambling...




    I love your ideas! This has already been such a less stressful and more enjoyable year by throwing out the curriculum. It's ironic that I have struggled with science given that I have a Master's in Forensic Science. I just have never found anything that was fun and really excited their interest. This year we're just reading, experimenting, playing and having fun. What a difference!


    We too are waiting for the rain to end to do a nature hike. It's such a change from So. California's usual October weather. Usually 1/2 the state is on fire by now...but I'm not complaining!

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